Effect of Passive Smoking on Oxidative Stress and Dental Caries in Children
Oxidative StressDental Caries1 moreThe purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of passive smoking on oxidative stress and dental caries in children.A total of 180 children were included to the study as follows; 90 children exposed to passive smoking, and 90 children in the control group (unexposed controls). Also demographic data were recorded (age, gender, parental education levels, child's tooth-brushing habit and child's daily dietary sugar exposure, family income). Dental examination of children were performed and caries prevalence of the patients were recorded. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected from children. Saliva 'cotinine levels' and oxidative stress markers 'total antioxidant status' (TAS), and' total oxidant status' (TOS) were evaluated by using Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The obtained data parameters of the two groups were evaluated and comparison was performed.

Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial for Prevention of Demineralization During Fixed Orthodontic...
DemineralizationTooth2 moreTreatment with fixed orthodontic appliances is often associated with pain, which poses great challenges in the efficient brushing of the teeth thus making the teeth more vulnerable to plaque formation. Treatment duration with fixed orthodontic appliances usually extends to 18 months or even longer in some cases. This prolonged vulnerability to plaque formation frequently leads to demineralization of teeth. There is also an increase in the number of plaque retentive sites due to the fixed appliances, leading to a rapid change in the bacterial composition of the dental plaque, particularly in the number of acidogenic bacteria. The resulting enamel decalcification is also known as white spot lesions (WSLs), which is an early sign of demineralization of enamel. Enamel WSLs (EWSLs) can be observed even as early as four weeks from the start of fixed orthodontic treatment. The occurrence of EWSLs adjacent to the orthodontic brackets ranges from 15 to 85%. The incidence of EWSLs development is higher in orthodontic patients as compared to the development of similar lesions in non-orthodontic patients. These EWSLs are not aesthetically pleasing and is certainly unacceptable when it develops during fixed orthodontic treatment that is usually performed in patients who often seek such treatment to improve their aesthetics. Additionally, even if the outcome of fixed orthodontic treatment is superior from well-aligned teeth, aesthetics can be greatly compromised with EWSLs. Therefore, the prevention of such lesions is an important concern for orthodontists. Though professionally applied topical fluoride varnish helps in remineralization of EWSLs, an adequate supply of calcium and phosphate ions is essential for remineralization. Therefore, EWSLs on maxillary teeth could be prevented and remineralized by the use of advanced novel topical fluoride varnish with added calcium and phosphate-based delivery system.

Xylitol for the Prevention of Acute Otitis Media Episodes in Children
Acute Otitis MediaURTI1 moreThis is a randomized controlled trial of regular daily use of xylitol (or "birch sugar"), a natural sweetener that has antimicrobial properties, for the prevention of acute otitis media (AOM, primary outcome) as well as upper respiratory tract infections and dental caries (the two secondary outcomes) in preschool aged children. This trial will be conducted through the TARGet Kids! research network.

Efficacy of Dentifrices Containing Arginine Versus Fluoride on Microbial Acid
Dental CariesThis study will be conducted to evaluate the effect of arginine versus fluoride containing toothpaste on neutralization of microbial acid produced by Cariogenic bacteria in adult population using chair side assessment method.

Using ICDAS II and KaVo DIAGNOdent Pen Detecting Tooth Pit and Fissure Level Incipent Caries Progression...
Dental Caries on Pit and Fissure SurfaceThe study was to monitor effectiveness of glass ionomer sealant and resin-based sealant in ICDAS, and to evaluat the correlation between ICDAS and DIAGNOdent over 24 months. Over 200 8-year-old children with at least 2 permanent molar with the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) scores 0-4 were placed glass ionomer sealant and resin-based sealant split-mouthed randomly, and examined with ICDAS and DIAGNOdent before sealents placement and 6, 12 and 24 months after.

Preventing Early Childhood Caries in Indigenous Children: the Baby Teeth Talk Study
Dental CariesEarly Childhood CariesThe purpose of this study is to determine whether a combination of pre- and post-natal preventive and behavioral interventions is effective in preventing early childhood caries in Indigenous children. Early childhood caries (ECC) causes profound suffering, frequently requiring expensive treatment under a general anesthetic. It is associated with other chronic childhood conditions such as otitis media and nutritional disorders, and is the strongest predictor of poor oral health in adulthood. Despite ECC being entirely preventable, marked ECC disparities exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. If the burden of ECC and associated oral health inequalities experienced by Indigenous children in these nations are to be reduced, more needs to be done to ensure that appropriate preventive measures, together with support for maintaining optimal oral health, are provided to caregivers of such children in the early life stages. This will be an interventional study, with all participants receiving the intervention benefits. Pregnant Indigenous women residing in the three countries, their families and communities will be included. The intervention will be implemented from birth and continue for the first three years of a participating child's life. It will involve four components; dental care provided to the mother during pregnancy, fluoride varnish applications for the child, oral health anticipatory guidance and motivational interviewing. Following an Indigenous research framework and methodology, the intervention will be tailored at the individual- or family-level, with each caregiver or family progressing to the next level only when they are ready. Developing a culturally-appropriate ECC intervention that aims to improve child oral health, in full partnership with the Indigenous communities involved, will provide much needed evidence for policy makers to address the challenge of improved oral health and related outcomes for Indigenous children.

Anticaries Effect of Probiotic Lactobacillus Brevis CD2 (Lb CD2).
Dental CariesGingivitisIn a previous study the efficacy of Lb CD2 on interim covariates related to caries development was tested. So, it was decided to plan a new study on schoolchildren from the same area. The aim of the present research protocol was to evaluate the anticariogenic effect of probiotics daily used, on the caries development in children. The null hypothesis was that the probiotic Lb CD2 would not modify the caries risk of the children. Moreover, the study will be carried out to investigate the plaque acidogenicity in situ following the regular consumption of a probiotic product compared to a control group. Objective: To determine the effect of a regularly consumed probiotic on the development of new caries lesions. Study design: Double blind, placebo-controlled, longitudinal study, monocentric, national, in situ

Effect of Erythritol and Xylitol on Dental Caries Prevention in Children
Dental CariesThis study aims at demonstrating the effect of erythritol and xylitol lozenges on preventing the new caries lesions and the possible remineralization effect of both polyols on incipient caries lesions.

Maternal Consumption of Xylitol to Reduce Early Childhood Decay (MaXED Study)
Dental CariesOral Microbial ColonizationThe purpose of this study is to determine if the Childsmile programme (www.child-smile.org) with the additional maternal use of xylitol is more effective at reducing dental decay in children than a Childsmile program alone. The children will be compared in the two groups at age two, to determine how the interventions affected the early colonization of mutans streptococci, an important risk factor of tooth decay. At three and at five years the investigators will also examine the amount of tooth decay in these children. Using MIDAS (Scotland's national health service dental data) records, the investigators will follow the oral health of the children until the age of 5 years. Main hypothesis: The maternal consumption of xylitol reduces early childhood caries

Elmex Gel Efficacy in Preventing White Spot Lesions
Dental Cariesthe objective of this phase IV study: to establish the efficacy of elmex gel with a fluoride concentration of 1.25% compared with placebo by determining prevention of white spot lesions in patients wearing fixed orthodontic appliances.