Impaired Family Dynamics Leads to Non Compliance in Type I Diabetes
Type 1 DiabetesThis study will test the hypothesis that certain parenting styles are associated with greater non-adherence to therapy in children and teens with type 1 diabetes. To test their hypothesis, the investigators will use standardized and validated questionnaires for parents and children to determine: parenting styles (the investigators will measure parental strictness, parental attachment, and parental monitoring), parent ability to cope with stress, parent comfort with the parenting role, parent and child level of depression and parent perception of financial resources. The investigators will also measure parent and child's perception of the child's underlying temperament and parent-child conflict. The investigators will correlate these findings with both parent and child subjective measures of adherence to therapy. The investigators will also obtain objective measures of therapy adherence including: HbA1c, number of hospitalizations for diabetes ketoacidosis and number of missed outpatient appointments. These measures will be correlated with our other findings.

Qingdao: Insulin Pump Follow-Up Program
Type 1 DiabetesThe purpose of the study is to observe/ collect clinical data, subject users' feedback, and device data to better understand the real-life usage and acceptance of the 722 Pump in type 1 diabetes subjects,<18 years of age, and the role of insulin pump therapy in Qingdao,China.

Treatment of Low Blood Sugar With Glucagon Among Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes MellitusType 1Background: Patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) need a lifelong supply of external insulin and are advised to aim for near-normalization of blood glucose levels through intensive insulin therapy. We propose a new approach for achieving treatment goals in T1D: the combined use of insulin and glucagon, i.e. dual-hormone treatment.Only recently the prospect of treating patients with soluble glucagon has arisen and thus studies of low dose glucagon treatment of mild hypoglycemia are needed to determine whether there is clinical rationale for dual-hormone treatment of T1D. Aim: The purpose of this clinical study is to investigate the glycemic response to subcutaneous glucagon administration during mild hypoglycemia in T1D patients treated with insulin pump. Different glucagon doses are applied to determine the most appropriate dose for future dual-hormone treatment of T1D. Methods: A clinical, randomized, single blinded, crossover study will be conducted. Eight T1D patients treated with insulin pump are studied on four days. All patients are in good metabolic control (HbA1c < 7.5%), C-peptide negative and with hypoglycemia awareness. On each study day, hypoglycemia is induced with subcutaneously insulin and afterward treated with a single subcutaneous dose of glucagon. The study procedures are identical on all days except from the administered dose of glucagon (day 1: placebo, day 2: 100 ug, day 3: 200 ug, day 4: 300 ug). All patients are blinded for the glucagon dose and carry out the four days in random order. Endpoints: The present study focuses primarily on the dose related plasma glucose response of glucagon; secondary on the duration of the hyperglycemic effect of glucagon and tertiary the glucagon effect on catecholamine, cortisol, growth hormone, free fatty acids and triglycerides. The study will be conducted from august 2014.

Impacts of Glucose Forecasting
Diabetes MellitusType 12 moreThis is a study of individuals with type I or type II diabetes. It is meant to test the effect of using the Diabits app on a participant's blood glucose control. The Diabits app is a diabetes management app which integrates with your continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and presents not only your current blood glucose trend, but also an estimate of your blood glucose values up to 60 minutes into the future. The Diabits app has been available in the USA and Canada for the past two years and was validated for predictive accuracy at BC Children's Hospital in Canada in 2017 with a predicted accuracy of 94.9%. Diabits app users in North America have shown some improvements in their individual time in range (TIR) and HbA1c values. This study aims to validate those results in a clinical setting. The study will randomise a total of 90 participants into using the Diabits app with or without the glucose forecasting enabled to help determine if the glucose forecasting (or predictions) can help participants make better treatment decisions and improve not only measurements of glucose such as time in range and HbA1c, but also reduce anxiety and improve quality of life with diabetes.

GLYPALCARE STUDY - Multicenter, Randomized Study for Evaluating Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)...
Palliative CareDiabetes Mellitus9 moreCancer patients with known or newly diagnosed (i.e. iatrogenic) Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Palliative/Supportive Care will be enrolled. Patients will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. Patients included in the first group will monitor glucose levels through Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM), using the FreeStyle Libre 2 (FSL2). The second group is represented by the usual standard way for blood glucose (BG) monitoring (lancing device for finger samples). An interim analysis is foreseen when the half of the expected events (hyperglycemic peaks) will be observed. In case the results of interim analysis show superiority of the CGM (FSL2) group patients of the second group will be switched.

Lipid and Glycogen Metabolism in Patients With Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Calcium Sensing Receptor...
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusPrediabetes (Insulin Resistance4 moreBackground: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a main risk factor for cardiovascular disease and heart failure, in part due to diabetic cardiomyopathy. However, the association between intracellular lipid accumulation and (myocardial) functional impairment is likely more complex than originally imagined. Recent studies suggest that not fat per se, but the content of saturated or unsaturated fatty acids might predict the development of cardiac steatosis and myocardial dysfunction. In addition skeletal muscle and hepatic glycogen metabolism is impaired in patients with diabetes mellitus. Data from animal experiments suggest a relevant role of myocardial glycogen stores in ischemic preconditioning. Due to methodological limitations so far data on myocardial glycogen stores and myocardial lipid composition in humans are missing. Hypothesis: In addition to total ectopic lipid deposition in the myocardium, myocardial lipid composition, i.e. the relative abundance of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and impaired myocardial glycogen metabolism may play an important role in the development cardiac lipotoxicity leading to diabetic cardiomyopathy. Pancreatic endocrine function and myocardial morphology and function is altered in patients with heterozygote inactivating mutations of the CaSR-gene / FHH. Aims: Metabolic virtual biopsy of the myocardium for identification of specific patterns of intracellular lipid composition and myocardial glycogen metabolism as possible critical determinants of metabolic cardiomyopathy Characterization of the metabolic interplay between the myocardium, skeletal muscle, liver and adipose tissues in different stages of development of type 2 diabetes compared to patients with calcium sensing receptor mutation Methods: 1H/13C and 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging for measurements of myocardial, skeletal and liver lipid and glycogen content, abdominal adipose tissue distribution and composition, ATP synthesis and myocardial functional parameters Mixed meal tolerance tests to trace the postprandial partitioning of substrates between insulin sensitive tissues (myocardium, skeletal muscle, liver, adipose tissue). Hyperinsulinemic-hyperglycemic glucose clamp (HHC) with enrichment of the infused glucose with the stable isotope [1-13C]glucose to trace the incorporation of circulating glucose into myocardial glycogen in healthy insulin sensitive volunteers, prediabetic insulin resistant volunteers with impaired glucose tolerance, healthy subjects, patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus, patients suffering from type 1 diabetes and patients with heterozygote mutation in calcium sensing receptor.

AHCL System Initiation in T1D Patients naïve to Technology
Diabetes MellitusType 1The primary objective of this study is to evaluate whether the MiniMed 780G AHCL system improves glycemic control and Quality of Life (QoL) perception in adult individuals with T1D and naïve to CSII and CGM technologies. The trial is a two-centers, randomized controlled, parallel group study. Patients will be followed up during approximatively 3 months.

Effectiveness of The Health Care CEO App for T1D
Type 1 Diabetes MellitusThe present study aims to evaluate the intervention effectiveness of the Healthcare Chief Executive Officer mobile application(Healthcare CEO app) in patients with type 1 diabetes transitioning from adolescence to early adulthood.

Feasibility and Safety Study of the Automated Insulin Delivery Closed Loop System Pancreas4ALL
Type 1 DiabetesPilot prospective controlled monocentric open-label, randomized study evaluating the feasibility and safety of the Pancreas4All automated "closed loop" glycemic control system.

Increasing DR Screening Through TOP: Supporting Implementation and Identifying Opportunities for...
Diabetes MellitusType 22 moreIt is recommended that people with diabetes have their eyes screened for retinopathy every 1-2 years. Retinopathy can lead to visual impairment and blindness, but early detection through regular retinal screening can help to prevent this. Many Ontarians with diabetes have not been receiving regular screening. One possible way to get more people screened for retinopathy involves tele-retinal screening using teleophthalmology (TOP), where patients can have their eyes screened in their local clinic or a site nearby. In this project, we are testing 3 patient interventions: mailing a letter, phone call or an option to bundle their screening with other diabetic care services (e.g. foot care exam) and examine the impact of these various interventions alone or in combination with each other.