The Long-Term Safety and Efficacy Follow-Up Study of Subjects Who Completed the Phase I Clinical...
Alzheimer DiseaseDementia10 moreThe purpose of the study is to determine the long-term safety and exploratory efficacy of NEUROSTEM®-AD, administered via an open brain surgery to subjects with dementia of the Alzheimer's type, who were eligible for and enrolled in the earlier part of the phase I. Aside from the subjects who completed the earlier part of the Phase I, 3 additional subjects with comparable demographics and disease characteristics as the treatment group will be enrolled into a control group, followed-up for 3 months, and compared for various disease progression indicators with the treatment group. The hypothesis is that NEUROSTEM®-AD is safe and effective in the treatment of dementia of the Alzheimer's type.

Psychiatric Disorders and Electrophysiological Markers
SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is considered as the most frequent and the most severe chronic psychotic disorder. Its evolutionary modes and its clinical symptomatology remain particularly heterogeneous. Moreover, the brain processes involved in schizophrenia are still far from being clearly understood. Current empirical studies provide a mean duration comprised between 1 and 3 years without any specific diagnosis or treatment. These diagnosis issues are partly based on difficulties in the early distinction between schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorders (BD). These results emphasize the necessity of new early indices (or endophenotypes). Such markers are intended to be more specific than classical clinical manifestations. In other words, they have to be absent among patients with differential diagnosis, such as BD. Among other possible early indices, several electrophysiological disturbances have been explored. Our study is designed to mainly describe the N400 component among patients with schizophrenia or BD. This component is classically interpreted as indexing the integration the meaning of a linguistic stimulus in its preceding context. Our main hypothesis aims to show a specific alteration of N400 component among patients with schizophrenia when compared to participants with BD. The second aim of this study concerns the exploration of four other event related potentials (ERPs) among patients with schizophrenia or BD: the P50 component, involved in early sensory gating processes, the P300 component, thought to reflect attentional resource allocation and working memory updating of stimulus context, the P600 component, elicited during same paradigms than N400, and reflecting their syntactic congruity. the CNV (Contingent Negative Variation), reflecting processes of motor anticipation Regarding to their potential 'endophenotypes' status, our aim consists in comparing the N400 and three other ERPs among patients with schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder. Since the schizophrenic specificity of such ERPs alterations still remains rarely studied, we also propose to describe the possible relations between these ERPs results and clinical scores observed among patients.

Parentification Among Children Whose Parents Cope With a Serious Mental Illness
Mental IllnessThe research will examine effects of personal, familial, societal and intergenerational characteristics on parentification, the effects of parentification on the quality of life of the child and what encourages a better quality of life. This research will include 130 children between the ages of 10-18 who live with at least one parent who struggles with serious mental illness in a comparison to 130 children of the same socio-demographic characteristics raised by parents from a non-clinical population. The differences between these two populations with regard to parentification, quality of life, social support and fairness will also be examined. The parents and the children will fill out questionnaires. The research group will be recruited from rehabilitation services, mental health clinics, psychiatric hospitals and social welfare departments with sampling method. The comparison group will be recruited from schools. This research broadens the knowledge of the causes and the repercussions of parentification among children of parents who struggles with serious mental illness in comparison with children raised by parents from a non-clinical population. Few studies have examined children of the mentally ill in Israel, and there are none which examined parentification.

Tics in Childern With Acute Deficit Hyper Activity Syndrom
Behavior DisordersTics have been defined as sudden, rapid, recurrent, non-rhythmic, stereotyped, involuntary movements or vocalizations. Motor tic can be either simple or complex, depending on whether one or several muscle groups are simultaneously or concurrently affected. Motor tics commonly include behaviours such as eye blinking, lip-licking, or mouth opening. It can also involve more complex movements like facial grimacing ,head movements , shoulder shrugging or combinations of these.Vocal or phonic tics are involuntary sounds that include throat clearing, coughing, barking, sniffing, unnecessary belching or more complex vocalizations such as repeating parts of words or phrases. Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome is complex neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by combination of motor and vocal tics. Motor tics often precede the onset of phonic tics by many years. The phonic tics may commence from about the age of 3 years. Severe Tourette's Syndrome may manifest as forceful bouts of self-harming motor tics, including hitting or biting, as well as socially unacceptable utterances (coprolalia) and gestures [3]. The Tourette's Syndrome Study Group definition from 1993 requires the concurrent presence of motor and vocal tics occurring almost daily for at least one year, [4]. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition requires both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics have been present at some time during the illness, although not necessarily concurrently for the diagnosis of Tourette's Syndrome . It also describes Tics Disorder and Tourette's Syndrome as waxing and waning in frequency and symptoms must have lasted for more than one year since the first onset.

Early Detection of Respiratory Disorders in Psychosis
SchizophreniaPsychosis1 moreThis study aims to evaluate the presence of lung function impairment in a sample of patients diagnosed with non-affective psychosis.

Large Scale Implementation of Community Based Mental Health Care for People With Severe and Enduring...
Mental DisordersSevereRECOVER-E's main purpose is to ensure well-functioning community mental health teams in five countries in Europe; these teams will serve as the central node for the coordination and provision of care for people with severe mental illness (SMI). At present, specialist teams providing comprehensive, evidence-based mental health care are not available or functional in many countries in Eastern Europe, and the care pathways and evidence-based treatment protocols for community-based and recovery-oriented mental healthcare have not been defined or tailored to local situations and therefore, are not being implemented. This project aims to implement and study community-based initiatives to narrow this gap. These efforts will emphasize the development of human resource capacity and care pathways that can be distilled in a comprehensive pathway to scale for regional and national decision-makers for potential project expansion and replication after the project period.

Rehabilitation Coordinators in Specialist Psychiatry
Mental DisorderRehabilitationREKO-A is a randomized controlled intervention study that addressed women and men on sick leave in Uppsala County. Participants which are on sick leave due to mental illness.

Tobacco Cessation Among Smokers Under Alcohol and/or Cannabis Treatment
Mental Health DisorderSubstance Abuse Drug4 moreAims: To identify the predictors associated with smoking cessation in smokers under treatment for alcohol and/or cannabis treated in drug treatment centers (DTC). Methodology: Mixed methods project with qualitative and quantitative designs (three studies). Study I discussion groups: of clinical professionals of DTC to explore the barriers/facilitators of these smokers in quitting and the interventions carried out. Study II Prospective cohort of smokers in alcohol and/or cannabis treatment that will be followed-up for 12 months. Sample size: difference in incidence (exposed to cessation interventions versus non-exposed = 12 per 100 years), α = 0.05, β = 0.10, losses = 20% (n = 726). Dependent variables: self-reported and verified tobacco consumption abstinence, quit attempts, motivation, and self-efficacy. Independent variables: age, sex, the substance under treatment. Analysis: incidence, relative risk and simple and multiple logistic regression models (odds ratio and confidence interval, CI, 95%) of quitting. Study III discussion groups: with smokers under alcohol and/or cannabis treatment selected according to their typology. Analysis: of thematic content and triangulation qualitative and quantitative results. Expected results: Characterization of variables that influence tobacco cessation, to improve the design of interventions.

Neurophysiological Marker of ADHD in Children
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderPsychiatric Diagnosis2 moreThis study investigated quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) subtypes as auxiliary tools to assess Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Patient assessed using the Korean version of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version IV and were assigned to one of three groups: ADHD, ADHD-Not Otherwise specified (NOS), and Neurotypical (NT). The investigators measure absolute and relative EEG power in 19 channels and conducted an auditory continuous performance test. The investigators analyzed QEEG according to the frequency range: delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), slow alpha (8-10 Hz), fast alpha (10-13.5 Hz), and beta (13.5-30 Hz). The subjects were then grouped by Ward's method of cluster analysis using the squared Euclidian distance to measure dissimilarities.

Prevalence and Risk Factors of Women Mental Health Disorders
Psychiatric ProblemWolman DiseasePerinatal major depressive disorder affects 20% of women, while perinatal anxiety affects 10% of women. Although pharmacological treatment has shown effectiveness, many pregnant women are concerned about potential adverse effects on the fetus, maternal-infant bonding, and child development.. On the other hand, Depressive disorder in women mainly occurs during the first year after childbirth. It takes many forms according to the onset, severity, and duration of the symptoms including; Postpartum blues (PPB), Postpartum depression (PPD), and Postpartum psychosis (PPP). Lack of access to mental health services during the perinatal period is a significant public health concern that may worse outcome. So, we aimed to study prevalence of women mental health in Assiut governorate and evaluate possible risk factor for it