The Potential of Radiomics to Differentiate Between Malignant and Benign Bosniak 3 Renal Cysts....
Renal Cyst ComplexMore than 200,000 new cases of renal cancer are diagnosed in the world each year, with more than 63,000 new cases in Europe alone. Of those, renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common type in adults, making up more than 90% of the cases. Deciding on the benign or malignant nature of some RCC on the basis of medical images (CT, MRI, US) is an issue, which often leads to unnecessary surgery, morbidity and costs. A categorization for renal cysts was introduced in the late 1980s known as the Bosniak classification. The Bosniak classification system classifies them into groups that are benign (I and II) and those that need surgical resection (III and IV), based on specific imaging features. However, defining the malignancy of category III lesions still remains a challenge. Though Bosniak classification for renal cysts is used worldwide and underwent a number of modifications, Bosniak III cysts still have almost a 1:1 chance of being malignant. So the problem is that approximately half of the Bosniak category III cystic lesions prove to be benign after surgery. The proposed project aims to develop a quantitative image analysis (QIA) based multifactorial decision support system (mDSS) capable of classifying renal cysts with high accuracy into benign or malignant status, thus reducing the amount of unnecessary surgeries performed. Using standard-of-care CT images and clinical parameters, the customized DSS will then guide experts in planning a safe and effective diagnostic and treatment strategy for all RCC patients.

Pediatric Ovarian Tissue Banking - Operative Specimens From Females 0-18 Years of Age
Benign Cysts OvarianCystectomy2 moreA child is eligible to participate in this study because she is having surgery on her ovary. The investigators may obtain a sample of any discarded tissue from the surgery for an ovarian tissue library. This study is being conducted to understand how common ovarian conditions effect the number and quality of ovarian follicles and the reproductive potential of the ovary.

The Results of Multiple Aspirations and Injections of Unicameral Bone Cyst by Methyl Prednisolone...
Simple Bone CystEvaluation of the efficacy of methyl prednisolone injection in treatment o f simple bone cyst to prevent all possible complications as pathological fractures and to avoid prolonged restriction of physical activity

Monitoring Ovarian Cysts in Pregnancy
Ovarian CystsThis prospective study will primarily aim to determine what monitoring is required of ovarian cysts when they are diagnosed in pregnancy, as well as what intervention, if any, is necessary. It also aims to identify the prevalence of ovarian cysts in pregnancy and the nature of these cysts, as well as their natural history throughout pregnancy.

A New Surgical Treatment Technique "Aspiration and Percutaneous Capsulotomy" for Digital Mucous...
Digital Mucous CystDigital mucous cysts (DMCs) are a benign rubbery cystic lesion which usually involve the dorsal or lateral side of DIP joint (digital interphalangeal joint) or proximal nail fold. The most successful treatment way is surgical management. However, which may cost time, require expertise, may cause infection, prolong wound healing and sometimes may lead to the joint movement limitation. The investigator bring this new technique: percutaneous capsulotomy for digital mucous cysts, which is easy and quick, last but not least, low recurrence rate.

Aneurysmal Bone Cyst Imaging After Interventional Radiology Treatment
Bone CystsThis study aims to describe the clinical outcomeand the radiological appearance of aneurysmal bone cyst treated by means of interventional radiology procedures (percutaneous sclerosis and endovascular embolization)