The Study for Evaluating the Clinical Effectiveness and Safety of Respiratory Rehabilitation Software...
Respiratory System DiseaseChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease8 moreThe purpose of the study is to prove the clinical superiority of respiratory rehabilitation software "Redpill Breath" and evaluate the clinical improvement effect by 6-minute walk test of the software, compared to the manual rehabilitation management for those who need respiratory rehabilitation(COPD, Asthma, Lung Cancer, etc.)

Robotic Versus Video-assisted Lobectomy/Segmentectomy for Lung Surgery
Lung DiseasesSurgeryTo compare the safety/efficacy of the robotic-assisted lobectomy/segmentectomy (RAL/S) with the video-assisted lobectomy/segmentectomy (VAL/S) for lung resection. Video-assisted lobectomy/segmentectomy (VAL/S) for lung resection is divided into uniport group and multiple- port group.

Phase 2 Safety and Efficacy Study of PRA023 in Subjects With Systemic Sclerosis Associated With...
Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic SclerosisInterstitial Lung DiseaseThe purpose of this study is to assess the safety and efficacy of PRA023 in participants with SSc-ILD .

A Study to Evaluate Long-term Safety of Nintedanib in Children and Adolescents With Interstitial...
Lung DiseasesInterstitialThis study is open to children and adolescents with interstitial lung disease (ILD) that causes lung fibrosis. This is a study for people who took part in a previous study (study 1199-0337, InPedILD™) and for people who are between 6 and 17 years old and have fibrosing ILD. This study tests a medicine called nintedanib. Nintedanib is already used to treat different types of lung fibrosis in adults. The purpose of the study is to find out how well long-term treatment with nintedanib is tolerated in children and adolescents. All participants take nintedanib capsules twice a day. Participants are in the study for at least 6 months or until nintedanib or other treatment options become available outside of this study. During the first 2 years, they visit the study site between 9 and 11 times. Afterwards, they visit the study site every 3 months. The doctors collect information on any health problems of the participants.

Clinical Surveillance vs. Anticoagulation for Low-risk Patients With Isolated Subsegmental Pulmonary...
Pulmonary EmbolismEmbolism7 moreThe clinical significance of pulmonary embolism (PE) limited to the subsegmental pulmonary arteries, so called isolated subsegmental pulmonary embolism (SSPE), remains controversial. Whether isolated SSPE represents "true" PE, a clinically more benign form of PE, a physiologic lung clearing process, or a false positive result (artifact) is currently unclear and hence, whether patients with isolated SSPE benefit from anticoagulant treatment is uncertain. Despite growing evidence from observational studies that withholding anticoagulation may be a safe option in selected patients with isolated SSPE (i.e., those without concomitant deep vein thrombosis, cancer, etc.), most patients with isolated SSPE receive anticoagulant treatment, which is associated with an increased risk of bleeding. The overall objective of the randomized controlled SAFE-SSPE trial is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of clinical surveillance without anticoagulation compared to anticoagulation treatment in low-risk patients with isolated SSPE.

A Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Ralinepag to Improve Treatment Outcomes in PAH Patients...
PAHPulmonary Hypertension10 moreStudy ROR-PH-301, ADVANCE OUTCOMES, is designed to assess the efficacy and safety of ralinepag when added to pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) standard of care or PAH-specific background therapy in subjects with World Health Organization (WHO) Group 1 PAH.

Cyclophosphamide and Azathioprine vs Tacrolimus in Antisynthetase Syndrome-related Interstitial...
Antisynthetase Syndrome (ASS)Interstitial Lung Disease"Antisynthetase syndrome (ASS) is one of the most severe inflammatory myopathy (IM), due to pulmonary involvement (interstitial lung disease, ILD). Until now, the most commonly used immunosuppresive therapy in Europe is Cyclophosphamide followed by different immunosuppressive drugs as maintenance therapy, including Azathioprine (and so called " European Strategy "). In the USA however, the first-line immunosuppressive treatment is Tacrolimus (so called " American Strategy "). None of these two different strategies has ever been studied prospectively, and there is no clear comparison of short and long-term treatment efficacy and tolerance. Thus, there are yet no evidences helping the clinicians in the therapeutic management of patients with ASS-related ILD. The aim of this study is therefore to compare both strategies as first line treatments or in relapsing patients : CATR.PAT study is a 52 weeks, randomized, comparative, controlled, open-labeled, phase III, therapeutic clinical trial, comparing two treatment strategies."

Efficacy and Safety of Benralizumab in Moderate to Very Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease...
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseasePhase 3 study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a benralizumab in patients with moderate to very severe COPD with a history of frequent COPD exacerbations and elevated peripheral blood eosinophils (≥300/μL). Eligible patients must have a history of ≥2 moderate and/or severe COPD exacerbations in the previous year despite receiving triple (ICS/LABA/LAMA) background therapy for at least 3 months and ICS-based dual inhaled treatment for the remainder of the year. Eligible patients must also have an elevated blood eosinophil count. The treatment period will be of variable duration and will continue until the last patient has the opportunity to complete a minimum of 56 weeks, at which point all patients will complete the study. The primary endpoint will be analyzed at Week 56.

Supramaximal High-Intensity Interval Training in People With and Without Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary...
COPDHealthy ControlsBeyond pulmonary complications, COPD presents with extrapulmonary manifestations including reduced cognitive, cardiovascular, and muscle function. While exercise training is the cornerstone in the non-pharmacological treatment of COPD, there is a need for new exercise training methods. The COPD-HIIT trial intend to investigate the effects and mechanisms of 12 weeks supramaximal high-intensity interval-training (HIIT) compared to moderate intensive continous training (MICT) in people with COPD and matched healthy controls on important clinical outcomes. The trial also intends to compare the effects of 24 months of exercise training (supramaximal HIIT or MICT) to usual care in people with COPD on brain health, cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle power; in people with COPD.

Atezolizumab Plus Induction Chemotherapy Plus CT-radiotherapy. (APOLO)
Lung DiseasesCarcinoma6 moreOpen-label, non-randomized, phase II multi-centre controlled clinical trial. 51 non-resectable stage IIIA-IIIB non-small cell lung cancer patients will be enrolled in this trial to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment (Atezolizumab + Induction chemotherapy (CT) + CT-Radiotherapy) in terms of the Progression Free Survival at 12 months