Regorafenib and PD-1 Antibody in Combination With Radiotherapy for pMMR/MSS Metastatic Colorectal...
Colorectal Cancer MetastaticMSSREGONIVO is a Phase Ib study to explore the efficacy and safety of regorafenib in combination with nivolumab in the treatment of gastric cancer and colorectal cancer with MSS. The study enrolled 50 patients with advanced disease, including 25 cases of gastric cancer, 25 cases of colorectal cancer, except for one case of colorectal cancer with MSI-H, and others were MSS type. The results of the study showed that patients with colorectal cancer had an objective response rate (ORR) of 36% and a progression-free survival (PFS) of 6.3 months. Based on the preliminary results of the REGONIVO study, the aim of this phase 2 study is to explore the safety and efficacy of regorafenib and PD-1 antibody with or without radiotherapy in previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer patients with pMMR/MSS.

PS101-mediated ACT With Chemotherapy in Liver Metastases From Cancer of Gastrointestinal Origin...
Solid TumorColorectal CancerPart 1: This clinical study will first test the safety and initial effect on the tumour of PS101-mediated ACT when given in combination with standard of care chemotherapy in patients with liver metastases (initially those with any solid tumors and then further in patients just with colorectal cancer [CRC]) in order to identify the recommended dose and schedule of PS101-mediated ACT that can be taken forward for further testing. Part 2: Based on the Part 1 results, another part in patients with liver metastases from CRC and pancreatic cancer (if indicated) may take place following a substantial protocol amendment. This record will focus on Part 1 of the study only and will be updated if Part 2 occurs.

Sirolimus for Cowden Syndrome With Colon Polyposis
PTEN Gene MutationPTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome5 moreColon polyposis (the presence of multiple colon polyps) is very common with Cowden syndrome, as over 60% of patients have 50 or more polyps. In a previous clinical trial, some participants had reduction in the number of colon polyps with the use of the medication sirolimus for a very short time period. This study is investigating sirolimus and its effect on the number of colon polyps in patients with Cowden syndrome and polyposis over a 1 year period.

SOX Versus XELOX as Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage III Colorectal Cancer Patients
Colorectal Cancer Stage IIIAdjuvant ChemotherapyFluorouracil combined with oxaliplatin are routinely recommended to patients with pathological stage III (p-stage III) colorectal cancer, leading to significant improvement of 5-year disease-free survival and overall survival (approximately 3.4% -4.2%) by by international guidelines such as the National Cancer Comprehensive Network. The Considerable proportion of patients suffer with hand-foot syndrome due to capecitabine as commonly prescribed. Meanwhile as another agent of fluorouracil, tegafur,gimeracil and oteracil potassium (short for TGOP) has been shown with similar effect and less adverse reaction. This study was designed to investigate the short-term and long-term safety and efficacy of TGOP-OX and XELOX regimens in colorectal cancer p-stage III patients who undergo curative surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy, and to explore the compliance and quality of life in patients treated with TGOP-OX regime.

Comparing Chidamide+Sintilimab+Bev With Standard Second-line FOLFIRI+Bev in Advanced MSS/pMMR mCRC...
Metastatic Microsatellite-stable Colorectal CancerThis is a randomized, controlled, multicenter phase Ⅲ study to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of chidamide + sintilimab + bevacizumab versus standard second-line FOLFIRI + bevacizumab therapy in subjects with advanced microsatellite stable colorectal cancer who have failed first-line oxaliplatin-containing standard therapy. The primary purpose is to compare the progression-free survival (PFS) of chidamide + sintilimab + bevacizumab versus standard second-line FOLFIRI + bevacizumab therapy for colorectal cancer, with a planned enrollment of 176 subjects with advanced microsatellite stable colorectal cancer who have failed first-line oxaliplatin-containing standard therapy.

A Study of CNA3103 (LGR5-targeted, Autologous CAR-T Cells) Administered to Subjects With Metastatic...
Colorectal Cancer MetastaticThis study aims to determine the safety and best response of treatment with CNA3103 (Leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 5 [LGR5]-targeted, Autologous Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) -T Cells), for participants with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Participants may undergo a pre-screening biopsy procedure to determine expression of LGR5. Participants will undergo screening procedures, including leukapheresis (collection of T cells) and lymphodepletion (chemotherapy), up to 40 days prior to CNA3103 dosing. Participants will receive a single Intravenous dose of CNA3103. Expansion cohorts will open after determination of the maximum tolerated dose and recommended phase 2 dose in the dose escalation stage. Participants will be followed up, monitored and will attend study visits for safety and research related tests and procedures for 2 years until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or intolerable adverse event/s, death or withdrawal of consent.

Efficacy, Tolerability and Safety of Intravenous D-VC With ATO in Patients With Advanced/Metastatic...
Colorectal CancerMetastatic Colorectal CancerThe goal of this exploratory phase I/II single-center clinical trial is to evaluate effectiveness, tolerability, and safety of Intravenous D-isoascorbic Acid (D-VC) With Arsenic Trioxide in Patients With Advanced/Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Who Have Exhausted Standard Therapy The main questions are to learn about effectiveness, tolerability, and safety of Intravenous D-isoascorbic Acid (D-VC) With Arsenic Trioxide. The study aims to: Assess the tolerability and pharmacokinetics of D-isoascorbic acid (D-VC) with a single intravenous injection in the monotherapy regimen and in the sequential administration regimen with arsenic trioxide (ATO) in patients on standard therapy for advanced/metastatic malignancies (Phase I) Evaluate the efficacy and safety of D-isoascorbic acid (D-VC) with repeated intravenous administration in the mode of sequential administration with arsenic trioxide (ATO) in patients who have exhausted standard therapy for advanced/metastatic colorectal cancer (Phase II) In phase I participants will receive single intravenous administration as monotherapy of D-isoascorbic acid (D-VC) with dose escalation (0.05, 0.1, 0.2 g/kg/day) and with arsenic trioxide (ATO). Patients who have satisfactorily tolerated the study drug in combination with arsenic trioxide (ATO) in a phase I study are transferred to a phase II clinical trial. To study the safety and efficacy of the study drug in phase II, D-VC after the administration of ATO will be implemented in 2 groups: Study group 1: ATO (at a dose of 0.15 mg / kg / day) after intravenous administration after 2 hours D-VC intravenously once a day at the maximum tolerated dose, determined at the end of phase I for at least 15 patients. Group 2 standard therapy: 15 patients. For the phase I researchers will compare laboratory tests (including clinical biochemistry and hematology), vital signs, clinical adverse events (diseases, symptoms and complaints) and other specific safety tests (for example, an electrocardiogram, ophthalmic examination) between groups. They will also measure the degree to which overt adverse reactions can be subjectively tolerated by the subject of the study. For the phase II researchers will compare degrees of tumor volume reduction on CT; objective response rate (ORR) based on BICR according to RECIST v1.1 between test and standard therapy groups. They will also continue evaluation of safety and tolerability of ATO + D-VC combination therapy.

Cetuximab in Third Line for Mutant APC, TP53 and RAS Patients With Refractory Metastatic Colorectal...
Colorectal CancerA prospective, multi-center, phase II study of 21 patients to evaluate the efficacy of the EGFR inhibitor, Cetuximab in patients with mCRC harboring APC, TP53 and RAS mutations.

Tegavivint for the Treatment of Recurrent or Refractory Solid Tumors, Including Lymphomas and Desmoid...
Colorectal CarcinomaEndometrial Carcinoma20 moreThis phase I/II trial evaluates the highest safe dose, side effects, and possible benefits of tegavivint in treating patients with solid tumors that has come back (recurrent) or does not respond to treatment (refractory). Tegavivint interferes with the binding of beta-catenin to TBL1, which may help stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking the signals passed from one molecule to another inside a cell that tell a cell to grow.

Plasma Biomarker for Aflibercept in Advanced Colorectal Cancer
Recurrent or Metastatic Colorectal CancerBased on the pervious data, aflibercept in combination with FOLFIRI is one of the effective 2nd line treatment option in advanced colorectal cancer. In this study, we prospectively assess the efficacy of 2nd line aflibercept in combination with FOLFIRI in advanced colorectal cancer in terms of progression-free survival. We further assess the efficacy according to the type of 1st line treatment. plasma biomarker study (HGF, VEGF-A, VEGF-D, IFN-γ, Angiopoietin-2, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, TIMP-1, PIGF (HS), IL-6 (HS), IL-8 (HS), sNeuropilin-1, Thrombospondin-2 , Osteopontin , sVEGFR1, sVEGFR2, sVEGFR3) , overall survival (OS)OS, objective response rate (ORR), and safety are also assessed as the 2ndary objectives.