Feasibility and Safety Study of the Automated Insulin Delivery Closed Loop System Pancreas4ALL
Type 1 DiabetesPilot prospective controlled monocentric open-label, randomized study evaluating the feasibility and safety of the Pancreas4All automated "closed loop" glycemic control system.

Mixed Meal Test in Type 1 Diabetes: Optimization of Artificial Pancreas-Pilot Study
Diabetes Mellitus Type 1Physiology studies will be performed in patients with type 1 diabetes to define during a standardized mixed meal test: 1. The relationship between fast insulin analogue administration by i.v. infusion or by subcutaneous pumps and plasma insulin concentration and tissue insulin action; 2. The relationship between insulin action, glucose fluxes and glucose concentration, the latter one as measured in plasma or estimated by a s.c. glucose-sensor; 3. The concentration curves of some potential modifiers of the glucose-insulin system (i.e.: glucagon, incretin hormones, free fatty and amino acids). On the basis of these data, in silico phenocopies of the patients (virtual patients) will be created to measure the glucose control coefficients, which quantify the role played by each component of the glucose-insulin system on glucose concentration. One final purpose of this research is to develop and to optimize an algorithm able to integrate continuous glucose monitoring with continuous subcutaneous fast insulin analogue infusion, known as closed-loop control (CLC) or artificial pancreas.

Effect of Paired Testing to Poorly Controlled Chinese Diabetes on Glycemic Control and Self Care...
Diabetes MellitusType 22 moreThis study aims is to evaluate the effect of introducing paired testing on actual testing frequency, glycemic control, psychosocial and behavioural aspects of poorly controlled diabetes patients in China.

The Role of Physical Activity in the Treatment of Children With Type 1 Diabetes.
Type 1 DiabetesRandomized, controlled, open, comparative intervention study in two groups, each consisting of 25 children with type 1 diabetes that will undergo twelve weeks of exercise program (intensive arm) and twelve weeks of regular activity (non intensive arm) separated by four week of washout period. The study will be conducted in a crossover manner: one group starting with the intensive arm followed by the non intensive arm and vice versa. Blood glucose, HbA1C, Fructosamine, 3 days continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS), total daily insulin dose, fasting lipid profile, body impedance and BMR will be measured. Self esteem and quality of life questionnaires will be filled.

The Expert System VoiceDiab in Children With Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus With HyperglycemiaType 1 Diabetes Mellitus With HypoglycaemiaThe purpose of this study to conduct the preliminary investigation on the efficacy and safety in terms of postprandial glucose value and the rates of hypoglycaemia when expert VoiceDiab system supports patient's decision on prandial insulin programming in insulin pump therapy.

Motivational Interview in Adolescents With Poorly Controlled Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes MellitusType 1This study investigates the effect of motivational interviewing and intensive education on HbA1c values and glucose variability in poorly controlled adolescent T1D patients. In the present study motivational interviewing (MI) will be integrated to clinicians' daily practice, as a part of normal clinical visit. In this randomized, controlled trial hypothesis is, that applying motivational interviewing during regular clinical visits results in better acceptance and subsequently enhanced metabolic control in adolescents with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes.

Mixed Meal Test in Type 1 Diabetes on Insulin Pump Therapy: Optimization of Artificial Pancreas...
Type 1 Diabetes MellitusBACKGROUND. Optimal glucose control can prevent/relent tissue damage in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Ongoing efforts aim at developing closed loop control (CLC) algorithms linking subcutaneous continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and insulin delivery (CSII). Substantial improvement towards an effective artificial pancreas system is still needed, especially in the regulation of post-meal glucose. Application of metabolic control analysis (MCA) can unveil and quantify distortions in the system properties of the glucose-insulin (pump) system (GIS), by measuring the coefficients of control (CCs) of glucose. Our approach rely on previous experience with our previous pilot protocol (NCT01800734). AIM. We will outline and compare features of GIS in T1DM patients and in healthy controls during differently sized breakfast meals and during 24-hour periods. The reproducibility of our approach will also be assessed. METHODOLOGY. Three protocols will be carried out. All T1DM patients will be on CGM/CSII therapy. In all three protocols, study 1 will be an euglycemic insulin clamp in T1DM patients and a frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) in healthy controls. Protocol 1: 10 T1DM patients on CGM/CSII and 10 control subjects will ingest a mixed meal of different size (320 and 640 kcal) on two separate occasions. Protocol 2: 5 T1DM patients will ingest two repeat 320 kcal meals, whereas other 5 T1DM patients will ingest two 640 kcal meals on two separate occasions. Protocol 3: 10 T1DM patients and 10 controls will be monitored for 24 hours, during which they will ingest 3 mixed meals. Substrate (including CGM)/hormone responses will be measured in all studies. Comprehensive single meal and 24-hour models of GIS will be built, MCA will be applied and the CCs of glucose assessed, thereby allowing to outline and to compare the CCs of glucose between patients and controls. EXPECTED RESULTS. Our data will be of use in devising novel clinical strategies in T1DM, including, but not limited to, development and refinement of CLC algorithms along the path towards an effective artificial pancreas system.

Lifestyle Changes and Glycemic Control in T1D
Type1 Diabetes MellitusLife Style2 morePakistani studies report non-adherence to self-management by type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients, and episodes of hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis as acute complications. Self-management guidelines include maintenance of logbooks for blood glucose, physical activity, and dietary intake, that affect glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) and acute complications. The proposed study will evaluate whether mobile messaging for maintaining log books for blood glucose or e-device use for step count will modify HbA1c levels to be examined at three and six months after enrollment. In addition, episodes of acute complications and blood glucose variability will be correlated with daily log book maintenance and step counts.

Metronom Continuous Glucose Monitoring System
Diabetes MellitusType 13 moreThe aim of the present study is to investigate the clinical performance of the Metronom CGM system in patients with type 1 diabetes over a period of 14 days. In this study, the CGM sensor will be tested in an inpatient setting (meal/insulin test with frequent plasma glucose monitoring) at different days of wear-time. Sensor data will be compared to gold standard reference (Super GL2 analyser or YSI) and stability of sensor performance will be assessed over time. Additionally, safety and tolerability of the sensor will be investigated by regular assessment of the insertion site.

Interventions to Prevent Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes From Long-term Complications
Diabetes MellitusType 1The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of diabetes management training combined with the method of Motivational Interviewing with elements of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and E-mail support in the treatment of type 1 diabetes in adolescents (age range 13-20 years) compared to a control group. The investigators assess motivational changes and effects on metabolic control.