The Effect of Preoperative Walking Exercises on the Prognosis of Supratentorial Brain Tumours Patients...
Supratentorial Brain TumorExercise2 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to learn about in patients with supratentorial brain tumours. The main questions it aims to answer is: Can short-term preoperative walking exercise protect cognitive function in the short term after craniotomy in patients with supratentorial brain tumor and reduce the incidence of surgery-related complications? Participants will be asked to receive general care and regular walking exercises prior to surgery. Researchers will compare patients who receive only general care before surgery to see if preoperative walking exercise has an effect on postoperative prognosis.

Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis as Treatment for Lymphedema
Breast Cancer LymphedemaSecondary Lymphedema22 moreThe primary aim of this study is to investigate and test whether the use of combined indocyanine green (ICG) lymphography and ultra high frequency ultrasonography can correctly identify lymphatic vessels and venoles in close proximity to each other, for identification prior to lymphovenous anastomosis (LVA) surgery.

Impact of Abdominal Drains on the ERAS Pathway in Peptic Perforation
Perforated Peptic UlcerFast Track Surgery3 moreThis study plans to assess the effect of placement of abdominal drains on the outcomes of ERAS (Enhanced recovery after surgery) protocol in the perioperative management of peptic perforation. In the study arm ERAS protocol will be implemented avoiding use of abdominal drain. In the control arm abdominal drains will be placed in the early post operative period while using the ERAS protocol. The effect of drains on duration of post operative stay and other return to physiological parameter like onset of ambulation, oral intake, passing flatus and feces etc. will be studied. The investigators hypothesize that the non-placement of abdominal drain postoperatively will not have worse outcomes than in cases where it is used postoperatively, in terms of length of hospital stay. .

Cryotherapy Post-haemorrhoidectomy (CYPHER) Randomized Controlled Trial
HemorrhoidsPostoperative Pain2 moreHaemorrhoids is a common problem with an estimated prevalence of 5 to 36%. Surgery is indicated in patients with grade 3 to 4 piles and in patients whom conservative measures have failed. There have been several surgical techniques described such as the Milligan- Morgan, Ferguson haemorrhoidectomy, stapled and laser haemorrhoidectomy. However, most patients experience different degrees of postoperative pain which may cause anxiety and dissatisfaction. A relatively non-invasive and cost-effective technique targeting inflammation is cryotherapy which has been shown to decrease pain secondary to trauma, injury or disease. Cryotherapy has few deleterious side effects due to its non-pharmacologic nature and has become widespread in sports medicine to treat soft tissue damage. Therefore, we aim to evaluate the role of cryotherapy in improving postoperative pain and outcomes among patients who undergo haemorrhoidectomy.

Safety of Ibuprofen After Major Orthopaedic Surgeries
PainAcute7 moreSafety of an eight-day treatment with ibuprofen after primary hip and knee arthroplasties.

Impact of Deep Neuromuscular Blockade During Total Hip Replacement Surgery on Postoperative Recovery...
Neuromuscular BlockadeInnate Inflammatory Response2 moreMonocenter randomized controlled trial to compare the effect of deep neuromuscular blockade (NMB) versus moderate NMB during total hip replacement surgery on postoperative quality of recovery and innate immune function.

Perioperative Respiratory Care and Outcomes for Patients Undergoing High Risk Abdominal Surgery...
InfectionPneumonia10 morePENGUIN is a pragmatic multi-center trial investigating the effects of pre-operative mouthwash and perioperative oxygen on the incidences of pneumonia and surgical site infection (SSI) following major abdominal surgery. Patients will be recruited from low and middle income countries and randomly assigned to a trial treatment arms: a) pre-operative chlorhexidine mouthwash and 80-100% FiO2; b) no pre-operative mouthwash and 80-100% fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2); c) pre-operative chlorhexidine mouthwash and 21- 30% FiO2; or d) no pre-operative mouthwash and 21-30% FiO2.

Postoperative VR for Recovery After Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric Surgery CandidatePostoperative Pain1 moreThe objective of this study is to investigate whether the addition of immersive virtual reality (VR) in the immediate postoperative period to an enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol could improve postoperative recovery from bariatric surgery.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Kidney Transplant Donors
Opioid UseKidney Diseases4 moreEnhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pathways are designed to optimize perioperative management, improving patient outcomes and satisfaction through multimodal techniques. Living kidney transplant donors are typically healthy individuals who undergo laparoscopic nephrectomy. The most significant hindrance to discharge to return to activities of daily living is frequently return of bowel function and postoperative pain. Through a randomized controlled trial design, we will evaluate the effectiveness of implementing an ERAS pathway. We hypothesize that preoperative patient optimization through exercise, carbohydrate loading, and counseling on expectations, in addition to multimodal pain management strategies which limit opioids would allow faster recovery, early bowel function, decreased postoperative pain, increased patient satisfaction and shorter length of stay. The study population will include a total of 42 patients (age 18-80) who are American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status (PS) 1-3, undergoing living donor nephrectomy. Our primary outcome measures will be postoperative opioid consumption. Secondary outcome measures are: postoperative pain score, time to return of bowel function, ambulation, first oral intake postoperatively, and patient satisfaction scores. Other objectives include reducing readmissions, shorter hospital length of stay and decreased operative complications, including nausea, vomiting and wound infection.

Pigtail or Chest Tube Placement After Uniportal Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery
Post Operative PainAcute5 moreThis study aims to figure out how small-bore pigtail catheter or large-bore chest tube for postoperative drainage impact on analgesic efficacy and actually enhance recovery postoperatively.