Sleep in Psychiatric Care (SIP): Treatment for Comorbid Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder (DSWPD)...
Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase DisorderSleep Disorder1 moreSleep disorders commonly co-occur with psychiatric disorders. Sleep disorders are often treated with medication or not at all in psychiatric care, although there exist a plethora of documentation of the effectiveness of sleep interventions. There is also an increase in studies showing effectiveness of sleep-interventions when the sleep disorder co-occurs with psychiatric illness. The recommended treatment for Delayed Sleep-Wake phase disorder is light therapy at gradually advanced timing and/or melatonin administered in order to help phase-advance the circadian rhythm. There is a great gap in the knowledge on how sleep disorders can be treated effectively when they occur comorbid to moderate and severe psychiatric illness. In this project the we therefore seek to investigate the effect of psychological and behavioural, group-based treatment in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) where sleep and psychiatric symptoms are the primary outcome measures.

Lemborexant in Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome
Delayed Sleep Phase SyndromeThe purpose of the study is to evaluate whether Lemborexant is more effective than placebo in shortening sleep onset latency in patients with delayed sleep phase syndrome (both type 1 and type 2). This will be tracked using sleep logs as well as actigraphy. In this 2-year study, we will examine if Lemborexant administered 5-10 mg nightly taken at desired bedtime (at least 2 hours prior to self-reported sleep onset habitual time) can improve the symptoms of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome.

Evaluating the Effects of Tasimelteon vs. Placebo in Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder (DSWPD)
Sleep Wake DisordersSleep Disorders2 moreThis is a multicenter, double-blind, randomized study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a daily single oral dose of tasimelteon and matching placebo in male and female participants with DSWPD.

The Role of Circadian Factors in Regulation of Neuroplasticity in Ischemic Stroke (Interventional)...
Ischemic StrokeAcute2 moreThere is a lack of complex studies which could establish the association between genetic circadian factors with the features and short-term outcomes of ischemic stroke, as well as the effects of various auxiliary therapies for circadian rhythm modulation for neuroplasticity enhancement and improvement of short-term outcomes in ischemic stroke. The main research hypothesis is that circadian factors influence the recovery from ischemic stroke via sleep-mediated regulation of synaptic plasticity. The project aims at the investigation of the influence of combined melatonin therapy and blue light exposure on molecular circadian biomarkers, sleep characteristics, neuroplasticity markers and stroke outcome in acute stroke patients. This study is a prospective, interventional, randomized placebo-controlled trial.

Countermeasures to Circadian Misalignment
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder of Shift Work TypeMetabolic Disease1 moreInsufficient sleep and circadian misalignment are independent risk factors for the development of obesity and diabetes, yet few strategies exist to counter metabolic impairments when these behaviors are unavoidable. This project will examine whether avoiding food intake during the biological night can mitigate the impact of circadian misalignment on metabolic homeostasis in adults during simulated night shift work. Findings from this study could identify a translatable strategy to minimize metabolic diseases in populations that include anyone working nonstandard hours such as police, paramedics, firefighters, military personnel, pilots, doctors and nurses, truck drivers, and individuals with sleep disorders.

Bright Light Intervention to Reduce Students' Stress
Psychological StressPhysiological Stress2 moreIncreased stress levels are a significant problem for many students and represent a risk factor for impaired mental and physical health as well as academic performance. Stress levels are particularly high during the preparation phase for major exams. There is good evidence that light therapy is an effective treatment option to improve mood in affective disorders. The present study aims at investigating the psychophysiological effects of a 3-week morning bright light exposure in reducing stress and stress-related problems in students preparing for major exams.

Effect of Melatonin on Sleep Patterns of Resident Trainees During Night Float Shift
Sleep DisordersCircadian RhythmAnesthesiology residency requires extended and overnight shifts, which may negatively impact the quantity and quality of sleep. Previous studies have investigated the effect of night float shift work on anesthesiology resident sleep and performance and demonstrated that total sleep quantity and time spent in deep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep were significantly reduced during night float and did not return to baseline after 3 nights of recovery. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, which regulates the circadian rhythm that governs sleep. Exogenous melatonin may be used as a sleep aid and is available over the counter in the United States. Melatonin is effective in realigning the circadian rhythm disorder caused by night shift work and increasing sleep duration; however, melatonin's effect on improving sleep in resident trainees has not been investigated. The investigators propose a prospective double-blinded randomized control trial to investigate the effect of melatonin on sleep quantity and quality in resident physicians assigned to a night float system.

Eating Behaviors in Shift Workers
Shift Work Type Circadian Rhythm Sleep DisorderEating BehaviorThis study will compare eating behaviors and measures of hunger and fullness between day and night workers in order to better understand why night workers are at increased risk for obesity and related diseases.

Diurnal Variation of Exercise on Metabolic Health
Aerobic ExerciseAcute Exercise6 moreThe main objective of this project is to study the diurnal variation of the effect of exercise on glycemic metabolism and fat oxidation in humans.

Health Promoting Work Schedules: The Effect of Abolishing Quick Returns
Sick LeaveInsomnia8 moreIntroduction In shift work, quick returns refer to transitions between two shifts with less than 11 hours available rest time. Twenty-three per cent of employees in European countries reported having quick returns. Quick returns are related to short sleep duration, fatigue, sleepiness, work-related accidents, and sickness absence. The present study is the first randomized controlled trial (RCT) to investigate the effect of a work schedule without quick returns for six months, compared to a work schedule that maintains quick returns during the same time frame. Methods and analysis A parallel-group cluster RCT in a target sample of more than 4000 healthcare workers at Haukeland University Hospital in Norway will be conducted. More than 70 hospital units will be assessed for eligibility and randomized to a work schedule without quick returns for six months or continue with a schedule that maintains quick returns. The primary outcome is objective records of sickness absence; secondary outcomes are questionnaire data (n ≈ 4000 invited) on sleep and functioning, physical and psychological health, work-related accidents, and turnover intention. For a subsample, sleep diaries and objective sleep registrations with radar technology (n ≈ 50) will be collected. Ethics and dissemination The study protocol was approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics in Western Norway (2020/200386). Findings from the trial will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals and presented at national and international conferences. Exploratory analyses of potential mediators and moderators will be reported. User-friendly outputs will be disseminated to relevant stakeholders, unions and other relevant societal groups.