Glucagon Modulation of Ghrelin Secretion
Healthy SubjectsObesity2 moreAs a counterregulatory hormone for insulin, glucagon plays a critical role in maintaining glucose homeostasis in vivo. It is well known that intramuscular glucagon administration stimulates growth hormone (GH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol release in humans. Recently, it has been shown that glucagon induces a remarkable decrease in ghrelin levels. The mechanisms underlying this effect are unclear and the role of changes in glucose, insulin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and catecholamines are widely discussed. The aim of the present study is to further evaluate the effect of glucagon on ghrelin secretion and the possible role of the above mentioned factors in mediating this effect.

Influence of Diabetic Neuropathy on Activation of Brown Adipose Tissue
Diabetes MellitusType 1Influence of diabetic neuropathy on cold induced brown adipose tissue in type 1 diabetic patients.

GABA Treatment in Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitustest if a food supplementation with GABA can improve insulin production capacity in type 1 diabetes patients by turning alfa cells into beta cells in accordance with mice and cell studies.randomised parallel study with placebo as control

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Program of Emotional Intelligence in Adolescents With Type...
Type1 Diabetes MellitusType 1 Diabetes Mellitus is one of the main health problems of the pediatric population worldwide, being one of the most frequent chronic endocrinology diseases in childhood and adolescence. It is a chronic degenerative disease that requires changes in the habits of life, which greatly influences the psychological functioning of those who suffer from it. Emotional factors play an important role in the control of diabetes. Specifically, emotional activation in response to different emotions such as stress, is considered one of the main factors involved in the destabilization of metabolic control in diabetes. The purpose of the study is to assess whether the introduction of a program for the development of emotional skills produces an increase in the emotional management of patients and examine whether these abilities are associated with better metabolic control measured by glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), better healthy lifestyle habits and greater emotional well-being in adolescents with type 1 diabetes.This is an interventional study with two arms: 1) a control group and 2) an intervention group. The present work aims to offer a new intervention tool focused on the processing of emotional information to work the unpleasant emotions associated with this disease. The program will be designed following the Emotional Intelligence model of authors Mayer and Salovey and will focus on the development of emotional skills and knowledge that will help adolescents to promote healthy habits and improve their quality of life. The main objective of the program is to contribute to improving the knowledge and abilities of perception, assimilation, understanding and intra and interpersonal emotional regulation. The expected outcomes of the research are related to improvements in clinical practice. Increasing emotional skills of patients with diabetes can contribute to improving their quality of life and well-being. The expected results of this research will provide professionals with tools that will enable greater guarantees in adherence to treatment by patients. These results could lead to a utility model, introducing an assistance model different from the usual practice that introduces the intervention in emotional skills in the management of pediatric diabetic patients. In addition, this intervention could have an impact not only on the psychological components of the patient but also on metabolic changes and life habits.

Early Markers of Disease and Response to Therapy
Type 1 DiabetesThe purpose of this study is to identify early immune markers associated with response to treatment with abatacept in individuals with Type 1 diabetes (T1D). In this open label mechanistic study, participants who were recently diagnosed with T1D (males or females, ages 6-45 and <7months from T1D diagnosis) will be treated with a short-course of abatacept (weekly subcutaneous injections for 3 months). Participants will undergo baseline and repeated mixed meal tolerance testing (MMTT) to assess disease progression and blood samples will be obtained at frequent intervals to measure changes in immune markers.

Mindfulness-based Arabic Guided Self-help for Parents of Children With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes MellitusType 1Kuwait ranks as the third country worldwide for the incidence of type 1 diabetes (T1D) with an incidence of 37.10 per 100,000 children. A systematic review revealed that anxiety and depression are common in parents of children with T1D . Despite the high incidence rate, only one study to date has examined the psychological impact of diabetes on parents of children with T1D in Kuwait. It was found that 50.8% of parents had elevated levels of anxiety and 46.7% had elevated levels of depression. Recent research shows that mindfulness is associated with a range of positive outcomes as well as decreased psychological and emotional distress. The earlier A doctor of philosophy (PhD) study found that mindfulness explained large amount of variance in anxiety and depression in a sample of parents of children with T1D. Mindfulness is defined as "paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally". The model of mindful parenting can be taught and provided as an intervention to improve psychological outcomes in parents of children with long term health conditions. In line with this idea, one study examined the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based intervention on perceived stress and psychological anxiety among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Jordan. The results indicated a significant decrease in stress and psychological distress in the intervention group compared to the comparison group. In the present pilot study, we will extend this work by evaluating a guided self-help a mindfulness intervention that aims to increase mindfulness and reduce psychological distress in parents of children with T1D in Kuwait.

Mindful Self-Compassion to Assist Emerging Adults With Diabetes Transition to Adulthood
Diabetes MellitusType 1The transition from pediatric to adult care is particularly difficult for individuals with Type 1 diabetes. It is hypothesized that a mindfulness-based intervention for individuals making this transition will contribute to personal psychological well-being, superior participation in health care, and more tightly controlled blood sugar levels. Young adults with Type I diabetes will complete an eight-week training program in Mindful Self-Compassion. Intervention effectiveness will be assessed with both self-report and physiological measures. Assessments will occur at the start of the training program, end of the program, and three-months post-program.

Intensive Versus Standard One Year Monitoring on Glycaemic Control After Initiating CSII in Children...
Diabetes MellitusType 11 moreMore than half of type 1 diabetes (DT1) children are under CSII (Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion). Several studies showed that despite a patients' follow-up mostly by hospital-based paediatricians, there are still some concerns on long-term glycaemic control with inconstant results on glycaemic control either due to CSII adherence or nutrition management issues. Consequently, this real life study aims to compare two monitoring methods (standard versus intensive) in children initiating a CSII treatment and assess the impact on glycaemic control after one year.

Sleep and Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 DiabetesThe primary goal of the study is to determine whether insufficient sleep is associated with poor glycemic control in type 1 diabetic children. Secondary goals aim to determine whether salivary amylase could be an easily accessible and non-invasive biomarker of sleep loss and somnolence, and whether insufficient sleep is linked to body composition. Sleep characteristics, glycemic control, salivary amylase and body composition will be assessed 3 times, at 3-4 months intervals, in 82 type 1 diabetic children.

Beta Cell Function in (Pre) Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 DiabetesThis study will establish criteria indicating short-term loss of beta cell mass and therefore accelerated progression towards type 1 diabetes.