Clinical Comparison of Bulk-fill Restorative and Nano-fill Resin Composite
Dental CariesThe aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical performance of a nano-fill and a bulk fill resin composite in class II restorations.

Clinical Evaluation of a Bulk Fill Resin Composite
Dental CariesUnsatisfactory or Defective Restoration of ToothThe purpose of this clinical trial is to measure the clinical outcomes of Tetric PowerFill Class I and II restorations cured in 3 seconds with the Bluephase PowerCure curing unit.

CARDEC-PEL: Comparison of Two Methods of Caries Risk Assessment in Children
Caries,DentalThe aim of the study was to compare dental caries treatment and follow-up based on an elaborate and individualized assessment of caries risk in children, to a simpler risk assessment strategy by means of a double-blind randomized clinical trial of two years monitoring. Participants will be children from 7 to 11 years old, who pass through the screening of the Children's Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Federal University of Pelotas and fulfill the inclusion criteria. A randomized, stratified sample of approximately 250 children will be included in the study, one group will be composed of children undergoing dental caries-related treatment and maintenance, guided by an individualized and multivariate risk assessment, and another group of children treated based on dental caries experience alone in the deciduous and / or permanent dentition. Recruitment will begin at the beginning of 2019, and participants will be followed up for 24 months. Parents will respond to an anamnesis, 24-hour dietary recall, food frequency questionnaire, and oral and general health-related quality of life questionnaire, children will undergo a clinical examination to assess caries, according to the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) in its simplified form and evaluation of caries activity. Dental treatments and return intervals will be designated according to the individual risk of the patient detected in the initial approach according to the group. The study evaluations consist of baseline, 12 months and 24 months, data will be transferred to spreadsheets after the different phases of the study. Primary outcomes (number of dental surfaces requiring operative intervention) and secondary outcomes will be analyzed by Student's t test, quality of life and quality of life related to oral health, will be assessed at the beginning of the study and at the end of treatment, and compared between the groups.

Esthetics of Dental Composite and Adhesive System
Cavities of TeethTo compare a newly developed filling composite to a current filling composite system. Two restorations will be placed in each subject, one using system A and one using system B. The first system listed in the randomization pair will be placed on first tooth (#4-#13), and the second system on 2nd tooth (#4-#13). The same three researchers will be responsible for placement of all the restorations.

Efficiency of Different Modes of Universal Adhesive
Dental CariesAdhesionThe purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare the clinical performance of a Universal adhesive's different application modes.

The Impact of Simple Home-based Differential Learning on Oral Hygiene in Children.
Dental CariesGingival DiseasesThis randomized clinical trial study aims to investigate the impact of home-based differential learning on tooth brushing, in particular on the reduction of plaque and maintenance of gingival health in children aged 3 to 8 years, compared to the habitual tooth brushing and instruction/demonstration tooth brushing learning method.

Clinical Performance of Chairside CAD/CAM Restorations
Dental CementsCaries,DentalThis investigation will be a longitudinal clinical trial to study the long-term clinical performance of a resin cement for chairside CAD/CAM restorations. Lithium disilicate chairside CAD/CAM onlays will be adhesively bonded using a selective enamel etch technique with an adhesive. Full contour zirconia crowns will be cemented using a self-adhesive resin cement.

TetricCAD Crown Clinical Study
Fractured ToothDecayed Tooth1 moreThis investigation will be a clinical trial to study the performance of a new resin-based ceramic material for crowns. The material has been approved by the FDA for patient treatment. A computer technique will be used to fabricate the crowns in a single appointment without the need for a temporary crown or second appointment. The purpose of the study is to measure how well the high strength crowns function over an extended period of time.

Clinical Evaluation of Different Resin Composite Restorations
Dental CariesPosterior resin composite is challenging esthetic restoration. Patients seek for durable, esthetic and functional restorations in molars. one of the major problems is polymerization shrinkage. Some materials were developed to overcome the polymerization shrinkage, among them bulk fill resin composite which have been developed to reduce the shrinkage stress during polymerization and offer much greater depth of cure. This is achieved by the addition of fillers such as barium aluminum silicate filler, ytterbium trifluoride and mixed oxides. Furthermore, a prepolymerized fillers have been added with silanes to reduce shrinkage stress. so, the objective of this trial is to clinical Evaluate and compare clinical performance of bulk fill VS incremental filling technique.

Esthetic Evaluation of Onlay Restorations Constructed From Vita Ambria Glass Ceramics
Dental CariesTooth DecayThere is limited data available on VITA AMBRIA glass ceramic , so this study is conducted to investigate the esthetic parameters of this new glass press system.