Evaluation of Two Different Types of Zirconia Crowns Used in Carious Primary Anterior Teeth
Dental Caries in ChildrenEvaluation of two different types of zirconia crowns ( Kinder Krown , Nusmile crown) used in carious primary anterior teeth

Improving Family's Adherence to Dental Care After DGA (HECC-CAN-study)
Dental CariesChild NeglectEarly childhood caries (ECC) is a common disease. Its prevalence is highest in poor, socially disadvantaged, and minority groups. Dental treatment under General Anaesthesia (DGA) is common, especially among the youngest patients. Parental adherence to child's post-DGA dental treatment is varying. Non-attendance to preventive care appointments and dental check-ups after the DGA is also common. The primary aim of this study is to explore if a multi-professional (paediatrician and social worker) intervention after the child's DGA can increase the adherence to post-DGA dental care. The secondary aim is to compare its possible influence on children's oral health 18 months after the DGA. Our hypothesis is that multi-professional counselling and support after the DGA will lead to better adherence to the scheduled preventive dental programme and better oral health for these children in the long run.

ONE-1 Oral graNd Est 1
Dental DecayPeriodontal Abscess6 moreThis study is about the assessment of two oral telemedecine tools compared to an intra oral clinical examination used as a reference among elderly persons living in nursing home. Our hyposthesis is that the diagnostic performance of the two devices will be similar. The main goal of the study is to assess the performances of two intra-oral cameras compared to an intra oral clinical examination to detect at least one decayed tooth. The secondary objectives of this study are : At patient's level: To assess the performances of two intra-oral cameras types compared to an intra oral clinical examination for detecting each of the following conditions: (i) at least one filled tooth, (ii) at least one missing tooth, (iii) gingivitis, (iv) an abscess, (v) dental plaque and (vi) calculous To assess the concordance between each intra oral cameras and the intra oral clinical examination in the evaluation of the number (i) of decayed teeth, (ii) filled teeth and (iii) missing tooth From video acquisitions of each intra oral cameras, to assess the inter-observer concordance for the diagnostic of each dental pathologies (presence of at least one decayed tooth, filled or missing) and periodontal (presence of gingivitis, abscess, dental plaque or scale) From video acquisitions of each intra oral cameras, to assess the inter-observer agreement of the number of teeth: (i) decayed, (ii) filled and (ii) missing At tooth level : To assess the performances of two intra-oral cameras types compared to an intra oral clinical examination for detecting each of the following conditions: (i) a cavity, (ii) a filled tooth and (iii) missing tooth In all patients : To assess patient's feelings about the use of each intra oral cameras To compare the time required for video acquisitions between each of intra oral cameras For patients with dental or periodontal pathologies observed during the intra oral examination: 8 To assess, 2 months after initial evaluation, the proportion of patients attended dental or periodontal care and for which an appointment with a dentist has been scheduled

Celtra Quatro Crown Study
Fractured ToothDecayed Tooth1 moreThis investigation will be a clinical trial to study the performance of a newly developed high strength ceramic material for crowns. The ceramic has been approved by the FDA for patient treatment. A computer technique will be used to fabricate the crowns in a single appointment without the need for a temporary crown or second appointment. Two adhesive resin cement techniques will be used to hold the crown to the tooth and they will be evaluated for creating sensitivity to the tooth. The purpose of the study is to measure how well the high strength crowns function over an extended period of time.

Clinical Efficacy of Preformed Pediatric Zirconia and Metal Crown
Carious TeethThe study was planned to evaluate and compare the clinical success of prefabricated stainless steel crowns and zirconia crowns used in the primary molars. The study will be carried out in healthy children aged 6-9 years with caries on more than one surface of the primary molars.

SDF Application in Oral Cancer Patients to Prevent Dental Caries
Dental CariesThe Texas A & M College of Dentistry, with partner Texas Oncology-Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer-Center Radiation-Oncology, proposes to conduct a preliminary clinical study (NIH Stage 0) to pilot test a randomized clinical trial of the efficacy of professionally applied 38% silver diamine fluoride to prevent tooth decay in 60 patients who are being treated with radiation for life threatening head and neck cancer.

Aesthetic Restorations in Deciduous Anterior Teeth
Dental Caries in ChildrenThis study proposes to conduct a randomized clinical trial (RCT), composed of a sample of 194 deciduous central and lateral incisors with active cavitated lesions, simplified ICDAS C+ score, with involvement of more than two surfaces. This sample will be divided into two experimental groups, both with selective removal of carious tissue: a group in which conventional restoration will be performed using opaque resins; and another group with monochromatic resin with chameleon effect and polyvinyl crowns.

Novel Self-Adhesive Composite Hybrid Versus Conventional Composite in Restoration of Carious Primary...
Dental Caries in ChildrenThe clinical trial aim to evaluate clinical effectiveness of self-adhesive composite hybrid (Surefil one) versus conventional composite(VOCO Grandio) as restorative material for carious primary teeth.

Probiotics That Moderate pH and Antagonize Pathogens to Promote Oral Health
Dental CariesThis study will examine the mechanisms of action of probiotics and synbiotics for control of oral diseases, with a particular focus on exploring new strategies for caries prevention and treatment.

Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of Anti-Caries Varnish
Dental Caries in ChildrenThe purpose of the study is to determine the efficacy & safety of Advantage Anti-Caries Varnish for primary prevention. The objectives are: 1) To determine if Advantage Anti-Caries Varnish (test varnish) is superior to an active control varnish (5% Sodium Fluoride, no Povidone-Iodine) in the prevention of caries lesions in the primary dentition. Specifically, prevention of caries lesions in primary teeth that either are sound, have only d1 (white spots) lesions or unerupted at baseline; and 2) To document the safety of the test varnish.