Peer Navigators for the Health and Wellness of People With Psychiatric Disabilities
Mental DisorderPhysical IllnessAdults with psychiatric disabilities get sick and die 20 to 30 years younger than same-age peers, with even greater disparities occurring when the person is from a low SES or of color. Factors explaining this difference are complex and include genetic comorbidity, iatrogenic effects of medication, life choices, and life consequences. These factors are worsened by service disparities which are often fragmented in the public health system. Peer navigators are part of a program in which providers escort people with psychiatric disabilities around the fragmented system to meet their health and wellness goals, often a demanding task for the person who has needs addressed at clinics, labs, and pharmacies spread across an urban area. Navigators are peers because they have lived experience of recovery and are often from similar ethnic groups. A community-based participatory research program supported by NIMHD and PCORI developed a peer navigator program specific to the needs of people with psychiatric disabilities. Results of two small pilots funded by NIMHD and PCORI showed the Peer Navigator Program (PNP) led to significant improved service engagement which corresponded with better health, recovery, and quality of life. The studies included fidelity measurement which showed peer navigators conducting the intervention at high levels of fidelity. The current research is an efficacy study with a more fully powered test of PNP versus treatment as usual, which is integrated care (TAU-IC). The investigators aim to recruit 300 adults with psychiatric disability who wish to improve physical health/wellness through peer health navigation randomized to TAU-IC or TAU-IC plus PNP. Individuals will participate in assigned interventions as part of 8-month cohorts with data being obtained at baseline, 4, 8, and 12 months. Data will include personal descriptors (demographics, diagnosis, life consequences report), outcomes (service engagement, physical symptoms, blood pressure, recovery, and quality of life), mediators (personal empowerment, self-determination, and perceived relationship for recovery), and process measures (fidelity, feasibility, and acceptability). Investigators hypothesize that those in PNP intervention will have improved outcomes over the integrated care as usual. A cost-benefit analysis will seek to model impact based on quality-adjusted life years. Larger effect sizes will permit post hoc identification of how PNP effects vary by participant characteristics such as ethnicity and gender.

Mobile App for Smoking Cessation and Mental Health
Smoking CessationMental IllnessAdults with serious mental illness (SMI) represent 5% of the United States population, yet account for 30% of all cigarettes smoked and are 2 to 3 times more likely to be dependent on nicotine compared with the general population. There are also significant disparities in quitting: 24% of lifetime smokers with SMI report not smoking within the past year compared with 52% of lifetime smokers without SMI. Two barriers partly explain the large disparity in smoking cessation rates between adults with and without SMI. First, there is a lack of high-quality, evidence-based interventions for smoking cessation in populations with SMI, which may be because adults with SMI are often excluded from clinical trials, despite evidence indicating that SMI is highly comorbid with smoking. Second, clinicians and staff within mental health settings generally do not have the resources or appropriate training to provide smoking cessation treatments to patients with SMI. Smartphone-based mobile health applications for smoking cessation could significantly improve cessation rates for adults with SMI. However, smoking cessation apps are underutilized by smokers with SMI partly because the apps are not designed for their unique needs. This study aims to conduct a pilot randomized controlled trial to evaluate the feasibility of an innovative, evidence-based smoking cessation app tailored for smokers with SMI. Seventy-five treatment-seeking smokers with SMI who will be referred from the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (25 per group), a publicly funded outpatient psychiatry treatment program, will be randomly assigned to receive either (1) QuitGuide, a free smoking cessation app developed by the National Cancer Institute, (2) a smoking cessation app that tracks and automatically intervenes upon psychological distress during a quit attempt and delivers real-time intervention messages tailored to the current level of lapse risk and current lapse triggers (Smart-T Mental Health; STMH), or (3) the STMH app with additional messaging focused on increasing adherence to nicotine replacement medications (STMH+). All study conditions will be followed for 5 weeks (1-week pre-cessation and 4 weeks post-cessation), receive nicotine replacement therapy, and complete smartphone-based survey assessments using ecological momentary assessment procedures.

Implementation and Evaluation of Primary Care Behavioral Health in Sweden
Psychological DistressLife Style Induced Illness2 moreIn this multicenter study, the investigators want to compare treatment outcomes for patients with mental and behavioral health problems in traditional primary care (Care As Usual, CAU) and primary care centres that work according to the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model. In addition to this, the investigators want to study organisation-level outcomes, such as access to care, perceived teamwork and work environment. To achieve this, primary care centres that have expressed interest in implementing PCBH will be cluster randomised between implementing directly or waiting for implementation.

Study to Assess the Efficacy of XPro1595 in Patients With Mild Alzheimer's Disease With Biomarkers...
Alzheimer DiseaseDementia7 moreThe purpose of this study is to measure cognitive and biological biomarkers in subcutaneously administered XPro1595 or placebo in patients with mild ADi.

Braining: Implementation of Physical Exercise for Patients in Specialist Psychiatry
Mental DisordersThe goal of this clinical trial is to compare Braining, a physical exercise lifestyle intervention in psychiatric care, with structured advice on physical exercise. The main questions are: does Braining lead to increased physical exercise compared to structured advice on physical exercise? what effect does Braining have on mental and physical health, quality of life and functional level compared to structured advice on physical exercise? The participants will join a twelve weeks long study period with clinician led exercise classes up to three times per week. Before and after the study period they will leave blood tests, take part in a mental and physical examination and fill in assessment scales. To measure physical activity, the participants will carry an accelerometer, a device that measures steps and acceleration. After six and twelve months, the participants take part in the same measurements. The control group takes parts in the same measurements and follow up, but instead of having clinician led exercise classes, they will exercise on their own during the twelve weeks study period.

Psychological Treatment in Psychiatric Inpatient Care
Compulsory Psychiatric Care ActPsychosis3 moreThis study aims to investigate the effect of a brief psychotherapeutic treatment intervention based on ACT, aimed specifically at the vulnerable group of patients in psychiatric 24-hour care treated according to LPT. The study aims to investigate whether a brief number of therapeutic sessions according to ACT during inpatient care produce positive effects on personally relevant life areas for a diagnostically mixed group of patients in a psychiatric intensive care unit.

A Randomized Controlled Trial With Rituximab for Psychotic Disorder in Adults
Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic DisordersImmunological factors are assumed to be determinants for some psychiatric disorders, thus anti-inflammatory drugs may be helpful. However, studies on such treatments are scarce. An inflammatory modulating drug rituximab, cluster of differentiation antigen 20 antibodies (anti-CD20 antibodies), is a standard treatment for e.g. multiple sclerosis. The investigators aim to test rituximab in a randomised placebo-controlled double-blinded, add-on treatment trial in 120 participants (18-55 years) with schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Sampling from blood for analyses of inflammatory mediators are investigated at gene and protein levels and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) and lumbar puncture are optional. Biomarkers will be investigated in relation to treatment response. Family member(s) to the patient and the patient (separate) will be asked to participate in a qualitative interview by an independent researcher after 3 months.

Healthy ReStart Intervention to Improve Health and Functioning
Mental DisorderThis study tests an intervention that uses health coaching, motivational interviewing, positive psychology, and online wellness tools to help adults with mental illness return to active lives after major disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Psilocybin for the Treatment of Veterans With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSDStress Disorders5 moreThe primary aim of this study is to assess the safety and efficacy of psilocybin-assisted therapy in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in United States military Veterans.

EPI-MINN: Targeting Cognition and Motivation - National
PsychosisPsychosis Nos/Other9 moreThe purpose of this study is to perform a practice-based research project designed to assess whether cognition and motivated behavior in early psychosis can be addressed as key treatment goals within real-world settings by using a 12-week mobile intervention program. Participants who are receiving care at coordinated specialty care (CSC) early psychosis clinics across the United States will be recruited to participate in this study. A qualifying CSC program will provide comprehensive clinical services such as psychotherapy, medication management, psychoeducation, and work or education support. This study will be conducted remotely, and participants can participate at home with their own electronic devices. The aim of this study is to investigate a well-defined 12-week mobile intervention program specifically designed to target cognitive functioning and motivated behavior for individuals with early psychosis. Participants will complete a screening interview which will include diagnosis and symptom ratings, neurocognitive assessment, and self-reports of symptoms, behavior, and functioning. Then participants will be randomized to receive the 12-week mobile intervention, or an active control of treatment as usual. The investigators will test for differences in the clinical trajectories after training, and at two follow up appointments at 6 and 12 months post-training.