Salivary Bacteria and Oral Health Status in Children With ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisordersCaries2 moreAttention deficit and hyperactivity (ADHD) affect 6% of school-aged children. Few studies reported higher prevalence of caries and restorations among children with ADHD. Methylphenidate is the drug of choice to treat ADHD. according to the medical literature methylphenidate can cause xerostomia. Our study will investigate saliva parameters (such as quantity, bacteria in saliva, buffer capacity), oral hygiene and diet habits and their influence on caries among children with ADHD and among healthy children. Our hypothesis is: Children with ADHD will have more caries. Children with ADHD will have more detrimental oral hygiene and diet habits. There will be a difference in the saliva parameters between children with ADHD and healthy children.

Accuracy Of Sopro-Life Camera In Comparison With ICDAS II For Detection Of Initial Caries
CariesDentalThis study will be conducted to assess diagnostic predictive values of a light induced fluorescence intraoral camera versus those of the visual-tactile assessment method according to modified ICDAS-II criteria in clinical

Social Impact of Children's Dental Appearance
Dental Caries in ChildrenThis study evaluates the social impact of children's dental perception from children with or without caries experience. For this, children and their parents are shown pictures of child faces with healthy teeth, decayed teeth and teeth after dental treatment.

the NMFACT Caries Index
Dental Cariesthe NMFACT is a new caries index to overcome the drawbacks of DMF cries index the ''N'' is for non carious lesion, the ''M''for missed teeth,the ''F''for filled teeth,the''C''for carious teeth,the ''A''for alignment and the ''T''for dental trauma. each problem will be scored from 0(normal).

Exploring the Relationship Among Dental Caries, Nutritional Habits and Peri-implantitis
Peri-ImplantitisMucositis2 moreAim: A study was made of the prevalence, co-occurrence and association among caries, nutritional habits and peri-implant disease, with an analysis of the influence of other patient and implant factors upon peri-implant disease. Material and methods: The included subjects underwent a clinical examination and were asked to complete a questionnaire. Demographic data and potential lifestyle/behavioral variables were collected. Clinical and radiographic assessment allowed calculation of the decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) index and peri-implant diagnosis. Uni- and multivariate logistic regression analyses were applied to identify predictors of peri-implant disease.

Correlation Between Dental Caries Prevalence in Primary Teeth and First Permanent Moilar of Children...
Dental Caries in Childrento find the clinical relation between caries experience in primary teeth and first permanent molar in mixed dentition stage using def index for primary teeth , DMF index for first permanent molars and to find the clinical relation between caries prevalence in the selected children in relation with other associated factors such as age, sex tooth brushing frequency, dietary habits and mother's attitude toward child's oral health.

Saving Lives at Birth: Primary Prevention of Periodontal Disease in Relation to Preterm Birth in...
Preterm BirthPeriodontal Disease2 moreThe hypothesis of the investigators' project is that comprehensive primary preterm birth prevention, inclusive of maternal oral health with xylitol chewing gum (the intervention), will reduce the rate of periodontal disease and caries, preterm birth prevalence, and neonatal mortality.

The Tayside Brushing Study - Adult Follow up
Dental CariesHistorically dental health of Scottish children had been poor for many years. Evidence form clinical trials of fluoride toothpaste identified a route to improving prevention. Those who had poor dental health used fluoride toothpaste infrequently at home. The investigators hypothesised that this disadvantage could be overcome by supplying toothpaste to disadvantaged families and supervising child toothbrushing at school. In 1997, 534 children 5.3 years were recruited in 12 primary schools in Tayside; randomly assigned to one of two groups - test group followed a home-to-school toothbrushing programme with fluoride toothpaste; control group: usual care. Children in test group were provided with toothbrushes and toothpaste (1,000ppmF as sodium monofluorophosphate) for home use; also brushed their teeth school daily. After 2 years, children participating in the supervised brushing programme developed significantly less caries (tooth decay). Permission was given for longitudinal follow up of children and dental records. The original intervention lasted 30 months and children were re-examined at 36 months after baseline, 48, 60 and 84 months. At 84 month examination, 77% were available, found prolonged benefits of brushing programme. This was 4.5 years after the end of the programme; children were aged 11.5 years. At age 14 years, 6.5 years after intervention end, 65% of children were reexamined; benefit was still evident at 20-26% less caries experience. However, there had been greater subject loss and insufficient funds available to undertake a more individual followup of participants. Since then, records have been followed; up-to-date contact details identified. Using this new data, the investigators seek to reconsent the participants, now aged 23 to invite them to attend a followup dental examination. This study has the potential to provide unique information on longterm costs and benefits of a home-to-school toothbrushing programme.

DPBRN Development of a Patient Based Provider Intervention for Early Caries Management
Dental CariesThis study focused on improving the quality of dental care by fostering movement of the latest scientific advances into daily clinical practice.

Isolite and Dental Treatment Under Conscious Sedation
Dental CariesHypothesis The use of Isolite® system does not produce upper airway obstruction in the pediatric population during dental treatment with conscious sedation. Purpose: Report the changes in airway patency and pediatric patient's behavior when Isolite® system is used for dental treatment with conscious sedation. Objectives: Determine changes in pulse rate Determine changes in SpO2 Recognize breath sound's changes possibly associated with airway blockage Evaluate if the isolite® system is well tolerate by the pediatric population for dental treatment under conscious sedation Relate the use of Isolite® with the frequency of head reposition to open the airway.