The Turkish Version of the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ)
Psychiatric DisorderThe Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ) was originally developed in English to assess physical activity level particularly people with mental illnesses. The purpose of this study was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the SIMPAQ into Turkish and investigate its psychometric properties.

Outcomes and Discharge of Long-stay Psychiatric Patients
Mental DisordersAn increasing number of severely ill patients require long-term care in non-hospital Residential Facilities (RFs). Despite the magnitude of this development, only a few detailed longitudinal studies on fairly larger samples of residents have provided important information about this population. The PERDOVE study is the first study carried out in Italy aimed at obtaining comprehensive data about the course and outcome of patients living in RFs, and test whether discharge to independent accommodations is a real option for many patients. The major aims are three: (1) to describe the sociodemographic, clinical, and treatment-related characteristics of patients treated in RFs during an index period in 2010; (2) to identify predictors, and characteristics associated to discharge at 1-year follow-up; and (3) to evaluate clinicians' predictions about the likelihood of home discharge for each individual patient. The primary endpoint was discharge within one year as a measure of good outcome. The PERDOVE study is an observational cohort study, involving 23 RFs all belonging to the St John of God Order, located in Northern Italy. The first step involves the evaluation of all RFs with a Structure Schedule, which assesses the following areas: logistics structure, general organization: internal rules, meals, clothing and personal hygiene; staff and users' characteristics and meetings, documentation system and evaluation activities; rehabilitative activities provided inside the RF itself. In the second step a research assistant completed a standardised assessment of each resident with the manager and staff; clinical diagnoses were made by treating clinicians. A number of standardised instruments were administered. At one year follow-up, changes in clinical and life conditions of the patients were evaluated and selected rating scales were administered again. For patients discharged to the community or to other RFs, a research assistant contacted the patient's psychiatrist and asked him/her to fill out the follow-up documentation. With regard to residents' discharge, investigators hypothesised that the likelihood of community discharge would be associated both with the level of social support outside the facilities, and with the degree of patients' psychological and social impairment.

Risk Factors for Postpartum Psychosis
Postpartum PeriodPsychosisA range of psychological disorders occur in women in the postpartum period. These include "the blues", which occurs in the first days after birth and which is very common and self-limiting; severe psychoses often associated with mania or bipolar illness, occurring in the first weeks after birth; and mild to moderate depression, occurring weeks to months after birth. Studies have been done focused on postpartum psychosis using a retrospective investigation, which gave only a limited material on the prevalence of psychological disorders in postpartum women. The investigators hypothesized that different pathways to psychosis function as the risk factors which may be overlapped, truly independent, mediating, or moderating, in new mothers who are at high risk and/or during the early period of delivery. In addition, the investigators purposed that the temporal sequence of biological, social and demographic variables are also the potential factors contributing to the development of postpartum psychosis.

Quality Project to Evaluate and Validate the FAST-O Rating Scale
Acute Psychotic SymptomsThe purpose of this project is to test the reliability of the FAST-O Rating Scale in patients at acute wards or psychiatric intensive care units.

Changes Following Inpatient Child-oriented Family Treatment
Psychiatric DisordersChildren receiving IFT (intensive family therapy) were assessed for symptom profile and global functioning before admission, 3 months after discharge and 1 year after discharge. Children were assessed by parents, children, their teachers and themselves. Parents were assessed by themselves at the same points in time through psychological self-report questionnaires. The study is intended to explore covariates to change in children as well as in parents during (pre-treatment) the treatment and follow-up periods.

Consequences of Conjugal Bereavement in Adults
BereavementDepressive Disorder3 moreBereavement refers to the expected reactions and sadness associated with the loss of a loved one. It has been reported that the loss of a spouse is rated as the major life stressor among survivors of varying ages and diverse cultural backgrounds. Statistics have shown that in the United States over 800,000 men and women lose a spouse each year. A wide range of symptoms has been associated with bereavement including; depressed mood, tearfulness, sleep disturbances, and irrational behavior. Previous studies have shown that up to 50% of bereaved individuals can develop major depression. Bereavement has also been associated with dysfunction of the immune system. As a result, bereaved adults are more vulnerable to infection. However, the exact relationship between bereavement and immunity is uncertain. Researchers firmly believe that a relationship does exist between stress, more specifically bereavement, immunity, and the increased chance of dying following the loss of a long-term spouse. The objective of this study is to find possible links between bereavement, depression, and the immune system. This study will follow a group of elderly bereaved spouses and a group of elderly people who have not lost a long-term spouse. The group of bereaved individuals will be followed for approximately 13 months after the loss of their spouse and the group of controls will be followed for 13 months after entering the study. Researchers will make note of any clinical, biological, and immunological changes in any participants of the study.

Caracteristics of the Patients Hospitalized With Unvonluntary Commitment Procedure, in the Context...
COVID 19Disease Outbreak1 moreThe actual worldwide context (disease outbreak, confinements instaured in many countries) is a stressful factor for many people. It can have consequences on mental health : separation from loved ones, loss of freedom, uncertainty about infection status, boredom. Patients with mental disorders are especially vulnerable. On march 17th, the french government ordonned a national confinement to slow the progression of the COVID-19 outbreak, for 15 days at first then renewed several times. This situation has led to a reorganization of care as requested on March 22nd, 2020 in the recommendations applicable to the organization of care in psychiatric services : priority to telephone contacts and teleconsultation by multiplying contacts and assessments. By the time the reorganization of care became operational, the most vulnerable patients may have experienced a decompensation of their disease. It is important to know if the COVID-19 outbreak combined with the confinement increased the number of unvoluntary commitment the month after the announce of the confinement. This could help us understand which patients are more vulnerable is this context, and improve our organization (ambulatory and hospitalization care) if this situation occurs again.

The Parenting Young Children Check-up: Proof-of-Concept Trial
Disruptive Behavior DisordersThe Parenting Young Children Check-up (PYCC) is a 3-part system for parents of children with Disruptive Behavior Problems (DBPs). First, at a pediatric visit, parents complete a screener for DBPs and, if reported, go through a tablet-based program to receive feedback and learn about the PYCC. Next, parents receive text messages to connect them to further parent training content. Third, parent training content is delivered via a web-based resource, which includes videos to teach parenting skills. In this proof-of-concept trial, the investigators will examine the acceptability of the tablet-based program and motivation of parents to engage in the PYCC and use the web-based resource. At a pediatric visit, parents will be told about the research opportunity by a staff member before, during, or after their visit. There will be a flier for parents, which will be available for receptionists to include with in-take paperwork. If parents express openness to participating, a research assistant will meet with them, go over the consent form, and let them complete the screener. Parents will complete a demographics questionnaire and the DBP screener. If parents report elevated DBPs, then they will be eligible to further participate. If they are eligible and choose to participate, the research assistant will have them go through the tablet-based program. Next, they will complete a brief questionnaire asking for input on the PYCC. Each of these components will be completed in the Computerized Intervention Authoring System (CIAS). The brief questionnaire is intended to evaluate perceptions of 1) ease of use, 2) usefulness of the information, 3) likability, and 4) intentions to use the PYCC web-based resource. Items will be rated on a 0 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) scale. Parents will also verbally answer 6 open-ended interview questions about the program and suggest improvements. Answers will be audio-recorded and transcribed. All participants (whether only completing the screening or both parts of the study) will receive a resource list as well as a list of URLs to access videos on the video-based content on PYCC website. An ID number will need to be entered to use the website and the investigators will track website use. This data collection is not hypothesis driven. Rather, the intent is to gather mixed methods feedback from parents to shape the PYCC program.

Study on the Difference of Plasma microRNA Expression in Patients With Genetic Susceptibility to...
Plasma microRNA in Patients With Genetic Susceptibility to Mental DisordersSchizophrenia (Schizophrenia,Sc), biphasic affective disorder (Bipolar disorder,BPD), major depression (major depressive disorder,MDD), anxiety disorder (Anxiety disorder,An) and other mental disorders have obvious family aggregation, with heritability of 60 -90%. This kind of common mental illness seriously affects the psychosomatic health and quality of life of patients, and places a great mental and economic burden on the society and family. At present, the diagnosis of mental illness is mainly based on clinical symptoms. With the development of molecular biology, genomics has become a new way to study mental illness. MicroRNA (miRNA) is a class of eukaryotic endogenously non-coding single-stranded RNA, which can regulate gene expression by binding to specific mRNA or regulating the protein translation process of specific mRNA. MiRNA widely exists in plasma and serum, and the type and quantity of miRNA in plasma and serum change with different physiological and disease conditions. It is reported that the expression profile of miRNA in brain tissue of schizophrenia is significantly different from that of normal subjects. In addition, the study found that the specific miRNA detected in peripheral blood can directly reflect the condition of the disease, which may use miRNA in peripheral blood as a clinical biological marker. In order to detect the expression of various miRNA in plasma, high throughput miRNA chip detection has become the first choice for primary screening. In this study, the investigators intend to detect the difference of miRNA expression in peripheral blood of different types of schizophrenia by high throughput miRNA chip, and analyze the correlation between them. It is hoped to provide the basis for the diagnosis and occurrence and development of clinical psychotic patients.

Mindfulness, Group Therapy and Psychosis; Training Decreases Anxiety and Depression
PsychosisThe objective of this non-randomized, within-group comparison was to evaluate the addition of mindfulness as a new technique in an outpatient group therapy program for participants diagnosed with a psychotic spectrum disorder, alongside of cognitive behavioral therapy.