Treatment of Early Childhood Caries Using Silver Diammine Fluoride and Sodium Fluoride Tricalciumphosphate...
Early Childhood CariesDental Caries in Children5 moreThere is still a need for the assessment of different minimal intervention strategies and treatments focusing on the prevention and arrest of carious lesions of primary molars The evidence-based clinical practice guideline on non-restorative treatments for cavitated carious lesions advocate the use of silver diammine fluoride biannually for high caries risk patients

Evaluation of Optical Coherence Tomography in Dentistry
Dental CariesTooth DemineralizationOptical coherence tomography (OCT) is a medical diagnostic tool, providing non-invasive, non-radiative and high resolution imaging. OCT has been established since many years in ophthalmology. In dentistry the diagnostic potential of OCT is currently increasingly being noticed. This clinical study includes two individual trials: (i) Longitudinal assessment of surface sealant thickness using optical coherence tomography and (ii) comparison of crevicular fluid levels of inflammatory cytokines after the application of surface sealants.

CATCH Healthy Smiles:An Elementary School Oral Health Intervention Trial
Caries,DentalThe purpose of this study is to clinically evaluate the effects of a school-based behavioral intervention, CATCH Healthy Smiles, to reduce the risk of dental caries in a cohort of kindergarten through 2nd grade (K-2) children serving low-income, ethnically-diverse children,to determine the impact of CATCH Healthy Smiles on child behavioral, psychosocial, and environmental outcomes beginning in K through 2nd grade, compared to children in the control schools and to examine the extent to which the child behavioral, psychosocial, and environmental factors mediate the improvements in child caries risk.

Dentifrice With Innovative Remineralizing Technology
Initial Dental CariesObjective: The aim of this study is to evaluate in vivo dentifrices containing different active ingredients in fluoride (F) retention in saliva and dental biofilm. Material and methods: The dentifrices used in the study were: G1- Daily Regenerator Dentalclean Neutral (RDCN); G2- Sensodyne Repair & Protect (SRP); G3- Daily Regenerator Dentalclean Acid (RDCA), G4- Colgate Total Daily Repairc (CTDR). A double-blind, randomized crossover clinical study was conducted with eighteen residents of a city without a water fluoridation program. Biofilm and saliva samples were collected 1h and 12h after the last brushing for biofilm and, 1 to 60 minutes and 12 hours for saliva. The concentrations of F in saliva and biofilm were analyzed by specific electrode using the hexamethyldisiloxane facilitated diffusion technique (HMDS). Data were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni test (p <0.05). Area under the curve (AUC) was calculated for saliva data. Result: No significant difference was observed between the groups regarding the retention of F in saliva. However, the largest area under the curve values in saliva were found for groups G3 and G4. The highest median values of F-biofilm were found in G3 for 1h and 12h collection times. Conclusion: The toothpaste containing Refix (RDCA) technology presented the most promising results for fluoride retention in oral exposure biomarkers.

Evaluation of Caries Prevention Based on Genetic Etiology and Risk.
Caries,DentalDental caries affects billions of people worldwide and involves saliva immunodeficiency, commensal pathogen and exposure (lifestyle) causal subtypes of the disease. Up to 85% of adolescents in Swedish and other low prevalence populations are caries-free while the remaining 15% show high, recurrent caries activity. Accordingly, there is a lack of cost-effective risk assessment and prevention tools for personalized oral care. This randomized adaptive clinical trial (RCT) evaluates both caries prevention based on genetic etiology and risk, as a consequence of saliva immunodeficiency genes specifying individuals as susceptible or resistant to caries, and the effect of intensified versus selfcare traditional prevention on the two groups.

Intraoral Scanners as Periodontal and Dental Pathologies Diagnosis Tools
PeriodontitisGingivitis2 morePeriodontal diseases and dental pathologies are highly prevalent oral diseases. Thirty-three to fifty percent of adult population presented at least one untreated caries and more than 50% of French population are affected by severe periodontitis. These diseases affect dental organ or periodontal attached system but could have negative impact on general health, quality of life, word and individual well-being. Association between chronic diseases as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, and oral health have been well investigated. Dental and periodontal diagnosis is dependent of various clinical parameters time consuming and dependent operator. It represents a public health challenge. Informatic analysis detecting diseases could be a time gain and a more precise diagnosis tool. Today, any software or algorithm allow automatized detection, clinical qualitative or quantitative indices recording while these informations are present in numeric models

A Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety and the Anti-caries Efficacy of COL 101 (Arginine) Non-fluoride...
Dental CariesThe objective of this study is to assess the safety and to evaluate the anti-caries efficacy of COL101 (arginine) non-fluoride dentifrices compared to a 0.24% sodium fluoride dentifrice in 10-14 year-old children over a one year period.

Toothbrushing Program in Saudi Arabia "TOPS"
Dental Caries in ChildrenProject summary Introduction: Dental caries is a major oral health problem worldwide. In children, dental caries is especially critical; it causes pain, infection and impacts on quality of life and it can potentially impact children's growth, nutrition, and educational attainment. Children in Saudi Arabia have among the highest caries levels in the world. The percentage of the children aged 6 and 12 years who suffer from tooth decay reached 96% and 93.7% respectively,2022. There are several interventions known to prevent tooth decay, such as water fluoridation and toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste. A water fluoridation programme has already been introduced in parts of Saudi Arabia. The standard specification of tap water and bottled water in the Kingdom of 1.5 parts per million ,2007. Studies suggest that a programme of daily supervised toothbrushing in early year / education settings is potentially effective at reducing caries in the child population complementary to water fluoridation, although there is limited trial evidence. Aim: The aim of this project is to conduct a trial to assess the effectiveness of a supervised toothbrushing programme in kindergartens in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia . Methods: A cluster randomized controlled trial study will be undertaken in which the effectiveness of the daily supervised toothbrushing programme intervention running for two academic years will be randomly allocated to a sample of kindergartens in Riyadh and compared against treatment as usual which will be an annual oral health awareness visit in the control group of kindergartens over and above community water fluoridation. Effectiveness will be measured and delivered in terms of preventing dental caries in children when compared with children in the treatment as usual control group receiving the same level of community water fluoridation, but not the toothbrushing program intervention. All children in all kindergartens (both intervention and control groups) will have a dental examination (via trained and calibrated dental teams recording dental caries levels via dmft index) at baseline before intervention commences and at 2 years. In addition, questionnaires on behaviours and quality of life. In addition, process monitoring, and cost analysis surveys will be distributed. Research Questions: Can such a supervised toothbrushing programme in kindergartens be effective at reducing the development of dental caries by 6 years of age? Can a supervised toothbrushing programme in kindergartens in Saudi Arabia be established and implemented?

Domiciliary Professional Oral Care for Dependent Older Adults
Dental Caries of Root SurfaceAgingKeep brushing your teeth, twice a day, during life for healthy teeth and body. Not brushing your teeth regularly and well, may have a devastating effect on your teeth and your general health. The teeth could develop root caries resulting in pain, fractured teeth, tooth loss and trouble eating. Further, brushing your teeth insufficiently leads to higher number of bacteria in the oral cavity and could in frail individuals lead to aspirations pneumonias. With age, some of us will depend on daily care activities from others and help with daily toothbrushing. However, care dependent older adults often lack basic dental care (tooth brushing with fluoride tooth paste twice a day). Dental care at home is a service proved by dental personnel. Visits at a dental clinic decrease with age and especially with a dementia diagnosis. Dental care at home can deliver regular dental check-ups and dental treatments to individuals who experience difficulties attending a dental clinic. The effect of teeth cleaning performed at home on root caries development, has not yet been explored in care dependent older adults. Therefore, the aim is to study if the combination of high fluoride toothpaste used daily with teeth cleaning/ a reminder to use the toothpaste every third month, could be a method for preventing root caries development in this patient group. The hypothesis is that domiciliary professional cleaning will improve the oral health, as measured by root caries development, gingival bleeding, plaque accumulation and oral mucosal status, compared with a control group that receives oral care as usual.

Longevity of Dental Fillings Utilizing 3D Printing
Dental Restoration Failure of Marginal IntegrityDental CariesThe aim of the present study is to compare the success of dental fillings prepared using 3D printing technique to those manufactured with the direct composite technique. A total of 100 adult patients will be selected from dental patients attending Kaarina Municipal Health Care Centre from October 2020. The inclusion criteria are as follows: presence of multiple cavities, fractures or cosmetic demands on bilateral permanent teeth. The restorative demand should be a class II, III or IV on first or second molars, or premolars. At least two fillings should be from the same tooth group (premolar/molar) in each patient. This will be a split-mouth study, whereby one tooth on one side will be restored using direct technique, and the contra lateral tooth restored using the indirect technique through random allocation. For both direct and indirect restorations, commercially available short-fibre reinforced composite material (Ever X Flow, GC) is used for core material (replacing dentin) and flowable composite material (Gaenial Universal Injectable, GC) for surface (replacing enamel, appr. 2mm thickness from the surface), according the manufacturer´s instructions. Clinical evaluations will be conducted immediately after the final finishing, and after 1 year, 3 years and 5 years. The evaluation will be based on the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria. Descriptive statistics will be used to describe the frequency distributions of the evaluated criteria. To analyse the failure rate for direct vs. indirect restorations, 2x2 tables will be created. Non-parametric statistical procedures will be used due to ordinally structured data for the assessment of the restorations. Mann-Whitney U-test will be used to explore significant differences at different time points between direct and indirect restorations.