Validation of Data for Dental Health in the SKaPa Registry for Children and Adolescents
Dental Caries in ChildrenSwedish Quality Registry for dental health care (SKaPa) is a national registry that has since year 2008 gathered dental data. The data is automatically extracted from the patients' electronical dental data records. A vast majority of the public dental health care clinics deliver data on a daily basis (SKaPa, 2013). SKaPa has the purpose to improve and develop the quality of care and patient outcomes for both prevention and reparative/restorative methods concerning caries and periodontal disease. For children and adolescents, it is above all information related to dental caries that is collected (SKaPa, 2013). So far, SKaPa has published seven annual reports. In the report for year 2013 a limited information about the status of children was given, due to uncertainty in the quality of the information that is passed on to SKaPa (SKaPa, 2013). There is therefore a need to examine the validity of the data supplied to SKaPa. Tooth decay is the most common disease in children and adolescents that often lead to invasive interventions and pain. There are reports of great social disparities in dental health in children and adolescents in Sweden (The National Board of Health and Welfare, Socialstyrelsen, 2013). Because tooth decay is a common disease in children, it is important to be able to monitor the occurrence of the disease and also examine how it differs across various groups of children and adolescents. This is now possible through the several registries that are available in the dental and health care. Register-based research will be an important tool to ensure that children and adolescents receive oral health and dental care on the same premise as others, provided the data in the registries are valid. Furthermore, register-based research is important for development and quality assurance of dental care.

Prevalence of Dental Caries in Preterm Birth Children Aged 2-5 Years in Primary Dentition
PreTerm BirthThe purpose of the study is to determine the prevalence of dental caries in preterm birth children aged 2-5 years in primary dentition.

Role of Aloe Vera Versus Fluoride Toothpaste in Changing High to Low Salivary Bacterial Count
CariesDentalPatient's salivary bacterial count will be evaluated , then the patient will bbe instructed to follow oral hygiene measures including the use of aloe vera toothpaste or fluoride toothpaste , the after 15 days and 30 days the patient's salivary bacterial count will be evaluated another time.

Reproducibility of Interactive Cariogram Software Versus Manual Caries Risk Assessment Form
Dental CariesReproducibility of Interactive Cariogram Software versus Manual Caries Risk Assessment Form on Clinician Decision: observational study

Study of Oral Conditions in Indigenous Populations in the State of Roraima - Brazil
DiagnosisOral3 moreThe objective of this cross - sectional observational study will be to evaluate the oral conditions of indigenous people in the state of Roraima, comparing habits and hygiene conditions in each ethnicity evaluated. This project was submitted to the Coordination of the Yanomami Indigenous Special Sanitary District, the CONDISI presidency and the CASAI leadership. Around 200 indigenous people from the aforementioned ethnic groups, of both sexes, aged between 18 and 75 years, will be evaluated

Retrospective Evaluation of Posterior Direct Restorations
Dental Caries Class IIThis retrospective study aims to evaluate the clinical performance of posterior multi-surface Class II amalgam (AM) and resin composite (RC) restorations placed by dental students over a five-year period.

Predicting Caries Risk in Underserved Toddlers in Primary Healthcare Settings
Dental CariesThe study aims to develop a questionnaire that can be used to help uncover a child's risk of developing dental caries (also known as tooth decay or a cavity). The aim is to develop a practical and easily-scored risk tool that a primary medical care provider can use to help find young children with the highest risk for developing cavities.

Assessment of Caries Diagnosis and Caries Treatment in Dental PBRN Japan
Dental CariesThe objective of this study is to examine what methods Dental PBRN Japan dentists adopt for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dental caries.

DPBRN Assessment of Caries Diagnosis & Caries Treatment
Dental CariesThe purpose of this study was to determine what methods Dental PBRN dentists use for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental decay.

Oral Status and Prevalence of Dental Trauma in Children Treated With Ritalin Due to Attention-Deficit...
Attention Deficit Disorder With HyperactivityDental Caries2 moreTo evaluate the dental status of children using ritalin and suffering from ADHA in comparison to healthy children.