Parkinson's Disease and Experiences Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
Parkinson DiseaseCovid193 moreThe purpose of this research study is to examine the relationship between personal characteristics and satisfaction with care in those diagnosed with Parkinson's disease during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants will take 4 different surveys regarding their satisfaction with care throughout the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. The surveys in total should not take more than 30 minutes to complete

COVID-19 Induced Telogen Effluvium
Covid19Telogen Effluvium2 moreThis study inquires about the development of Telogen effluvium following the SARS-CoV-2 infection

Application of Machine Learning Based Approaches in Emergency Department to Support Clinical Decision...
Covid19The aim of the study is to develop a prognostic prediction model based on machine learning algorithms in patients affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the prediction model will be capable to recognize patient with favorable prognosis or patient with poor prognosis by intelligent systems data analysis.

COVID-19 In-vitro Diagnostic Test and Androgen Receptor Gene Expression
Covid19Androgen Receptor Gene OverexpressionThis research study will evaluate the association of Androgen Receptor (AR) gene expression and COVID-19 disease severity and mortality. The research procedure involves collection of a single saliva sample which will be mailed to the participants by the study team. This saliva will be used in a COVID-19 Androgen Sensitivity Test (CoVAST) which will detect AR gene expression. Eligible participants are males, at least 18 years or older, and have tested positive for COVID-19.

Dysphagia Management During COVID-19 Pandemic
DysphagiaCovid19The current study is aimed to determine the procedures applied in the dysphagia clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic period. A questionnaire consisting of 30 questions will be implemented. Each participant will be asked to answer the questions.

Sars-CoV2The Lille University Hospital developped a research objective common to all the services which took care of patients, "suspected patient", "possible case", "probable case" or "confirmed case" infected with SARS-CoV-2 by constituting a prospective and a retrospective observational cohort which allowed pooling and sharing the resources and data collected. In the next two years the prospective cohort will allow to continue inclusions in a standardized way mainly for the constitution of a negative control group (excluded cases), to collect biological samples which had not been collected in the retrospective cohort so that the pathophysiology of the COVID-19 will be better apprehended as for example the inflammatory response to the viral infection. Finally in case of a second epidemic wave in the Hauts De France, it seems essential to have a defined research protocol which had already received all the necessary authorizations to guarantee cutting-edge (or quality ) research in a center like the Lille University Hospital.The aim objective of this study is to identify predictive factors of mortality to day 28 infection to SARS-CoV-2 for patients under medical care for the COVID-19 in the Lille University Hospital thanks to the constitution of an epidemiological, clinical, biological, immunological, genetic, microbiological, anatomopathologic, radiological, therapeutic database and so record the results of functional exploration exams.

COVID-19 Serological Status of Hospital Staff Working or Not in the COVID-19 Sector
Infection ViralHospital staff, on the front line in the COVID-19 crisis, have many questions about the risk that they have been infected with this potentially fatal virus. These questions of course primarily concern caregivers working in sectors dedicated to COVID-19 patients, whether they are resuscitating or not, but also those in non-COVID-19 sectors, or even staff without direct contact with patients. In addition, depending on the suddenness and intensity of this "COVID-19 wave", these personnel have been more or less trained and sometimes exposed due to the dire lack of protective equipment. In some countries such as Great Britain, this has resulted in significant absenteeism, a source of deepening the shortage of caregivers. This proportion of contaminated caregivers has not been evaluated on the whole of French territory. Studies from other countries suggest figures ranging from 1.5% in China to 20% in Italy. It is therefore impossible to rely on such variable data to have a reliable estimate. Since june 2020, all staff in French health establishments could benefit a serological test. Thus, in this epidemiological study, we propose to rely on this institutional serological screening to describe the link between seroconversion of hospital staff, regional intensity of the epidemic, and sectors of activity (COVID-19 sectors, non-COVID-19 caregivers , non-COVID-19 non-caregivers.

Predictive Factors for COVID-19 in Rheumatology
Rheumatic DiseasesCovid19We seek to study the behaviour of Coronavirus infection in patients with rheumatological and/or autoimmune comorbidities, understood as a particular pathophysiological universe with its own risks and eventual benefits, until now fully hypothetical to be confirmed by means of real and recent evidence. On March 12, 2020, an initiative called the Global Alliance for COVID-19 in Rheumatology (The COVID-19 Rheumatology Alliance) arises, as a rapid response of international coordination whose ultimate goal is to serve as help or guideline for all those doctors who seek be faced with receiving, evaluating, understanding and caring for a patient with rheumatological and / or autoimmune diseases in relation to the imminent risk of COVID-19.

Influence of the COVId-19 Pandemic on the STRESS of Dental Surgeons (COVISTRESS - Dental Surgery)...
Dental SurgeonCoronavirus has caused containment of more than half of the world's population and a major and rapid reorganization of clinical and support services. The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) has posed significant challenges for dental surgeons and associates who are at high risk of COVID-19 infection due to close face-to-face contact. However, there is currently no data on the influence of this epidemic on the practice and feelings of dental surgeons and associates

Global Impact of COVID-19 on Pulmonology Special Units
Covid19Global Impact1 moreThe COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound impact on the world. As of May 18, 2020, there were 4,889,287 confirmed cases and 322,683 deaths globally. The healthcare system is wrestling with a virus that threatens to overwhelm hospital capacity, while simultaneously confronting an unprecedented reduction in elective and non-essential care. A survey by the American Cancer Society showed that 50% of cancer patients and survivors reported some impact to their healthcare due to the COVID-19 epidemic. A recent survey was conducted by Forbes et al to evaluate the changes in GI and endoscopy practices in North America. However, the impact of this epidemic on Pulmonology units ( bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, ultrsonography and sleep lab) globally has not been studied.