Respiratory Problems and Caries in Children With Bruxism
BruxismDental CariesThe aim of the present study are to determine whether there is an association between respiratory problems and dental caries in children who exhibit the habit of bruxism.

Assessment of Dental Caries Among a Group of Institutionalized Orphan Children Compared to Parented...
Dental Caries in ChildrenChildren from two orphanages will be examined for dental caries experience, in comparison to parented school children.

Correlation Study Between Socio-economical Deprivation and Oral Health in Children of 9 Years of...
Tooth DecayMissing Tooth/TeethRetrospective, observational cohort study. Objectives : To search for correlations between socio-economical deprivation and oral health in french children of 9 years of age. To study the annual use of oral and dental care of children from 6 to 9 years of age depending on their geographical and socio-economical environment, and the medical demography ; To identify and study the share of the cohort not using oral and dental care, and the socio-economical and geographical factors implicated in this non-use of care. The study will use data from the french nationwide healthcare systems database (SNDS) and data from the french national institute of statistics and economic studies (INSEE).

Effectiveness of Resin Sealants: Retrospective Cohort Study
Dental CariesThis retrospective cohort study assessed sealant clinical success applied to pit and fissure by dental undergraduate students at Piracicaba Dental School - Brazil.

Interdental Microbiota Among Adolescents
Dental CariesGingivitisAdolescence remains a period during which tooth decay is still very active. There are few epidemiological studies in adolescents, and the majority of them were young people aged 15 and under. Early studies have characterized the interdental periodontal microbiota in healthy adults but, to our knowledge, no studies have analyzed the caries interdental microbiota in young people between 15 and 17 years of age. The main objective of this study is to describe the interdental microbiota in adolescents by a quantitative detection system using real-time PCR methodology. It will quantify 26 major interdental pathogens. The secondary objective is to analyse the distribution of these bacteria according to the level of caries risk and salivary risk. Fifty Caucasian adolescents were recruited for this cross sectional study.

Molecular Assessment of Oral Mutans Streptococcus Isolated From Different Patients
Dental Caries90 saliva samples will be isolated from patient who possess different ages and caries activity, attending outpatient clinic of October University of Modern Sciences and Arts. Then the determination of the best selective media for mutans streptococcus isolated from saliva and authenticate the MS via PCR technique.

Clinical Evaluation of Bioactive Resin Sealants vs Conventional Sealants in Permanent Molars
CariesDentalThis study will be conducted to evaluate the performance; in terms of retention and caries inhibition; of the newly introduced bioactive resin based pits and fissure sealant versus conventional resin based pits and fissure sealant in caries susceptible fissures in posterior molars in patients at risk of caries. Evaluation will be done by visual tactile examination & VistaCAM.

Perception of Children With Visible Untreated and Treated Caries
Dental CariesIn Germany about 5 to 20% of children suffer from early childhood caries (ECC). Preceding results of eye-tracking-studies on the perception of patients with unilateral cleft and patients with severe orthognathic malocclusion let us assume that caries and missing teeth might influence the observer's focus. The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that the faces of patients with ECC and patients with signs of dental treatment (crown, gap etc.) are contemplated differently from and assessed more negatively than healthy patients. Particular attention should be paid to potential differences between the findings of the two observer-groups (medical laypersons/ dental students).

Oral Health Assessment of Children in CP Class
Dental CariesFew oral exams are performed on 6-year-olds (key age for carious disease). This project aims to increase the number of oral check-ups for 6-year-olds in fragile areas (REP/REP+ areas).

Celiac DiseaseDental CariesThe main aim of the study is to currently define the prevalence of celiac disease (CD) in children aged 5-10 years in 2 Italian cities (Ancona and Verona). The screening protocol is based on a 1st line genetic test (searche of HLA DQ2/DQ8 genotypes) followed by a serological diagnosis (IgA TTG and IgG DGP).