Adherence by Music to Exercise in Dementia: Group Therapy
DementiaThe aim of this study is to asses the effect of a music and video-based group exercise therapy on motivation, physical functioning, cognition and well-being in older adults with moderate dementia.

Efficacy Biomarkers of DAOIB for Dementia
DementiaThis open-label clinical trial will enroll patients with aMCI or mild AD, and they will be treated with DAOIB for 24 weeks. We will assess the patients before entering the study, 8 weeks, 16 weeks, and end point (24 weeks) of the study, and measure blood NMDA and oxidative stress - related biomarkers every 8 weeks. We hypothesize that NMDA and oxidative stress - related biomarkers can predict the efficacy of DAOIB for patients with aMCI or mild AD.

Treatment of Stress and Anxiety in MCI/Mild ADRD
AnxietyMild Cognitive Impairment2 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to test the effectiveness of a computerized anxiety sensitivity treatment (CAST) compared to a health education control (HEC) in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias (ADRD) and their care partners. The main questions it aims to answer are: Efficacy of CAST in reducing anxiety and related symptoms among those with MCI/mild ADRD Efficacy of CAST in reducing care partner burden among care partners of people living with MCI/mild ADRD Explore treatment mechanisms using a multi-modal assessment battery of anxiety sensitivity and anxiety Participants will complete six in-person visits including a baseline assessment, two intervention sessions, and three follow-up assessments at 1, 3, and 6-months posttreatment. Participants will also complete three weeks of ecological momentary assessments (EMAs) for one week prior to intervention, one week between intervention sessions, and one week after intervention. If there is a comparison group: Researchers will compare CAST to HEC to see if CAST reduces anxiety and related symptoms in older adults with MCI/mild ADRD and care partner burden to a greater degree than HEC.

Cognitive Reserve and Response to Speech-Language Intervention in Bilingual Speakers With Primary...
Primary Progressive AphasiaDementia14 moreDifficulties with speech and language are the first and most notable symptoms of primary progressive aphasia (PPA). While there is evidence that demonstrates positive effects of speech-language treatment for individuals with PPA who only speak one language (monolinguals), there is a significant need for investigating the effects of treatment that is optimized for bilingual speakers with PPA. This stage 2 efficacy clinical trial seeks to establish the effects of culturally and linguistically tailored speech-language interventions administered to bilingual individuals with PPA. The overall aim of the intervention component of this study is to establish the relationships between the bilingual experience (e.g., how often each language is used, how "strong" each language is) and treatment response of bilinguals with PPA. Specifically, the investigators will evaluate the benefits of tailored speech-language intervention administered in both languages to bilingual individuals with PPA (60 individuals will be recruited). The investigators will conduct an assessment before treatment, after treatment and at two follow-ups (6 and 12-months post-treatment) in both languages. When possible, a structural scan of the brain (magnetic resonance image) will be collected before treatment in order to identify if brain regions implicated in bilingualism are associated with response to treatment. In addition to the intervention described herein, 30 bilingual individuals with PPA will be recruited to complete behavioral cognitive-linguistic testing and will not receive intervention. Results will provide important knowledge about the neural mechanisms of language re-learning and will address how specific characteristics of bilingualism influence cognitive reserve and linguistic resilience in PPA.

Use of a Diary to Assess and Monitor Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia ( BPSDiary...
Behavioral and Psychiatric Symptoms of DementiaThe goal of this randomized clinical trial is to compare the efficacy of the use of a diary to record behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in persons with dementia. The main questions it aims to answer are: Does the use of a diary lead to a reduction of the caregiver's burden at 3 months, compared with standard care? Does the use of a diary lead to a reduction of the neuropsychiatric inventory (NPI) score at 3 months, compared with standard care? Does the use of a diary result in less psychotropic drugs prescribed to the patient at 3 months compared with standard care? Are physicians and caregivers satisfied with managing patients with the use of a diary? Does the use of a diary reduce the caregiver's stress related to BPSD at 3 months, compared with standard care? Participants will be randomly assigned to either the use of a diary or a control group. Caregivers in the diary arm will be asked to fill in a diary with BPSD including triggers, severity, day and hour, to be analyzed by physicians to prescribe appropriate pharmacological or non-pharmacological interventions. The control group will receive usual care (i.e., appropriate interventions will be applied after interviewing the caregiver and/or visiting the patient).

Acute Effect of Low-intensity Gamma rTMS on Cognitive and EEG Parameters in Adults With Mild Dementia...
Alzheimer DiseaseMild DementiaNeurocognitive disorders have a growing prevalence and impact on public health; their main etiology corresponds to Alzheimer's disease. To date, there is no treatment that can reverse neuronal damage in these pathologies. However, several non-invasive neuromodulation techniques, including transcranial magnetic stimulation, have been proposed as a viable option to halt the progression of the disease. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive, nonpainful neurostimulation technique with a high safety profile that has been successfully used to improve cognitive function in subjects with mild cognitive impairment. Our research group conducted a study that showed that the use of low-intensity TMS at gamma frequencies is a safe, non-invasive method with minimal adverse effects. The present protocol proposes a new randomized, double-blind, crossover trial to be conducted in memory clinic patients over 65 years of age who meet the diagnosis of mild dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. The main objective is to evaluate the short-term cognitive and electroencephalographic changes produced by low-intensity, gamma-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation. A TMS device that emits a pulsed magnetic field at a frequency of 40 Hz, with a maximum magnitude of 150 gauss for 45 minutes will be used as an intervention. The intervention will be of two types, real or simulated, and will be applied twice to each patient, that is, in one session they will receive the real stimulation and in another the simulated one. In addition, during the sessions, cognitive and electroencephalographic measurements will be taken before, during and after each intervention. Each of these stimulation sessions should be separated by at least one week.

Technology Assisted Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Intervention for Anxiety in People Living With...
DementiaCognitive Impairment1 moreThis study is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of a remotely-delivered, technology-assisted psychotherapy program, supported by an innovative software platform for people with cognitive impairment experiencing anxiety.

Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
Alzheimer DiseaseMild Cognitive Impairment1 moreThe research objective of this study is to examine the efficacy of HD-tDCS to the preSMA/DACC region and its influence on verbal episodic memory in patients with MCI or dementia after 10 sessions of HD-tDCS. There will be three treatment arms: two active HD-tDCS (1 mA or 2 mA) and a sham group. A verbal episodic memory task will be completed at baseline, immediately following the last HD-tDCS session, and a 2-month follow-up.

Piromelatine 20 mg in Participants With Mild Dementia Due to Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's DiseaseRandomized efficacy and safety study of piromelatine 20 mg versus placebo in participants with mild dementia due to Alzheimer's disease (AD) who are 2:107,510,000-107,540,000 polymorphism non-carriers with the primary objective to compare the effect of piromelatine to that of placebo on the AD Assessment Scale cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog14) at Week 26 of double-blind treatment.

Tablet-based Cognitive Training
Alzheimer DiseaseDementia1 moreToday the therapy options for dementia due to Alzheimer's disease (AD) are limited. One recommended intervention is cognitive stimulation. We try to develop serious games as a further treatment option, also usable in pre-dementia as well as early stages of dementia and for a long period of time. The main objective of this study is to test, if the computerized-cognitive training (CCT) is able to improve the performance in a score quantifying an "AD-specific" component score. Additionally, the neurobiological effects of the training are investigated.