DPBRN Prevalence of Questionable Occlusal Caries Lesions
Dental CariesThe purpose of this study was to investigate the process involved when making decisions about the diagnosis and treatment of questionable lesions, as well as determine if there is any association between lesions progression (or depth, if opened) and clinical characteristics and baseline risk assessment.

DPBRN Longitudinal Study of Questionable Occlusal Caries Lesions
Dental CariesThe purpose of this study will allow us to observe and follow the subjects' treatment from DPBRN Prevalence of Questionable Occlusal Caries Lesions Study over a 24 month period.

Clinical Evaluation of Three Dental Adhesive Systems in Class V Restorations
Dental CariesThe purpose of this study is to compare the clinical performance of three dental adhesive systems used to bond Class V cavity fillings in adult teeth.

Assessment of Salivary Bacterial Level and Dental Caries Experience in a Group of Egyptian Children...
Black Stain DentalDental Black Stain3 moreBlack stains (BS) are type of extrinsic discoloration of the tooth. It's characterized as dark lines or an incomplete coalescence of dark dots found mostly on cervical third of the crown. Most studies worldwide found that children with the black stained teeth have low caries prevalence. A study on Brazilian population also suggested that black stains might be protective factor against development of dental caries. A study reported that chromogenic bacteria were proposed as etiological factor in production of black stains.The most common microbiological composition of BS was found to be Actinomycetes. Dental examination and saliva samples collection will be done for black stained teeth children of outpatient clinic of Pediatric Dentistry and Dental Public Health Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University. This research adopts null hypothesis; it assumes that there is no effect on dental caries experience in children with black stained teeth.

Evaluation of the Relationship Between Dental Caries and Growth Parameters in Preschool Children...
Dental Caries in ChildrenUntreated dental caries are very common in preschool children. Pain and inflammation due to dental caries have been reported to affect eating and sleeping disorders, affecting growth and development. The aim of this study was to compare the changes in serum IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels, height and weight gain before and after treatment in patients with dental caries-related inflammation and pain in preschool children and to compare these children with children without dental caries. Thirty children aged between 3-6 years with dental caries with pulp were identified using ICDAS II and dmft index as the study group.30 children dental caries including pulp, will be included using the same indices as the control group. In the study group, serum IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels and anthropometric measurements will be determined before and at the 6th month after treatment. In the control group, serum IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels and anthropometric measurements will be determined at the 6th month following the first dental examination. IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and anthropometric measurements will be compared between first dental examination and 6th month values in the study and control groups, and between first dental examination and 6th month time points between the groups.

Pandemic-adapted Caries Care Multicentre Case Series
Dental Caries in ChildrenTThe current understanding of dental caries has not been completely transferred into the clinical practice to control caries lesion progression (severity / activity) and the individual risk of caries. This situation led to the development of the CariesCare International CCI Caries Management System (2018), derived from ICCMS™- International Caries Classification and Management System (2012) and the ICDAS - International Caries Detection and Assessment System (2002) in a consensus among more than 45 cariologists, epidemiologists, public health professionals, researchers and cliniciansfrom all over the world. The consensus aimed to guide dentists and dental teams in clinical practice, facilitating the control of the caries process and the maintenance of oral health in their patients. The general lack of implementation of an updated management of dental caries is evident in Colombia, in the survey of 1094 clinicians, teachers and students, failures were reported to adopt related behaviours, motivation barriers (remuneration), opportunity (in terms of relevance, physical/infrastructure resources, time) and training. As an additional barrier, the Colombian Chapter of the Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future (ACFF), evidences the absence of a facilitating Oral Health Record (OHR), this situation lead to stablish a new Alliance between the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MSPS) and the AFLC to develop an inter-institutional consensus at the national level, of a clinical history for diagnosis and management of lesions and caries risk. Finally, 55 institutions participated in this consensus, and we have just finished a pilot test of the forms to submit a proposal for national standardization from the MSPS. The aim of this multicentre case series is to assess after 3, 6 and 12 months in children oral health outcomes, caregivers' satisfaction and in dentists' process outcomes, after the implementation of the CCI system adapted for the COVID-19 era -non-aerosol generating procedures. Oral health outcomes will be evaluated in terms of: Effectiveness of CCI to control bacterial plaque, caries progression and caries risk, and to achieve behavioural change in oral health in children. Acceptance of CCI caries management adapted for COVID-19 through Treatment Evaluation Interventory in dentists, and in children/parents through satisfaction questionnaire. Costs of CCI adapted for caries management, in economic terms, number and appointment time.

the Effect of Prenatal Vitamins on the Tooth Structure
Dental Cariesthe effect of mother prenatal care on the teeth of the newborn children, if it affect the tooth structure or not

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of a Group of Egyptian Dental Interns Toward Caries Risk Assessment...
Dental CariesScientific background(Statement of the problem): Dental caries is a disease that occurs through complex interaction of four major factors: the host, acidogenic bacteria, fermentable carbohydrates and time. There are many factors which contribute to dental caries incidence but do not seen in clinical examination. Those things are considered as dental caries risk factors, such as socioeconomic, attitudes, knowledge and behavior toward oral health. These risk factors play an important role in incidence of the disease, significantly associated with disease progression . The traditional "drill and fill "concept has served to restore function and esthetics but it has failed to prevent development of new carious lesions. In recent years; better understanding of nature of carious process has changed this operative treatment concept to non destructive risk -based caries management. Caries risk assessment is a procedure used to predict dental caries development before clinical onset of disease, through assessing risk factors contributing to progress of dental caries and let oral health care professionals to be more active in identifying and referring high risk patients for proper treatment and required prevention. Rationale for carrying out this study : Many studies have measured dentists' knowledge toward caries risk assessment all over the world, but no studies have examined Egyptian Dentists' subjective ratings of the importance of specific caries risk factors or tested whether they use this information in treatment planning. So the aim of this study to assess knowledge, attitude and practice toward caries risk assessment and management among group of dental interns in Egypt. Benefits to the Dental interns: Challenge the knowledge of the intern dentists regarding caries risk assessment. Encourage the concept of minimally invasive dentistry to be applied in clinical practice. Accurate caries risk assessment in patients can guide clinician to give attention of their resources to high risk patients. Benefits to the patients: Will benefit from proper knowledge, attitude and practice of dentists, thus proper treatment will be provided. Behavioral modification of patients toward oral hygiene practices. Reducing patient risk of developing advanced disease and may even arrest disease process. Benefits to the Community: -Imparting knowledge of Caries risk assessment to dentists will benefit their patients especially high-caries risk patients by giving proper preventive interventions that help to reduce the expected elevated incidence and severity of caries in the future, therefore the whole community will benefit.

The Influence of Feeding Position on Pulmonary Morbidity in Young Children
Pulmonary DiseasesTonsillar Hypertrophy2 moreSupine feeding position is associated with serous otitis media. The hypothesis is that supine feeding is associated with recurrent otitis media, tonsillar and adenoid hypertrophy and recurrent pneumonia secondary to recurrent aspiration.

DIMOH: New Digital Methods for Monitoring Oral Health. An in Vivo Assessment
Dental CariesTooth WearThe objectives of this study are i) to monitor the oral health of young people over a period of one year and ii) to assess the ability of a new intraoral scanner combining fluorescence with 3D imaging to detect and monitor changes in the dental hard tissues in vivo. The working hypotheses of this study are that i) the monitoring of oral health will benefit from using a new intraoral scanner combining fluorescence with 3D imaging and ii) the new intraoral scanner combining fluorescence with 3D imaging will aid dentists to identify changes in the dental hard tissues at earlier stages than the traditional diagnostic methods (i.e. visual-tactile, radiographic methods).