Clinical Outcomes After Dry Needling on Cervical Muscles, and Quality of Life, in Patients With...
FibromyalgiaObjectives: The purpose of the current randomized clinical trial is to compare the effectiveness of dry needling versus myofascial release therapy on myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) in cervical muscles, quality of life, fatigue, quality of sleep, anxiety and depression in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS).
A Study to Assess the Analgesic Efficacy and Safety of ASP0819 in Patients With Fibromyalgia
FibromyalgiaThis study assessed analgesic efficacy of ASP0819 relative to placebo as well as the safety and tolerability. This study assessed treatment differences in physical function as well as the improvements in overall subject status (e.g., fibromyalgia symptoms and global functioning) of ASP0819 relative to placebo.
Prehabilitation for Being Active. A Feasibility Study in Fibromyalgia
FibromyalgiaTwelve people with FM will be recruited from the FM patient support groups. The investigators will develop and test a 4-week prehabilitation educational programme (i.e., a behavioural change intervention) consisting of meeting once per week (each approximately 1 - 1.5 hours). These dynamic and interactive meetings will focus on education and skills training in: exercise, activity cycling, pacing, causes of symptoms in FM (pain, fatigue, sleep dysfunction) and their management. Participants will be taught to set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed goals (SMART principle) that are valuable or meaningful to them. To do so, the participants will identify a 'committed action' plan. The principles of cognitive behavioural therapy will be used to address maladaptive thoughts (e.g., catastrophizing and fear avoidance) and to manage stress (e.g., skills of relaxation). Participants will learn how to use of pedometers to monitor physical activity. After the 4-week prehabilitation educational programme, the participants will be encouraged to engage in a 6-week gentle self-paced walking programme (with weekly telephone support). The 6-week walking programme will consist of a simple pedometer-driven intervention. Furthermore, the research team will telephone each participant at a prearranged time each week to discuss progress, to document mean daily step count and to discuss a new physical activity target (step count) for the subsequent week. Participants will record daily step counts (pedometer-derived) in a walking dairy which will be used as raw data and mean steps per day calculated. Where a participant declines telephone support, an alternative weekly email or text/WhatsApp messages will be offered instead, where the same information will be given and requested. Before (baseline measurements) and right after the completion of the 4-week prehabilitation educational programme as well as the 6-week gentle self-paced walking programme the same measurements will be taken. By doing so, the investigators will evaluate short and mid-term changes promoted by the prehabilitation programme. The participants will fill out the following questionnaires: the Revised FM Impact Questionnaire, Pain Catastrophizing Scale, Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory, Short-Form 36-item Health Survey, International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire, Exercise Self Efficacy Questionnaire, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaire, and the modified 2011 preliminary FM criteria questionnaire. Right after the completion of the prehabiliation intervention, all the participants will fill out the treatment acceptability and credibility questionnaire. Right after the completion of the walking programme, participants will be interviewed (semistructured face-to-face exit interview lasting about 30-45 minutes) to explore their experiences of the study including barriers to participation. The main outcome of the study will be acceptability and credibility of the prehabilitation intervention (treatment acceptability and credibility questionnaire. Additionally, the success of the prehabilitation programme will be based on (i) number of sessions attended (>80%), (ii) number of drop outs (<15%) and reasons for early withdrawal, (iii) number of screening questionnaires completed and returned (>80%).
Effects of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy and Low Level Laser Therapy in Myofascial Pain Syndrome...
Myofascial Pain SyndromeThis study evaluates the effects of low level laser therapy and extracorporeal shock wave therapy in patients with myofascial pain syndrome of the upper trapezius. Half of the patients receive laser therapy, half of them receive shock wave therapy for three weeks.
Vibration for Pain Reduction During Trigger Point Injection
Myofascial Pain SyndromesThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of vibration anesthesia for reducing pain induced by trigger point injection of gastrocnemius. Sixty patients were randomized into the vibration or placebo group. In vibration groups, vibrator head was applied (100Hz) on the popliteal fossa, during the trigger point injection. In placebo group, same vibrator head was applied with switch-off sate. Then, a visual analog scale to evaluate the pain of trigger point injection and a five-point Likert scale for patients satisfaction were compared between the two groups.
Sensory Stimulation in Fibromyalgia
FibromyalgiaThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of low-intensity and prolonged vibrotactile sensory stimulation on symptom relieve in fibromyalgia patients.
Evaluate the Clinical Efficacy of Whole Body Cryotherapy in the Cryosense Cabin for the Treatment...
FibromyalgiaThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention with sessions of 3 minutes of whole body cryotherapy (WBC) in the Cryosense cabin. Measurement period time: 8 weeks.
The Effect of Telerehabilitation on Symptoms in Fibromyalgia Patients
FibromyalgiaThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of telerehabilitation-based high-intensity interval upper extremity exercise training on biochemistry parameters and disease symptoms in fibromyalgia patients. It has been reported that substances such as serotonin and tryptophan are found at abnormal levels in the serotonergic system in patients with fibromyalgia, and symptoms such as depression, pain, and fatigue related to the disease may be associated with this condition. In the literature, there are studies conducted in other disease groups showing that aerobic exercise regulates tryptophan and serotonin levels and can produce positive results regarding these symptoms. This study was planned to evaluate the effect of high-intensity interval exercise training, which is an aerobic exercise form, whose benefits are frequently mentioned in recent publications, on both blood parameters and symptoms in fibromyalgia patients.
Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Versus High Power Pain Threshold Ultrasound For Trapezius...
Myofascial Pain Syndrome of Neckthe purpose of this trial is to compare the effectiveness of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization and high power pain threshold ultrasound on pain intensity, pressure pain threshold (PPT), neck range of motion, and neck function in participants with upper trapezius myofascial trigger points.
Efficacy of Wet Cupping Therapy on Fibromyalgia
FibromyalgiaBackground and purpose: Although wet cupping therapy (WCT) is in use, clinical investigations of its efficiency are scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of wet cupping therapy (WCT) on fibromyalgia syndrome Methods: The patients will be randomized into two groups. WCT will be applied once a month to patients in the intervention group while the control group will be on standard therapy for fibromyalgia. An evaluation will be made before treatment and at the 3rd month using the Fibromyalgia Impact Survey (FEA), VAS, and EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D-3L) quality of life scale.