Effectiveness of Different Preventive Regimens in Cariogram Parameters and DMF Scores of High Caries...
Prevention of Dental Caries66 Participants will be divided into three groups according to the tested regimen (A), where (A1) represents participants exposed to fluoride toothpaste, (A2) represents participants exposed to regimen including fluoride toothpaste and chlorhexidine mouthwash and (A3) represents participants exposed to regimen including fluoride toothpaste, chlorhexidine mouthwash and MI fluoride varnish. The study will be carried over a period of one year, assessment of cariogram will be done in two visits: first visit (baseline: T0) and second visit (after 3 months: T2). In addition assessment of DMF scores will be done in four visits: first visit (baseline: T0), second visit (after 3 months: T1), third visit (after 6 months: T2) and final visit (after 12 months: T3) to obtain the required data

The Influence of Preventive Regimens Containing Different Toothpastes on Caries Risk of High Risk...
Prevention of Dental Caries66 Participants will be divided into three groups according to the tested regimen (A), where (A1) represents participants will be exposed to regimen including dual zinc plus arginine based toothpaste (Colgate total), (A2) represents participants will be exposed to regimen including zinc based toothpaste (Crest complete) and (A3) represents control group where participants will be used fluoride based toothpaste (Signal). The study will be carried over a period of one year, assessment of cariogram will be done in two visits: first visit (baseline: T0) and second visit (after 3 months: T3) . In addition assessment of DMF scores will be done in four visits: first visit (baseline: T0), second visit (after 3 months: T3), third visit (after 6 months: T6) and final visit (after 12 months: T12) to obtain the required data

The Preformed Metal Crowns Placed Using the Hall Technique Versus the Conventional Restoration
Dental CariesCaries; DentinThe aim of this study is to compare the survival rate of the conventional restorations with the Hall Technique in carious primary molars.

Retention of a Flowable Resin-based Sealant With Two Types of Adhesives
Caries,DentalPit and Fissure Caries1 moreThe aim of the present study is to compare the use of two adhesives for the placement of occlusal sealants, evaluating their retention on the occlusal surfaces. Methods: A randomized clinical trial, in Phase IV, triple-blind, with a split mouth study design will be adopted, which consists of a simple division of the mouth into two parts (right and left) for the first four permanent molars of each patient, where the placement of the materials will be on the right / left side of the mouth and contralateral. They will then be randomly assigned following block randomization procedures with a 1: 1 allocation. 50 participants (6-year-old children) will be considered, and a pair of permanent first molars homologs will be used for each participant. Inclusion criteria include: children whose parents accepted their participation in the study and who signed the Informed Consent, children enrolled in the Pichanaki District school, children who present upper and / or lower permanent molars with absence of deep caries cavities and caries, graded 0 and 1 according to ICDAS II, Green and Vermillion Simplified Oral Hygiene Index of 1-2, have a pair of non-cavitated caries-free counterparts, and children with positive behavior. After selection of patients, the dental sealants will be placed with two different adhesives: the 8th generation adhesive intervention group (Scotchbond universal 3M) and the 5th generation adhesive control group (Single bond 3M), both sealants will use the same flowable resin (Tetric N-flow ivoclar vivadent). Results evaluation: Retention of the sealants will be evaluated at 6, 9 and 12 months. Retention rates of pit and fissure sealant materials will be analyzed according to the split mouth design. The study will use the Mc Nemar test to compare the retention of sealants in the intervention group and the control group at 6, 9 and 12 months. A 95% confidence level will be accepted. In addition, the Cochrane Q test will be applied to determine if there are significant differences in survival for each group of sealants through the evaluation time. The calculation of the survival months of the sealants will be carried out using the actuarial method (survival tables). Expected conclusion: To identify which of the two adhesives presents the best retention after 12 months.

Study of People's Profile Living in France Who Could be Interested in the Use of a Nanohydroxyapatite...
Dental CariesHydroxyapatiteNano-hydroxyapatite is an interesting candidate to be a substitute for fluor in toothpastes or a complement to fluorides in order to prevent caries. The objective of this transversal descriptive study is to evaluate the profiles of people living in France who could be interested in using a nano-hydroxyapatite based toothpaste. Participants in this transversal descriptive study have been chosen by a self-administered method. Before answering 16 questions, the participants were asked to watch a short video describing the main concepts to know about fluoridated toothpastes and nano-hydoxyapatite toothpastes. Pros and cons of each one them were mentioned. In order to compare the answers, pivot tables have been produced.

Associations Between Obesity, Dental Caries, Erosive Tooth Wear and Periodontal Disease in Adolescents:...
ObesityObesity6 moreObjectives To compare oral health (dental caries, periodontal status, and erosive tooth wear (ETW)), diet and oral hygiene habits between obese and normal weight adolescents, and to explore possible risk associations. Materials and Methods In this case-control study, a convenient sample of 81 obese adolescents (age range 11-18) from a rehabilitation centre, and 81 age-sex-matched normal weight adolescents were selected. Groups were defined using the Body Mass Index and growth curves for Flemish. Oral health was measured using DMFT, gingival, plaque and BEWE index. A validated questionnaire was utilized to assess diet and oral hygiene habits.

Effect of Xylitol-Containing Chewing Gum With/Without Bicarbonate Versus Paraffin Pellet on Salivary...
Dental Caries36 eligible participants will be randomly divided into three groups (n=12) according to the tested chewing gum (A), where (A1) represents participants exposed to xylitol chewing gum, (A2) represents participants exposed to bicarbonate and xylitol chewing gum and (A3) represents control group where participants are exposed to paraffin pellet chewing. The pH of saliva will be evaluated according to time in relation to the gum chewing (T) where (T0) represent the pH before chewing, (T1) represent 5 minutes after gum chewing at fixed time of the day (in the morning from 10 to 11 am). Direct benefit of the research to the human volunteer: It is important for high caries risk patients to decrease caries susceptibility as this will eventually decrease their dental treatments and subsequently the treatment cost. Scientific value and social benefits: This study will benefit the dentist as the main goal of a dentist is to prevent rather than cure. Also, it will decrease the restorative work carried out by dentist and save this time for educating more patients about caries prevention methods. Expected risk to the human subjects: Allergic reactions due to any of the components of the materials used which is rare to occur.

Pathogenic Species and Genotypes of Bacterial Diversity in Relation to the Severity of Dental Caries...
Dental CavityThe primary objective of this study is to estimate the distribution of pathogenic species and genotypes of bacterial diversity in 7 stages ICDAS (International Caries Detection and Assessment System) corresponding to the severity of dental caries among patients aged 3-45 years consulting in the Dentistry Departments of the Nîmes University Hospital and the Montpellier University Hospital.

Comparison of Early Caries Detection in Children Utilizing an Electrical Conductance Device and...
Dental Caries in ChildrenThe purpose of this study is to evaluate a methodology for detecting early forming cavities in children that is more accurate and reliable than the gold standard used by dentists around the world. The new method uses an electrical current device to detect early enamel mineral loss before it can develop into a cavity. The manual gold standard is for a dentist to probe the surfaces of the teeth with a fine pick, searching for areas of defect.

DPBRN Longitudinal Study of Dental Restorations Placed on Previously Un-restored Surfaces
Dental CariesThe purpose of this study is to assess the quality and expected lifespan of fillings recorded in the DPBRN "Reasons for placing the first restoration on permanent tooth surfaces" study, and the factors affecting how long the fillings last.