
Active clinical trials for "Substance-Related Disorders"

Results 301-310 of 1798

Subthreshold Opioid Use Disorder Prevention (STOP) Trial

Opioid-use Disorder

The Subthreshold Opioid Use Disorder Prevention (STOP) trial will test the efficacy of a primary care intervention to reduce opioid use and overdose risk, and prevent progression to OUD, in adults with unhealthy use of illicit or prescribed opioids. STOP is a collaborative care model. A cluster-randomized trial, conducted in 5 primary care sites, with 100 PCPs and 300adult primary care patients, will test the efficacy of STOP versus enhanced usual care (EUC). The STOP intervention, if proven efficacious, will provide a solution to preventing OUD among patients who are most at risk, thus addressing a key aspect of the current opioid crisis.

Active23 enrollment criteria

Outcome Inference in the Sensory Preconditioning Task in Opioid-Use Disorder

Opioid-Related DisordersDrug Addiction

Background: People with addictions often find it hard to choose the long-term benefits of abstinence over the short-term effects of using drugs. Researchers think this is partly due to parts of the brain involved in certain types of learning and decision-making. Researchers want to test these basic functions using a simple task with pictures and odors. Objective: To see if performance in a learning task differs between people who have opioid-use disorder and people who don t. Eligibility: Adults 21-60 years old who are willing to fast for at least 6 hours and smell food odors. Those with an opioid-use disorder must either not use for at least 3 weeks or be in treatment. Design: Participants will have 1 visit that will take up to 5 hours. Before the visit, participants will be asked to not eat or drink anything except water for at least 6 hours. At the visit, participants will be checked for signs of intoxication. Participants will give urine and breath samples. Participants will have tests of learning and behavior. They will look at shapes on a computer screen. The shapes will be paired with different food odors. The odors will come from a sterile tube placed under the nose. Participants will have their breathing monitored with a belt around the upper abdomen. About 30 days and 60 days later, participants will be called and asked about their drug use over the past 30 days.

Recruiting45 enrollment criteria

The Impact of Opioid and Cannabis Exposure on Fetal Growth

Pregnancy RelatedSubstance Use2 more

Individually, both opioid and cannabis exposure during pregnancy are associated with changes in fetal growth. The extent to which opioid and cannabis exposure affect fetal growth is unknown. The Investigators hypothesize that the combination of both substances will impact placental function and subsequent fetal growth more severely than either substance alone. The primary objective is to determine the extent to which fetal growth profiles in opioid-exposed pregnancies are influenced by cannabis exposure. This prospective cohort study will consist of opioid-exposed pregnancies and pregnancies without opioid exposure recruited from 5 obstetrical clinics from across Ontario. A total of 546 participants will be recruited.

Recruiting18 enrollment criteria

Outpatient Buprenorphine Induction With Psilocybin for Opioid Use Disorder

Opioid Use Disorder

This study will examine the effect of a single high dose of psilocybin therapy (30 mg) versus a very low dose (1 mg) as an adjunctive therapy to individuals undergoing standard-of-care outpatient buprenorphine treatment for Opioid use disorder (OUD). The participants will have previously undergone buprenorphine induction before. Effects of adjunctive psilocybin will be determined for longitudinal outcomes of opioid abstinence, compliance with outpatient buprenorphine maintenance, quality of life, and mood.

Not yet recruiting34 enrollment criteria

ACE, Resilience, and Substance Use Disorder: Maternal and Baby Outcomes in the First Year of Life...

Adverse Childhood Experiences

The purpose of this study is to understand maternal factors, including ACE and 7Cs Tool scores, and how they contribute to the health of mothers and their infant. The study will evaluate whether or not the outcomes of maternal and baby health can be identified early through the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) questionnaire, 7Cs Tool questionnaire, and Maternal Health Questionnaire. Additionally, the study will ask questions regarding current maternal social factors that could influence labor and delivery.

Recruiting2 enrollment criteria

Enhancing Wellness Through Affirming Services and Education

HIVMental Health Disorder1 more

The goal of this treatment study is to learn about the mental health, substance use and physical health outcomes associated with participating in the EASE holistic behavioral health and wellness program for individuals identifying as LGBTQ+ and/or living with HIV. The main questions it aims to answer are: Do important health outcomes, including substance use, mental health and social support related outcomes of individuals living with HIV and/or identifying as LGBTQ who participated in the holistic behavioral health and wellness program change after study participation? Does a tailored approach to meet the specific needs of different subpopulations including 1) older (40+) PLWH and/or LGBTQ individuals with or at risk for additional health comorbidities and 2) PLWH and/or LGBTQ young adults (18-40) improve health outcomes including improvement in health and health behaviors . Participants will be asked to: participate in 6 months of behavioral health treatment tailored to their needs, which may include individual counseling, group counseling, case management, peer support, and related education. Complete surveys at the time of study entry and 6 months later to measure changes in health outcomes over time.

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

Community Intervention to Eliminate HCV Among People Who Use Drugs.

HCVSubstance Use Disorders

The goal of this interventional study is twofold with the evaluation of the feasibility and potential usefulness of an implementation strategy, and the efficiency of a community-based model of mass screening and immediate treatment of hepatitis C among People Who Use Drugs (PWUD) in three major cities in mainland France (Paris, Lyon and Marseille) and in one overseas city (Fort-de-France). The investigators will also describe the psychological and infectious comorbidities of drug users, determine the stages of the HCV (Hepatitis C Virus), HBV (Hepatitis B Virus), HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) care cascade, and analyze the factors associated with HCV treatment failure. A qualitative study will investigate the acceptability of the RDS model. Participants will be screened in an out of bound research center and receive appropriate treatment for infectious, addictological and psychiatric troubles. They will receive coupons to give to their peers for them to participate in the study. Researchers will also compare the acceptability of referral to psychiatric care directly at the research site (intervention group) with that of referral directly to a city facility (control group).

Not yet recruiting8 enrollment criteria

Comprehensive HIV, Hepatitis C, and Opioid Use Disorder Response to the Unaddressed Syndemic +

Opioid Use Disorder

The US opioid overdose epidemic has been accompanied by an increase in human immunodeficiency (HIV) among persons who inject drugs. HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an FDA approved medication taken daily orally by individuals who are HIV negative, but who are at increased risk for HIV. In order to obtain PrEP, a prescription is needed. Before being prescribed HIV PrEP, it is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to obtain an HIV test first. Although home HIV self-test kits are recommended by the CDC and are locally available, uptake remains low. CHORUS+ (Comprehensive HIV, Hepatitis C, and Opioid Use Disorder Response to the Unaddressed Syndemic +) is a theory-based, peer-delivered, mobile phone-supported intervention focused on enhancing uptake and adherence to HIV PrEP (primary outcome), and continuation of MOUD (secondary outcome) among persons who inject opioids. At recruitment, the intervention will include HIV self-testing, rapid initiation of PrEP and MOUD, and 6-month peer recovery coaching (PRC) to support adherence to these medications. This research study seeks to determine the efficacy of a novel intervention to increase the uptake of evidence-based measures to prevent HIV and treat opioid use disorder. The efficacy of this multi-site, two-arm randomized control trial of CHORUS+ and usual care [passive referral]. This study is not testing the efficacy of PrEP or HIV home testing which is already known. In addition the investigators will determine the influence of HIV self-testing on PrEP uptake and adherence. In the CHORUS+/ intervention arm, there will be a baseline in-person session with the participant to encourage uptake of PrEP and MOUD using motivational interviewing (MI).

Not yet recruiting7 enrollment criteria

E-Cigarettes for Harm Reduction in Smokers With Opioid Use Disorder

Opioid Use DisorderCigarette Smoking

The purpose of this an open-label, randomized controlled trial study is to compare the effectiveness of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes/e-cigs) with telehealth motivational counseling with combination nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) + telehealth counseling on combustible cigarettes smoking reduction among persons with opioid use disorder (OUD) in methadone and buprenorphine treatment programs (opioid use disorder treatment programs (OUDTP)). OUDTP patients are a population with exceptionally high combustible cigarettes smoking burden and yet limited success in achieving meaningful clinical outcomes in tobacco treatment. If effective, electronic cigarettes would provide an additional tool for tobacco harm reduction among this difficult-to-treat vulnerable population.

Not yet recruiting15 enrollment criteria

Substance Use Disorder, Brain and Behavioral Regulation

Substance Use Disorders

The proposed project seeks to explore the effects of a neuroregulation paradigm named Z-Score Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) guided sLORETA neurofeedback (ZQLN) on optimizing brain electrophysiological activity and behavioral performance in a substance use disorder (SUD) population whose primary drug of use is cocaine.

Not yet recruiting7 enrollment criteria

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