A Pilot Study of Boredom in a Community Sample of Adolescents and a Clinical Sample of Adolescents...
Mental DisordersAffective Disorders3 moreThe aim of the following pilot study is to examine boredom in a community sample of adolescents and a clinical sample of adolescents. This is important in order to examine differences among healthy adolescents and adolescents with mental illness.

To Determine the Prevalence of HIV and Other Related Infections Such as Hepatitis C, Along With...
Hepatitis CHIV Infections1 moreIt is suspected, but not well documented, that persons with severe mental illness (SMI) represent a significant transmission source of serious infectious diseases. SMI diagnoses are defined as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Severely mentally ill persons are at high risk for Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). To assess the risk of HIV and related infections among these individuals, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Office on AIDS funded the HIV/SMI five site collaborative study "Assessing HIV/AIDS and Associated Health Risks in People with Severe Mental Illness". This Durham ERIC study supplements the NIMH HIV/SMI study with a four-year longitudinal cohort study of 300-plus SMI veterans in order to estimate the prevalence of HIV risk behaviors and HIV infection, as well as to measure utilization of health services over time. The Durham VA is the only VA site represented in the study and is collaborating with four non-VA sites including Dartmouth, University of New Hampshire, University of Connecticut and Duke University. As such, we have the additional goals of investigating health and health-care-service issues relevant to veterans with SMI and of establishing a database for the longitudinal study of veterans with SMI.

The Effect of GnRH on Pitutitary Hormones in Menstrual-Cycle Mood Related Disorders
Depressive DisorderHealthy2 moreThe normal menstrual cycle is produced by a series of hormonal signals that starts with the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is located in the brain and is often referred to as the master gland. GnRH then acts on the pituitary gland and causes it to release two hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutenizng hormone (LH). LH and FSH act on the ovary and cause it to release the hormones directly involved in menstruation, estrogen and progesterone. The purpose of this research study is to evaluate the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis activity as measured by pituitary hormones, FSH and LH in response to intravenous doses of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) in menstrual cycle-related hormones.

Internet Gaming Disorder and Psychiatric Disorder
Psychiatric DisorderThe fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) recently identified Internet gaming disorder as a new potential psychiatric disorder which need further research. Several studies showed the important prevalence of psychiatric disorders among patients suffering from internet gaming disorder. Investigators hypothesize that on an other side the prevalence of internet gaming disorder among patients suffering from psychiatric disorders shall be high but it has never been studied yet. The main goal of this trial is to examine the prevalence of internet gaming disorder using the Internet Gaming Disorder Test-10 (IGDT-10) among inpatient aged from 12 to 17 of 4 psychiatric units of French region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Secondary goals will be to assess a parental version of the IGDT-10 (IGDT-10-P) and to compare the two versions. IGDT-10 will be passed during 6 months to every inpatient and IGDT-10-P to their parents within the 21 first days of the hospitalisation.

Diagnostic Survey of Mental and Substance Use Disorders in HUNT (PsykHUNT)
Mental DisordersSubstance Use Disorders2 moreThe aims of this observational survey are to i) gather experience on how to conduct a prevalence study of mental disorders in the Norwegian setting, ii) collect data on the prevalence, risk factors and consequences of mental and substance use disorders, iii) collect data on treatment coverage for mental and substance use disorders, iv) conduct a thorough nonparticipation analysis.

Description of the Psychiatric Care Pathway of Pregnant Women After the Early Prenatal Interview...
Psychiatric DisorderPregnancy and postpartum are recognized as periods of psychic fragility. However, the psychiatric disorders of women that can emerge during these periods are underdiagnosed and have consequences in particular on the development of the child, his relationship with his parents. The need for an early diagnosis to allow appropriate treatment seems to be essential. The pregnancy monitoring is centered on the somatic and little on psychological evaluation of the mother and the father. In this context, the Early Prenatal Interview (EPP) was created through the perinatal plan of 2005-2007 in order to allow a more precise research of the factors of vulnerabilities likely to be predictive of a somatic, psychological or social disorder. However, until now, only few pregnant women benefited of this interview. In May 2020, EPP became mandatory for all pregnant women. It now seems important to clearly identify the place, function, organization and usefulness of this interview in order to maximize its benefit in the monitoring of pregnancy

National Investigation in College and High School Among Adolescents on Health and Substances at...
Psychiatric DisorderSomatic Symptom1 moreFor the clinical component: Describe the young people hospitalised in residential care at the FSEF, in particular through vulnerability factors and their psychosocial repercussions (school level, repetition, intensity of symptoms, irritability, nervousness, substance use (cannabis, alcohol, tobacco), social relationships, family relationships, well-being, level of health literacy, learning disorders)) and to compare them with young people from the general school population. For the epidemiological aspect: To study the construct validity of the EnCLASS questions aiming to characterize handicap situations in the general school population in both a population in situation of psychic handicap and of somatic handicap.

Death Number Perception in Depression, Anxiety, and Schizoypal Personnality in General Population...
Mental DisorderGeneral PopulationFrance has been put on a lockdown for 8 weeks to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus between 17/03/2020 and 11/05/2020. During this lockdown, which is likely to have psychopathological repercussions on the population, the public authorities and the media informed the population about the number of deaths occurring each day. While the functioning of autobiographical memory following traumatic events remains a debate in the literature, the impact of the daily announcement of mass deaths on the memory system in the general population and the relationship between long-term memory and delusional thinking in certain psychopathologies have yet to be explored in the literature. The investigators wish to demonstrate that self-reported recall of recorded deaths may represent this distortion of perception, symptomatic of these pathologies by an on-line questionnaire.

Impact of Burden in Caregivers of Patients Hospitalized for a Psychotic Episode: a Multicenter Study...
The Objective of Our Study is to Assess and Take Into Account Early on the Suffering of Family MembersFamily support is a positive predictor for psychiatric patients. For example, since the 1980s, it has been shown that family psychoeducation improves patient adherence to care and statistically decreases patient relapse and hospitalization rates by half, resulting in lower care costs. Yet, the stress of hospitalizing a patient, seeing the feelings of shame or guilt of caregiver and the impact on their quality of life are rarely taken into account by caregivers during the first weeks hospitalization in a patient's psychiatry. Barrelet emphasizes the importance of organizing the meeting in the first hours of hospitalization with the family in order to strengthen the alliance, to improve communication.

Early Detection of Mental Disorders in Adolescents With Chronic Pain: Creation of a Screening Tool...
Chronic PainMental DisorderThis research aims to create a tool for detection of mental health disorders in adolescents with chronic pain. The first part is testing a screening questionnaire and comparing in with existing questionnaires. The second part involves two focus group with the adolescents aimed at recording their perception of the questionnaire.