Wear of Vita Ambria Only Restoration Compared With IPS Emax Onlay Restoration
Carious ToothDental WearThe 1ry objective will be to evaluate the amount of wear of onlays restorations made from VITA AMBRIA & IPS e.max Press and their opposing natural teeth. 2. The 2ry objective of the clinical trial will be to evaluate the fractures, retention, contact points, food impaction and radiographic examination of the VITA AMBRIA onlays compared with IPS e.max press onlays as defined by FDI criteria.

Efficacy of Ethyl Chloride Topical Anesthesia Application on the Pain Perception During Intra-oral...
Dental Caries in ChildrenAnesthesia2 moreThe goal of this single-blinded randomized controlled trial is to compare pain perception during buccal infiltration using indirect EC spray and topical anesthesia and BC 20% topical gel, among seven to 10-year-old school children who attended Pediatric Dentistry Department at Dubai Dental Hospital (DDH), Mohammed Bin Rashid University (MBRU) in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The main question[s] it aims to answer are: • How effective is the indirect application of EC topical spray anesthesia on pain perception during intraoral buccal injection in children in comparsion to BC 20%? Researchers will compare efficacy of 20% Benzocaine (BC) gel and indirect application of Ethyl Chloride (EC) spray to see if reducing pain perception during local anesthesia infiltration.

Comparative Effectiveness of Treatments to Prevent Dental Caries
Dental CariesDental caries (tooth decay) is the most prevalent childhood disease in the world. Multiple interventions are available to treat and prevent caries. The aim of the proposed study is to compare the benefit of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) and fluoride varnish versus fluoride varnish and glass ionomer sealants. This study is a five-year, cluster randomized, pragmatic controlled trial conducted in public elementary schools in New Hampshire.

Impact of Virtual Supervised Tooth Brushing Among Primary School Children in Riyadh, KSA
Dental Caries in ChildrenDental caries is one of the most common diseases affecting children in Saudi Arabia despite the availability of free dental services. The combination of the large burden of untreated caries among school children, low uptake of dental services when asymptomatic and the availability of free dental services makes Saudi Arabia a unique setting for school-based dental programs. Despite the availability of free dental services provided through the Ministry of Health, universities' hospitals and health services of the Ministry of Defense, most Saudis visit the dentist only when in pain. As schools are carried out virtually and Saudi Arabia has proved effective IT infrastructure, virtual supervised tooth brushing is a proposed initiative. It is also an opportunity for targeting a large portion of the population with a high level of disease as a quarter of the Saudi population is younger than 15 years.

Effect of Optimized Behavioural Intervention Using The Multi-Phase Optimization Strategy (MOST)....
Dental Caries in ChildrenEarly Childhood CariesIn the current study, MOST approach is proposed, to engineer an oral health behavior modification intervention, to increase the engagement of mothers in brushing their pre-school children's teeth.

Comparative Effectiveness of School-based Caries Prevention
Dental CariesQuality of LifeDental caries (tooth decay) is the most prevalent childhood disease in the world. Multiple interventions are available to treat and prevent caries. The aim of the proposed study is to compare the benefit of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) and fluoride varnish versus fluoride varnish and glass ionomer sealants. This study is a five-year, cluster randomized, pragmatic controlled trial conducted in public elementary schools in New York City.

Water From Bottles to Establish Strong Teeth
Dental Caries in ChildrenThe waterBEST study is a proof-of-concept, randomized, double-masked, placebo controlled, parallel group study evaluating dental caries-preventive effects of fluoridated bottled water compared to non-fluoridated bottled water in 4-year-old children.

Preventing Early Childhood Caries With Silver Diamine Fluoride
Dental CariesBackground: Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) solution is effective in arresting early childhood caries (ECC). Previous studies suggested that it might exert a preventive effect in managing ECC. However, no well-designed clinical trial has been performed to study this topic. The aim of this randomised clinical trial is to assess whether 38% SDF is superior to 5% sodium fluoride (NaF) varnish in preventing new carious lesions in primary anterior teeth. Methods/Design: This is a Phase II single-centre randomized, double-blind, active-controlled, parallel-group pragmatic trial. The hypothesis tested is that 38% SDF is more effective than 5% NaF in preventing new caries development in primary anterior teeth. Approximately 2,100 three-year-old kindergarten children who are generally healthy and with parental consent will be recruited. This sample size is sufficient for an appropriate statistical analysis of superiority trial with power at 80%, allowing for a 15% drop-out rate. Stratified randomization will be adopted for the intervention allocation. The intervention is either 38% SDF or 5% NaF (as positive control) therapy on primary upper anterior teeth. Dental examination followed by fluoride therapy will be conducted every six months until 30 months in kindergartens by a single examiner. The examiner, children and children's parents will be blinded to the treatment allocation. Questionnaire survey will be conducted to study the children's oral health-related behaviours and their socioeconomic backgrounds. Discussion: The effectiveness of 38% SDF in preventing ECC remains uncertain. If the results are as anticipated, it will help change the standard of care that using 5% NaF for ECC prevention. In addition, the results will be widely available and increase adoption of SDF in other countries to reduce the global burden of ECC.

Birth to Three - Cavity Free
Caries,DentalEarly childhood caries (ECC) is a potentially painful and debilitating disease, which represents a significant public health problem among young children. There are profound disparities in ECC experiences such that children from minority and low-income families suffer a disproportionate share of the disease burden. The likelihood of parents of high-ECC risk young children seeking prevention in dental facilities is low; therefore, there is a need to increase preventive dental opportunities where these children already seek health care services. In particular, there is an urgent need to develop and evaluate ECC behavioral interventions for use in public health settings attended by high-risk children. Many authors recommend early implementation of oral health education as one means of preventing ECC. However, major issues discussed in the oral health promotion literature involve a lack of effectiveness among programs based on education alone, as well as a lack of high quality preventive interventions using evidence-based psychological and behavioral strategies. Our research team has been the first to introduce to the ECC prevention arena the self-determination theory (SDT) of motivation, internalization, and healthy functioning, proven effective in promoting positive behavioral changes in several other fields, including oral health care. The investigators have demonstrated that SDT has great promise as a motivational approach by providing evidence, based on results from our R21 (R21-DE016483) study, of the effectiveness of SDT in changing several desirable oral health behaviors for ECC prevention. Building upon the rigor of our previous experience and formative research work in the past several years, the investigators propose a Stage II NIH Model research project that will compare the efficacy of autonomy-supportive videotaped oral health messages framed by SDT to more traditional neutral videotaped messages. The investigators intend to recruit 634 pregnant mothers enrolled in Iowa Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Programs and follow them until their future child is 36 months old. The primary outcome of interest will be children's caries status. Secondary outcomes will be changes in children's oral health behaviors conducive to better oral hygiene and dietary habits, as well as lower levels of dental plaque and mutans streptococci.

Dental CariesEarly childhood caries (ECC) ,a global public health problem, highly prevalent and severe with life long implications is entirely preventable. as an alternative to general anesthesia low cost innovative materials such as SDF are promising for low income countries such as Pakistan for reducing the burden of dental caries. SDF may positively transform prevntive and clinical pediatric dental practices and services in Pakistan. FDA approves 38% SDF for arresting caries in vulnerable populations.