Assessment of Activity Limitations, a Basis for Understanding the Need for Sickness Certificate...
Sick LeaveIn Sweden mental disorders have the highest proportion of sickness absence and sickness spells. One cause for this is proposed as the lack of knowledge on which activity limitations that have an impact on the ability to return to work. Further, there is a knowledge gap concerning the effect of which early measures from the health system, assessments and early rehabilitation interventions, that enables return to work. Such early measures have been proposed to have a more multidimensional perspective, than to solely focus on specific tasks during a work situation. The aim of the current project is to examine the effect of an early assessment of activity limitations, made by occupational therapists within specialized psychiatric care, at the time for the next prolonged sickness certification. The assessment will be included in the sickness certificate, and results will be compared between the intervention group and a control group. The results are calculated for differences on treatment measures, prevalence of questions from the Social Insurance Agency and changes in the patterns for sick leave spells. Further, the prevalence of activity limitations and the sick listed participants assessments of the effect of the intervention will be presented. The results are expected to lead to more adequate interventions for the individual regarding support to return to work, better routines for assessment and rehabilitation within the health care system, which in turn can facilitate decisions for sickness benefits and further have an impact on the long sick leave spells concerning mental disorders.

Adapting the Tumor Board Model for Mental Illness and Cancer
CancerSevere Major Depression7 moreThis study examines the feasibility and acceptability of a virtual tumor board for cancer and mental illness for patients with serious mental illness and a new cancer diagnosis. The study also examines the impact on patient care, psychiatric symptoms, and clinician self-efficacy in managing this population.

Investigating the Neural Correlates of Cognitive Function in Psychosis Patients and Non-Psychiatric...
Psychotic DisordersCannabis Use Disorder6 moreCognitive impairment is well established in people with psychosis and is associated with cannabis use. The current study will investigate the neurobiological basis of cognitive change associated with 28-days of cannabis abstinence in people with psychosis and non-psychiatric controls with cannabis use. Participants will be randomized to a cannabis abstinent group or a non-abstinent control group and will undergo magnetic resonance imaging at baseline and following 28-days of abstinence. This study will help characterize the neuropathophysiological processes underlying cognitive dysfunction associated with cannabis use and its recovery which may guide the development of novel interventions for problematic cannabis use.

Collaborative Mental Health Care Model: an Evaluation of the Implementation of a Pilot in Four Primary...
Psychological DisorderFrequent mental disorders (anxiety or mood disorders), an important part of primary care patient care, remain insufficiently detected and treated. Improving their care requires better coordination between general practice and specialized care. The collaborative care model developed in Washington State with the introduction of a care manager is recognized. About 100 randomized controlled trials have established its effectiveness and efficiency, in terms of improving the progression of disorders (remission rate), adherence, quality of life, professional and patient satisfaction, and cost savings. However, the possibility of implementation of these validated care remains to be explored. A dozen collaborative care implementation studies exist, all conducted in the USA and not having considered all the dimensions of the indicators of penetration, acceptability/adoption, feasibility, fidelity and cost. A first implementation in France is implemented since September 2021 in the Yvelines department on four sites of different size, organization and environments: the multi-professional health centers (MSP) of Mureaux and Celle St Cloud, the Chevreuse medical house and MG in isolated practice in Versailles. The main objective of the research project is to evaluate the first implementation in France of collaborative care for frequent psychic disorders according to the indicators of penetration, acceptability/adoption, fidelity, relevance, feasibility and cost.

A Study Comparing the Influence of a Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program vs. Routine Management...
PsychiatryCaregivers1 moreThe objective of this project is to study the influence of mindfulness meditation on psychological health (stress level, affects, emotions) and physical health parameters (rate of inflammatory markers in the blood, activity of white blood cells involved in immuno-inflammation) in caregivers of people with psychiatric disorders. This study will provide the objective scientific data required for the development of mindfulness meditation programs for psychiatric caregivers. 80 participants will be randomly assigned to one of the following two groups: 40 participants in the "Mindfulness" group who will attend mindfulness meditation sessions in addition to their standard follow-up 40 participants in the "Control" group who will have a standard follow-up The duration of participation is 12 months and includes 3 visits and 8 mindfulness-based meditation sessions for the "Mindfulness" group.

Navigation and Parent Peer Support to Promote Access
Mental DisorderChild2 moreNearly one in five children in the United States has a mental health problem that interferes with daily functioning and requires intervention, and yet less than 50% of children who need mental health care receive any services. Families and especially from low-income and ethnically diverse backgrounds, experience a range of barriers to engaging in services for their children including: lack of recognition of problems and knowledge of available treatments, connecting to services, trust in providers, stigma; low income and ethnically diverse populations are especially affected by these barriers. In this work, the investigators propose to carry out initial testing of a research- and theory-based model of Parent Peer Navigation services to help engage families with children with significant but pre-clinical problems in mental health services in order to prevent future poorer outcomes for children, who otherwise may never receive services, or only receive services when their mental health issues become severely debilitating for themselves and their family.

Impact of Joint Crisis Plan
Mental DisordersFor some patients in department psychiatric, isolation measures are put in place. But the measures is not pleasant for the patient or for the care team. That's why care team are trying to find ways to improve patient care, including asking them how they would like to be treated. One of the solutions is called the Joint Crisis Plan. A Joint Crisis Plan is a personalized procedure for a patient. It describes the attitude, the care, the measures in case of crisis with the patient and his family. Patients indicate their wishes regarding their care. However, there is no real scientific proof of the effectiveness of this Joint Crisis Plan, especially to reduce isolation measures.

Targeting Processing Speed Deficits to Improve Social Functioning and Lower Psychosis Risk
PsychosisProdromal Schizophrenia1 moreThis 10 week intervention, Specific Cognitive Remediation with Surround (or SCORES), is designed to target processing speed, a cognitive domain related directly to social functioning, which in turn, represents a vulnerability factor for psychosis. This remotely-delivered intervention combining targeted cognitive training exercises and group support was developed to directly impact processing speed, and at the same time, boost motivation and engagement in adolescents at risk for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.

Exploring Effectiveness and Mechanism of Change of an Implementation Strategy on Guideline Implementation...
Mental DisorderStressThis project is a two-armed randomized-controlled trial exploring the effectiveness and mechanisms of change of two different implementation strategies for implementing the Guideline for the prevention of mental ill-health at the workplace. The project will be conducted among public primary and secondary schools belonging to four municipalities in Sweden. Data will be collected with mixed-methods at baseline and different time-points of follow-up.

The SINgapore GERiatric Intervention Study to Reduce Cognitive Decline and Physical Frailty (SINGER)...
Cognitive ImpairmentAlzheimer Disease8 moreA study in Finland found that a multidomain intervention of physical activity, nutritional guidance, cognitive training, social activities and management of vascular risk factors slowed cognitive decline in healthy older adults at increased risk of cognitive decline. A 6-month pilot study was initiated in Singapore, which demonstrated the cultural feasibility and practicality of the FINGER interventions and a set of locally adapted interventions in an Asian population. The SINGER study is a 2-year randomized controlled trial that aims to test the efficacy and safety of these lifestyle changes, including diet and cardiovascular risk factor management, cognitive and physical exercises, in delaying cognitive decline in older adults at risk of dementia.