Effect of Whole Body Vibration Versus Core Stability Exercises on Balance and Muscle Strength in...
Down SyndromeChildren had Down syndrome often have impaired balance and postural control and result as less active than their peers that can lead to reduced quality of life and movement skills. Effects of physical activity may be important in preventing falling risk and health consequences in those children

A Study to Assess the Effects of ACI-24.060 in Alzheimer's Disease and in Down Syndrome (ABATE Study)...
Alzheimer's DiseaseProdromal Alzheimer's Disease3 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the safety, tolerability, immunogenicity and pharmacodynamic effects of ACI-24.060 in subjects with prodromal Alzheimer's disease and in non-demented adults with Down syndrome.

Effects of Core Stability Exercises With and Without Treadmill Training on Balance in Children With...
Down SyndromeTo find the effects of core stability exercises with and without treadmill training on balance in children with down syndrome

Tofacitinib for Immune Skin Conditions in Down Syndrome
Down SyndromeAlopecia Areata4 morePeople with Down syndrome (DS) display widespread immune dysregulation, including several immune skin conditions. This study hypothesizes that pharmacological inhibition of the increased interferon (IFN) signaling seen in DS is safe and could improve associated skin conditions. The study evaluates the safety and efficacy treatment with Tofacitinib, an FDA-approved drug known to block IFN signaling, in adolescents and adults with DS and an autoimmune and/or autoinflammatory skin condition. Investigators will also measure the impact of interferon inhibition on a variety of molecular markers, as well as the cognitive abilities and quality of life of participants.

Effects of Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation on Cognition and Language in Down Syndrome and Obstructive...
Down SyndromeObstructive Sleep ApneaThis study is a prospective, single-arm study conducted under a common implant and follow-up protocol. The objective will be to follow fifty-seven (57) adolescents and young adults (10-21 years of age), with Down syndrome, moderate to severe sleep apnea, and post-adenotonsillectomy, for 12 months after undergoing implant of the Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation (UAS) System. The study is being conducted in order to evaluate objective change in cognition and expressive language after implant and therapy with the Inspire UAS System.

Impact of an Orthotic Garment on Gross Motor Skills for Infants With Down Syndrome
Down SyndromeInfants with Down syndrome (DS) develop slower than their typically developing peers. Physical therapist (PT) supervised home programs have the potential to optimize gross motor development in a financially feasible way. An inexpensive orthotic garment (Hip Helpers®) is commonly employed by PTs as a home program supplement, but its effectiveness has not yet been investigated. The garment is worn as pliable shorts over a child's lower extremities to keep upper legs together, promoting a narrow base of support. This encourages activation of upright postural muscles to improve gross motor skill development. The purpose of this randomized controlled study is to investigate the impact of a home program using the Hip Helpers® orthotic garment on gross motor skill acquisition in infants with DS. We hypothesize that the addition of a structured home program using Hip Helpers®, supervised by a PT and implemented by parents, will increase the rate at which infants with DS acquire gross motor skills. Thirty-four participants, consisting of children who are at least three-months-old and are not yet able maintain sitting independently, will be randomly assigned to a control (n=17) or intervention group (n=17). PTs at pediatric therapy agencies will initiate the home program and administer the Gross Motor Function Measure-88 (GMFM-88) at regular intervals to monitor gross motor skill acquisition until the child is able to take three independent steps. Groups will be compared on the length of time elapsed between the acquisition of identified gross motor skills using independent t-tests. GMFM-88 scores will be compared between the two groups at different ages to identify trends using independent t-tests. The contribution of this project will be significant by informing physical therapists about the effectiveness of an inexpensive orthotic garment used in a supervised home program on gross motor outcomes in infants with DS.

Effect Of Brain Gym Exercises On Postural Stability In Children With Down Syndrome
Down SyndromeThis study will be conducted to detect the effect of brain gym exercises on postural stability in children with down syndrome .

Highest Dose of Uproleselan in Combination With Fludarabine and Cytarabine for Patients With Acute...
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Post Cytotoxic TherapyDown Syndrome7 moreThis phase I trial tests the safety, side effects, and best dose of uproleselan in combination with fludarabine and cytarabine in treating patients with acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome or mixed phenotype acute leukemia that has come back (relapsed) or does not respond to treatment (refractory) and that expresses E-selectin ligand on the cell membrane. Uproleselan binds to E-selectin expressed on endothelial cells of the bone marrow and prevents their interaction with selectin-E ligand-expressing cancer cells. This may prevent leukemia cells from being sequestered in the bone marrow niche and escaping the effect of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs, such as fludarabine and cytarabine, work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Giving uproleselan in combination with fludarabine and cytarabine may enhance their activity.

Virtual Reality Technology For Cognitive Functions Of Children With Down Syndrome
Down SyndromeThe purpose of the study is to identify the effect of fully-immersive virtual reality technology on cognitive functions of children with Down syndrome

Fluoxetine Treatment of Depression in Down Syndrome
Down SyndromeDepressionThe purpose of the study is to do a preliminary assessment of whether fluoxetine is effective, safe, and tolerable for the treatment of depression in adults with Down syndrome.