Construction of the Therapeutic Alliance Between Inpatient Psychiatric Patients and Nurses
Psychiatric DiseasesClarify the determinants of the construction of a Therapeutic Alliance (AT) between paramedical staff (nurses and caregivers ) and adult patients in a functional unit of full-time general psychiatric Whether the quality of Therapeutic Alliance influences the continued support outpatient , after completion of full-time hospitalization.

Glutamate, Brain Connectivity and Duration of Untreated Psychosis
SchizophreniaPsychosis1 moreThe early stages of schizophrenia are associated with significant decreases in social and intellectual abilities, with more declines in chronic disease. Studies have identified relationships between duration of untreated psychosis (the duration between the onset of positive symptoms and treatment) and worse long term outcomes. However, the neurobiology of this phenomenon and its implications for response to antipsychotic medications remain poorly understood. Glutamatergic excess altering brain connectivity might provide an explanation for why those with longer duration of untreated psychosis have worse clinical outcomes. The investigators propose to use neuroimaging to study 67 first episode psychosis subjects before and after sixteen weeks of treatment with risperidone, a common antipsychotic. We will measure (1) glutamate and (2) structural and functional brain connectivity and test the hypotheses that glutamatergic abnormalities are present in first episode patients and that longer duration of untreated psychosis is associated with greater connectivity abnormalities that set the stage for poor response to treatment. 67 demographic-matched controls will also be recruited as a comparison group - healthy controls will not receive antipsychotic medication. The investigator's previous studies have made progress in the understanding of abnormalities in the glutamate system and brain connectivity in unmedicated patients with schizophrenia and modulation of these by antipsychotic medication. Two indices of glutamatergic dysfunction have been identified. While antipsychotic medications appear to modulate glutamate, the disturbance in the relationship between metabolites is not restored with treatment. In addition, the investigators found that both structural and functional connectivity abnormalities in unmedicated patients with schizophrenia predict patients' response to treatment. To the investigator's knowledge, no other group has performed a study that uses a combination of complementary neuroimaging techniques that will allow generating a broad characterization of glutamatergic function and brain connectivity in first episode psychosis and change with treatment. The results of the proposed studies could suggest a mechanism by which the duration of untreated psychosis is associated with poor treatment response which might lead to new interventions to target the illness.

Clinical Validation of the Rating Scale for Psychotic Depression (RAS-PD)
Affective DisordersPsychoticThe aim of this study is to develop a scale to measure the severity of depression with psychotic symptoms (psychotic depression). Furthermore, we hope to detect potential biomarkers (substances in the blood) which can aid in the detection of psychotic depression. Main hypothesis: A clinically valid rating scale measuring the severity of psychotic depression can be developed.

Clinical and Genetic Factors Associated With Psychotic Symptoms Among Cocaine Abusers
Cocaine-induced Psychotic Disorder During IntoxicationThe aim of this study is to determine the clinical, genetic and environmental factors associated with the phenotype "severe psychotic symptoms" caused by cocaine.

Open-Label Observational Pilot Study to Evaluate the Pharmacokinetics of Aripiprazole in Subjects...
Bipolar 1 DisorderSchizophrenia2 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of aripiprazole in subjects with Bipolar 1 Disorder or Schizophrenia who have a history of suboptimal aderence and are currently on treatment with oral aripiprazole.

Agitation in the Acute Psychiatric Department
Mental DisordersAgitation is associated with a number of acute psychiatric conditions, and frequent in acute psychiatric admissions. It is associated with violence towards others, and strongly associated with in-patient suicides. The main aims of the study are to assess different clinical presentations of agitation at admittance, and to assess the consequences of these different clinical presentations during the first three days of the stay.

Paternal Psychosis After Baby Born
PsychosisA large number of studies have investigated the psychological disorders occurred in postpartum women, and found that postpartum psychosis is common in new mothers. However, the situation of paternal psychological status after they had their first baby is not assessed. The investigators hypothesized that they had a high occurrence of paternal psychosis after first baby born. In addition, different factors might influence its onset and development in new fathers.

Factors of Importance for the Subjective and Objective Burden of Informal Caregivers to Patients...
Functional PsychosesInformal CaregiversThe objective is to find determinants for the subjective and objective burden of informal caregivers to patients who are requiring continued antipsychotic treatment for functional psychoses among factors related to the patient, the health care and support provision system and the informal caregiver him/her-self.

Facilitated Referral for Children Screening Positive for Mental Illness
Mental DisordersMentally Ill Persons1 moreThe purpose of this study is to find out how prevalent unidentified Mental Health issues are in the pediatric population that visits the Emergency Department in an urban city.

Secured Internet-mediated Psychotherapy With Psychiatry Patients
Psychiatric DisordersThis is the second phase (Phase B) of the main project "Bank for Thoughts", which has the following aims: Improvement of software for secured (encrypted and access-controlled) asynchronous text-based communication within health services. (Adjustments for use in psychiatry.) Open clinical trials with Internet-mediated psychotherapy or counselling in out-patient child and adolescent psychiatry. Development of indications and precautions for text-based Internet-mediated psychotherapy.