Study to Evaluate the Role of Siltuximab in Treatment of Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) and Immune...
Cytokine Release SyndromeICANS4 moreThis study will evaluate the use of siltuximab to decrease the severity of cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and immune effector cell-associated neurological syndrome (ICANS) in patients who will receive chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy for the treatment of hematological malignancies.

Cytokine Guided Risk Stratification and Treatment in Pediatric Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis...
Hemophagocytic LymphohistiocytosesCytokine StormHemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a rapidly fatal disease caused by immune-dysregulation characterized by hypercytokinemia, with about 30%-40% of patients suffering death in children. Stratification strategy and individualized treatment is important to improve the survival. In our recent retrospective study, risk stratification based on IL-10 and IFN-γ levels well distinguished patients with different outcomes. In this multicenter prospective study, we will enroll the newly diagnosed pediatric HLH patients and divide them into low, intermediate and high-risk cytokine groups according to IFN-γ and IL-10 levels. The patients'clinical manifestation and laboratory findings will be further evaluated into severe and non-severe groups. For low/intermediate risk and non-severe patients, steroid or ruxolitinib will be used initially; while those with high risk or severe diseases, DXM+VP16±ruxolitinib will be administered. The treatment strategy could be adjusted after evaluation 48-72 hours later.

Metoprolol Treatment for Cytokine Release Syndrome in Patients Treated With Chimeric Antigen Receptor...
Solid TumorHematological MalignancyThe aim of this prospective study is to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of metoprolol, a beta-1 adrenergic receptor blocker, in the treatment of cytokine release syndrome (CRS) caused by chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR T) cell infusions, its effects on the serum levels of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and other cytokines.

Study of Itacitinib for the Prophylaxis of Graft-Versus-Host Disease and Cytokine Release Syndrome...
Acute Myelogenous LeukemiaAcute Lymphocytic Leukemia3 moreIn this trial, the investigators will begin to explore the possibility that, as in mice, janus kinase inhibitor 1 (JAK1) inhibition with haploidentical-hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) may mitigate graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD) and cytokine release syndrome (CRS) while retaining Graft-versus-Leukemia (GVL) and improving engraftment. The purpose of this pilot study is to determine the safety of itacitinib with haplo-hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) measured by the effect on engraftment and grade III-IV GVHD.

Study of CTO1681 for the Prevention and Treatment of CRS in DLBCL Patients Receiving CAR T-Cell...
Cytokine Release SyndromeThis is an interventional study to evaluate the use of CTO1681 in preventing or reducing CAR T-cell-induced toxicities like cytokine release syndrome (CRS). This study will enroll adult patients with DLBCL who are scheduled to receive CD19-directed CAR T-cell therapy. The first phase of the study will be open label with dose escalation. Participants will start taking CTO1681 just prior to receiving their CAR T-cell therapy and continue to take the study drug three times daily for a total of 15 days.

Tadekinig Alfa (IL-18BP) Rescue Therapy for CAR T Cell Related Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) and...
CRS - Cytokine Release SyndromeHLHThis is a pilot, open-label study to assess the safety and feasibility of using investigational drug(s) as rescue therapies for CAR T cell related CRS and HLH-like syndrome (CRHLS).

CLinical Efficacy of Hemoperfusion With a Cytokine Adsorber in Norepinephrine-Resistant SEptic Shock...
Septic ShockCytokine StormSepsis and septic shock are major causes of ICU admission worldwide. Despite recent advances in treatment, including targeted resuscitation and timely use of antimicrobial agents, mortality of ICU patients with septic shock remains steadily high. Especially in those requiring high dosage of vasopressors, whose 28-day mortality rate could reach 60%. The pathophysiology of septic shock emphasizes on the role of dysregulated host immune response towards inciting microbes, producing excessive inflammatory cytokines which lead to tissue damage and subsequent organ failures. Multiple therapies targeting the overwhelming inflammatory response in patients with septic shock have been studied (ref). While some showed promising results in modulating inflammation in observational studies (ref), none other than systemic corticosteroids lead to better clinical outcomes in the randomized controlled studies. The reasons for their failures are the complexity of the inflammation cascades, where treatments specifically targeting parts of the process may not be able to achieve meaningful effects. Extracorporeal blood purification therapy is an adjunctive treatment option more extensively studied over the last decade. By passing patients' blood or plasma through specifically developed absorber, various inflammatory cytokines are absorbed to resins inside the devices and removed from the circulation. Decreasing levels of inflammatory cytokines may subsequently attenuate systemic inflammation leading to shock reversal and better survival. HA-330 disposable hemoperfusion cartridge (Jafron®, China) is an absorber targeting hyper-inflammatory states including septic shock. It is designed to nonspecifically absorb molecules with molecular weight 10-60 kilo-Dalton, making it effective for removing various pro-inflammatory cytokines and potentially modulating the inflammatory cascade. Previous randomized study in patients with sepsis compared between the add-on 3 daily session of hemoperfusion with HA-330 adsorber and the standard therapy . .Circulating interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 levels of patients underwent hemoperfusion significantly reduced after two sessions when compared to baseline. Their values on day 3 were also significantly lower than those of the control group. Adjunctive hemoperfusion were associated with lower ICU mortality, butno significant difference in hospital and 28-day mortality between the two groups(ref). However, approximately 50% of enrolled patients had sepsis without shock. Generalization of the findings to more severe cohorts of septic shock patients are therefore limited. Patients with septic shock have higher cytokines level than septic patients without shock. Hence, they are theoretically more likely to benefit from therapies aiming to reduce cytokine levels. We hypothesize that adjunctive hemoperfusion with HA-330 adsorber would be associated with better outcomes in a more severe group of patients with septic shock.

Siltuximab for the Prevention of CAR T Cell Related Cytokine Release Syndrome in Patients With CD19...
Non-Hodgkin LymphomaThis phase I trial tests the safety and side effects of siltuximab in preventing CAR T cell therapy related cytokine release syndrome in patients with CD19 positive non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Several of the major complications of CD19 directed chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (CD19.CAR-T) include cytokine release syndrome (CRS, a complication of a highly active immune system seen with some cancer treatments including CD19.CAR-T cell therapy) and immune effector cell therapy associated neurotoxicity (ICANS, neurologic complications related to an activated immune system seen with immunotherapy and CD19.CAR-T cell therapy). Siltuximab is a chimeric (having parts of different origins) murine (from mice) antibody that binds directly to IL-6 (a cytokine/ body chemical causing toxicities) and allows for its clearance. IL-6 is known to increase in a patient's blood after CD19.CAR-T cell infusion and has been associated with development of CRS and ICANS. Giving siltuximab prior to CD19.CAR-T cell therapy may help reduce CRS and/or ICANS after therapy.

Extracorporeal Cytokine Adsorption as Additive Treatment of CAR-T Associated Cytokine Release Syndrome...
Cytokine Release SyndromeCAR-TPatients with severe CAR-T cell associated cytokine release syndrome (CRS) (defined as vasopressor dependent) will be treated with standard of care (SOC) + cytokine adsorption (6hourly for 24 hrs). Primary endpoint is the change in plasma IL-6 between 0 and 24 hrs.

Prospective Study for the Application of Cytosorb® in Critically Ill Patients
RhabdomyolysisAcute Liver Injury1 moreThe mortality of critically ill patients is persistently high and requires targeted therapy of pathophysiological disorders. One approach to optimize therapy is the use of the cytokine adsorber Cytosorb®, which has a CE certification for the indications hyperinflammation, rhabdomyolysis and liver failure and is therefore frequently used in patients with sepsis, polytrauma and acute liver failure. Although few clinical data describe the efficiency mostly retrospectively, there are no data on real-time elimination performance and saturation kinetics during the course of treatment. These questions should be answered by the present study.