Predictors of Severe COVID-19 Outcomes
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeCOVID-19This is a longitudinal, multi-center, observational study collecting diverse biological measurements and clinical and epidemiological data for the purpose of enabling a greater understanding of the onset of severe outcomes, primarily acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and/or mortality, in patients presenting to the hospital with suspicion or diagnosis of COVID-19. We seek to understand whether there are early signatures that predict progression to ARDS, mortality, and/or other comorbid conditions. The duration of the study participation is approximately 3 months.

COVID-19 and Liver Injury in Patients With or Without Underlying Liver Disease: A Multi-centre Retrospective-prospective...
COVID-19COVID-19 and liver injury in patients with or without underlying liver disease: A multi-centre retrospective-prospective observational study. All patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and admitted to the COVID-19 ward/ICU of Max Hospital Saket (either in East Wing , Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket or MAX Smart Super Specialty Hospital, Saket) between 1/4/2020 to 30/6/2020 (retrospective data between 1/4/2020- 30/5/2020 & prospective data from approval till 30/6/2020), will be included

Dietary Intake and Eating Habits During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19The COVID-19 pandemic affects eating habits, diet quality and physical activity differently among individuals; it is unclear how these behaviours will evolve as the pandemic continues. In this observational study, dietary intake will be frequently collected using an artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced mobile application combined with real-time analysis, and lifestyle behaviours from online questionnaires, to provide timely, relevant data for public health decision making.

Use of the Nasal Cannula During COVID-19
COVID 19The objective of this investigation is to determine the incidence of the use of the low flow nasal cannula in suspected or confirmed cases with Covid-19

Risk Factors for Anxiety and Depression Among Pregnant Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic
AnxietyDepression1 moreThe article presents a protocol of a cross-sectional study of mental health of pregnant women in relation to the COVID 19 pandemic. The primary aim is to compare differences in anxiety and depression scores of pregnant women between countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The secondary aim is to assess demographic, economic, and social aspects affecting maternal anxiety and depression scores among pregnant women worldwide in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, investigators will be able to compare differences in perception of the different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic (social distancing, restrictions related to delivery) between countries and according to the epidemic status (number of infected patients, number of reported deaths). The comparisons will also be done according to COVID-19 status of the participants.

Anxiety And Depression During COVID-19 IN INDIA
COVID-19To understand the prevalence of symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in general population during COVID-19 in India To understand correlation between COVID-19 related factors and mental health symptomology in the general population in India Hypothesis: There is likelihood of significant symptoms of depression and anxiety among general population in India during the current COVID-19 outbreak. Procedure: The participants would be selected with their informed consent. The objective of the study would be clearly written on Page 1 of the survey. The test would be administered electronically by all the participants individually only when consented to the study. The data collected will be kept strictly confidential and the identity of the participants will not be disclosed at any point of the research Measures: Demographic Information Demographic variables included Gender, Age, Place of Stay, Marital Status, Highest Level ofEducation, current living arrangement (e.g. staying alone or with family) and Occupation. It further includesregular employment status and current employment status(e.g, Work from home, temporary leave, termination etc) History of illness (Present or past) History of physical ailment specified (diabetes, hypertension, heart ailment or being on any steroid or any other chronic ailment) Previous history of H1N1/ Influenza like illness COVID-19 Information This section includes time spent focusing on COVID related information, current stressors with respect to COVID-19 and coping mechanisms used. This further includesinformation on resources available to participants near their place of stay and information of any known diagnosed case of COVID-19. Standardized Scales to be used Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7); Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) Powered by

Status of People With Cerebral Palsy and Their Caregivers During COVID-19 Pandemic
Cerebral PalsyCOVID-19, as well as the collateral situations that it entails, has been causing panic, anguish and anxiety that has generated biopsychosocial problems in society affecting not only the physical and social level but also the mental health and well-being. The main objective of this research project is to assess the biopsychosocial status of people with cerebral palsy and related diseases and their caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Influence of Co-Vid 19 Pandemic on Screening Mammography Single Institution
COVID-19Breast CancerTo assess whether the COVID-19 pandemic delayed breast cancer diagnosis in Taiwan, an Asian country with a low COVID-19 incidence.

Effects of COVID-19 Infection and Critical Illness on Diaphragm Tissue Characteristics and Movement,...
Diaphragm DiseaseCovid19COVID-19-infection has a large impact on the respiratory system and possibly on the diaphragm, the main respiratory muscle. In ICU-patients, diaphragm weakness is associated with prolonged ICU-stay, difficult weaning and increased mortality. Our research group recently found evidence for fibrosis and expression of genes involved in fibrosis as well as viral infiltration of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in diaphragm biopsies from COVID-19 ICU patients. This finding suggests a unique manifestation of diaphragm injury in COVID-19 patients after mechanical ventilation. However, it remains unclear what the exact nature and location of diaphragm injury is. Additionally, it is largely unknown whether this injury affects the movement of the diaphragm, but this might have important clinical implications. Therefore, we aim at visualizing the tissue characteristics and movement of the diaphragm in COVID-19 patients who recently received long-term mechanical ventilation, other ICU patients and healthy controls, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI of the diaphragm was already shown feasible in previous research from our group (article currently under review). New insights in the characteristics of diaphragm weakness and injury in COVID-19 patients and control ICU-patients will contribute to strategies to prevent it and monitor the diaphragm of patients under mechanical ventilation, which can contribute to better patient outcomes.

Antibodies Production After Covid-19 Vaccination Among Patients With Medical History of Cancer and...
Covid19Cancer1 moreThis is a Phase II study designed to investigate if the Covid 19 vaccines are capable of eliciting production of antibodies against S protein of Sar-S-Cov-2 virus among patients with medical history of cancer previously treated with monoclonal anti CD-20 antibodies. The antibody production is defined based on the detection of antibodies in the serologic Covid-19 rapid test against S protein or with semiquantitative assay when it becomes available.