Cognitive Behavioral Suicide Prevention for Psychosis: Aim 2
SuicidePsychosisInvestigators will evaluate the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of modified Cognitive Behavioral Suicide Prevention for psychosis (CBSPp) in comparison to services-as-usual (SAU) in a randomized controlled trial. Investigators will recruit adult clients receiving services at a community mental health (CMH) setting who have a schizophrenia spectrum disorder and recent suicidal thoughts or behaviors within 3 months of screening (n=60). Client participants will be screened, enrolled and randomized to the CBSPp or SAU group. A 4-wave design will include quantitative assessments at baseline (T1), 1-month after baseline (T2), 3-months after baseline (T3), and 5-months after baseline (T4) with in-depth qualitative interviews at T3 for a random sample of adults in the CBSPp group (n=10). Providers (n=12) will be trained to deliver CBSPp and be assessed from T1-T3 to evaluate the implementation process, including in-depth qualitative interviews at T3.

Pramipexole for Anhedonic Depression
Psychiatric Disorders MoodAnhedonia1 moreThe heterogeneity of depression suggests that several different neurocircuits and pathophysiological mechanisms are involved. Anhedonia - the inability to experience pleasure from, or the lack of motivation to carry out, usually enjoyable activities - is a promising endophenotype within the depression spectrum, with a distinct pathophysiology involving dopaminergic mesolimbic projections. Anhedonia is common in depression and associated with treatment resistance. Pramipexole, an agonist to the dopamine -receptor 3, is an established treatment of Parkinson's disease. Based on its mechanism of action, pramipexole might be efficacious in a subtype of depression characterized by anhedonia and lack of motivation - symptoms linked to dopaminergic hypofunction. This is supported by animal data, clinical experience, and recent pilot study data, but randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are lacking. In this double-blind placebo-controlled RCT the anti-anhedonic and antidepressant effects of add-on pramipexole will be tested, using an "enriched population study design" including only depressed patients with significant anhedonia. To better understand the neurobiology of anhedonia in depression and to identify treatment predictors, simultaneous assessments of anhedonia-related neurocircuitry using (f)MRI will be done, and anhedonia-related biomarkers in blood and cerebrospinal fluid analyzed. The aim of the study is to confirm the efficacy of pramipexole in this depression subtype, which would be an important step towards personalized medicine in psychiatry.

Treatment of Post-covid Syndrome in Patients Treated in Intensive Care
COVID-19Mental Health DisorderThe present study is a pilot randomized controlled trial, which identifies and diagnoses mental health problems in survivors of critical COVID-19 infection at 12 months post-ICU care, and randomize patients to either an ACT-enforced CBT intervention, or to treatment as usual.

Evaluation of the Impact of Case Manager Intervention on the 3-year Psychotic Episode Recurrence...
Psychotic EpisodeThe study investigators hypothesize that the intervention of case managers specifically trained in case management of early psychosis will change the paradigm of care of a first psychotic episode from the current organization of the care system. Indeed, the creation of specific services for emerging psychotic disorders cannot easily be generalized throughout the country and requires specific funding. The intervention of case managers according to the recommendations of good practices will make it possible to propose the fundamental principles of early intervention to young patients and their families on a large scale throughout the territory, namely: personalized and proactive accompaniment, psycho-education of the pathology and treatments, involvement and support of the families, and support for socio-professional reintegration

Terazosin and Parkinson's Disease Extension Study
Symptomatic Parkinson DiseaseREM Sleep Behavior Disorder1 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate the long-term effects of treatment with the selective post-synaptic a1-adrenergic blocker terazosin on serial in a population of subjects with defined pre-motor Parkinson's disease (PD) risks and abnormal imaging exams. Imaging changes will be correlated to the presence and severity of motor and non-motor symptoms of PD, measured by validated clinical scales and cardiac autonomic function tests.

Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of ATNC-MDD V1(TMS With Cognitive Training) in Mild Alzheimer's...
Alzheimer's DiseaseDementia6 moreThe study tests the effect of the ATNC MDD-V1 on Alzheimer patients' cognitive function. The ATNC MDD-V1 uses non-invasive stimulation of both magnetic and cognitive training.

A Rater-blinded RCT to Compare Effectiveness of EMDR vs TAU in Patients With First Episode Psychosis...
Psychotic EpisodePsychological TraumaThe main objective of this project is to analyze whether EMDR therapy, as an adjuvant to usual treatment, is effective in reducing post-traumatic stress and psychotic/affective symptoms in patients with a FEP and comorbid psychological trauma associated with first hospital admission and / or previous stressful life event.

Sleep in Psychiatric Care (SIP): A Transdiagnostic Group-based Sleep-school as Treatment for Comorbid...
Sleep Disorder; Insomnia TypePsychiatric DisordersSleep disorders commonly co-occur with psychiatric disorders. Sleep disorders are often treated with medication or not at all in psychiatric care, although there exist a plethora of documentation of the effectiveness of sleep interventions. There is also an increase in studies showing effectiveness of sleep-interventions when the sleep disorder co-occurs with psychiatric illness. The most common and best documented treatment for insomnia is cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTi). There is a great gap in the knowledge on how sleep disorders can be treated effectively in psychiatric care. In this project the investigators therefore seek to investigate the effect of non-pharmacological, group-based treatment in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) where sleep and psychiatric symptoms are the primary outcome measures. CBTi comprise of sleep education, sleep restriction, stimulus control and cognitive restructuring of dysfunctional thoughts about sleep.

MISSION-CJ for Justice-Involved Homeless Veterans
Substance Use DisorderMental Health Disorder1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether Maintaining Independence and Sobriety through Systems Integration, Outreach and Networking - Criminal Justice version (MISSION-CJ) is effective for reducing criminal recidivism and improving other health-related outcomes (substance use, mental health, housing, employment, community integration) among justice-involved, homeless Veterans with a co-occurring substance use and mental health disorder.

Family-Focused Therapy for Individuals at High Clinical Risk for Psychosis: A Confirmatory Efficacy...
Psychotic DisordersProdromal Symptoms3 moreThe present study is a confirmatory efficacy trial of Family Focused Therapy for youth at clinical high risk for psychosis (FFT-CHR). This trial is sponsored by seven mature CHR clinical research programs from the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS). The young clinical high risk sample (N = 220 youth ages 13-25) is to be followed at 6-month intervals for 18 months.