The Current Study Aimed to Evaluate the Therapeutic Features and Complications of Liver Hydatid...
Patients Who Underwent Surgury for Hydatid CystThe current study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic features and complications of liver hydatid cyst in patients who underwent surgery for CE in Fars province, southern Iran. A total of 293 patients who underwent surgery for liver hydatid cyst from 2004 to 2018 in Fars Province, southern Iran, were retrospectively evaluated. The clinical records of patients were reviewed and the demographic and clinical characteristics of each patient were assessed.

Prevalence of Pancreatic Cysts During Routine Endoscopic Ultra Sound
Pancreatic CystsThe investigators are interested in performing a detailed examination of the pancreas via EUS (Endoscopic Ultra Sound)for patients referred for a non-pancreatic condition. The hypothesis is to make a statistical determination of how many pancreatic cysts the investigators discover incidentally.

Long Term Follow up of Small Non-inflammatory Pancreatic Cysts
Pancreatic CystsThis study intends to investigate the long term follow-up of small non-inflammatory pancreatic cysts.

The Clinical,Radiologic,Pathologic and Molecular Marker Characteristics of Pancreatic Cysts Study...
Pancreatic CystsPancreatic CancerThe aim is to propose and prospectively validate a diagnostic approach and model for prediction of mucinous versus non-mucinous, and malignant versus non-malignant pancreatic cysts using a combination of clinical, radiologic, and biomarker characteristics.

Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cysts: Endoscopic Ultrasound With Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS/FNA), Direct...
Pancreatic CystsThe purpose of this study is to assess the yield of combination modalities in the diagnosis of pancreatic cysts using EUS/FNA, Fiber optics (direct visualization probe), and prototype needle based confocal laser-induced endomicroscopy miniprobe (nCLE).

Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound and Molecular Analysis in the Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cyst
Pancreatic CystThis study evaluates the use of contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasound (CH-EUS) and cyst fluid molecular analysis in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cysts and the detection of malignancy.

Intraorbital Dermoid/Epidermoid Cyst
Dermoid Cyst of OrbitIntraorbital epidermoid and dermoid cyst (DC) has been reported in the literature rarely. The current study evaluates clinicopathologic, radiologic, and management of intraorbital DC cases over ten years.

Evaluation of the Pravalence of Rathke's Cleft Cyst of Children Under 15 Years
Rathke's Cleft CystThe goal of the study was to evaluate the pravalence of Rathke's Cleft Cyst of children under 15 years of age and demonstrate that their prevalence is higher than for patients over 15 years of age, due to their embryonic origin. It is also aimed to describe their aspect on MRI and evaluate the interobserver agreement in the detection of Rathke's Cleft Cyst.

Detection of Renal Malignancy of Complicated Renal Cysts
Kidney NeoplasmCysts2 moreThe aim of this study was to show additional diagnostic criteria of computed tomography (CT) scan to diagnose and predict the detection and recurrence of cystic renal cell carcinoma in the patients with complicated renal cysts. Furthermore, we would demonstrate the relationship between complicated renal cysts diagnosed by Bosniak system and some parameters of pathological results. The analysis about detection time of renal malignancy would help determine the practical guidelines of follow-up plan for complicated renal cysts.

Pubertal Evolutionary Profile of Children Monitored for Fetal Ovarian Cyst
Fetal Ovarian CystThis study is based on pubertal surveillance of fetal ovarian cysts (KOF). Fetal ovarian cysts (KOF) detected during fetal ultrasound examinations occur during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and are of unknown cause.