Evaluation of the Efficacy of Fomepizole in the Treatment of Acetaminophen Overdose
AcetaminophenDrug Overdose5 moreThis study is a randomized, placebo-controlled double-blinded clinical trial of patients presenting with acetaminophen poisoning who are at increased risk of developing liver injury. With this trial the investigators are hoping to show the superiority of acetylcysteine (NAC) + fomepizole (4-MP) compared to treatment with acetylcysteine alone. The primary objective of this trial is to determine the effect of fomepizole on the severity of acute liver injury in patients with acetaminophen poisoning.

To Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of TYNADOTE® in the Treatment of Acetaminophen Overdose
HepatitisTo evaluate the efficacy and safety of TYNADOTE® in the treatment of acetaminophen overdose

Kentucky Outreach Service Kiosk (KyOSK): Reducing HIV, HCV, and Overdose Risk
Opioid-Related DisordersHepatitis C (HCV)6 moreThis study will test the effectiveness, implementation outcomes, and cost effectiveness of a community-tailored, harm reduction kiosk in reducing HIV, hepatitis C, and overdose risk behavior in rural Appalachia. The proposed project will take place in two counties in Appalachian Kentucky, an epicenter for the intertwined national crises of injection drug use, overdoses, and hepatitis C.

The Rhode Island Prescription and Illicit Drug Study
Opioid OverdoseDrug OverdoseThis study will test the efficacy of a novel drug-checking intervention to prevent fatal and non-fatal overdose among people who use drugs (PWUD), who are 18-65 years old at the time of enrollment. The investigators will evaluate whether the incorporation of rapid fentanyl testing into a theory-driven overdose education and prevention intervention reduces rates of overdose compared to standard overdose education and naloxone distribution. Results from this study will significantly improve public health efforts to address the fentanyl overdose epidemic and reduce harms associated with exposure to drugs contaminated with fentanyl. This is a full clinical trial, building on the previously approved fentanyl-test-strip pilot study (2016-2017), the results of which have recently been published.(Krieger et al., 2018)

An Evaluation of a Social Network Intervention for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Opioid Overdoses...
OverdoseThe purpose of this study is to pilot and implement a peer mentor intervention focused on overdose prevention and care. The intervention consists of 3 sessions. During the first and second session, each participant will meet individually with a trained staff member. In the 3rd session, the participant will invite a social network member to attend the session, and these 2 participants will meet with a trained staff member.

Evaluating an Intervention to Prevent Overdoses in Rural and Urban Counties
Opiate OverdoseFentanyl Overdose1 moreThe purpose of the study is to investigate the feasibility, acceptability, and associated benefits and harms of integrating FTS education and distribution into select Project DAWN sites in rural and urban communities in Ohio.

Recovery Initiation and Management After Overdose (RIMO) Experiment
Opioid-use DisorderThis study targets individuals in Chicago who have received naloxone administered by first responders within the past week to reverse an overdose, but who have not entered into MAT. Study participants will be recruited through partnerships with the Chicago Fire Department (CFD) and/or Police Department (CPD); first responders will be trained to seek consent from individuals who are alert and oriented after receiving naloxone for future contacts by research staff as part of the naloxone standard protocol. Those who consent will be contacted and screened for study eligibility ideally within one week of naloxone administration; eligible participants will be randomly assigned either to the control group, i.e., referral to MAT as usual, or to Recovery Initiation and Management after Overdose (RIMO), an assertive linkage and recovery support intervention. This intervention builds on an evidence-based intervention for treatment linkage, monitoring, and recovery support evaluated in 3 prior clinical trials by the study team.

A Setting Focus Overdose Prevention Intervention
HIV InfectionsHCV1 moreA pilot injection-setting targeted peer-driven intervention to reduce HIV and hepatitis C virus transmission and overdose risk behaviors among people who inject drugs (PWID).

Evaluation of a Novel Intervention to Prevent Polysubstance Overdoses Involving Illicit Stimulants...
Opiate OverdoseFentanyl Overdose1 moreThe purpose of the study is to investigate the feasibility, acceptability, and associated benefits and harms of integrating FTS education and distribution into select courts in rural and urban communities in Ohio.

Permanent Supportive Housing Overdose Prevention
OverdosePermanent supportive housing (PSH), the gold standard intervention for ending chronic homelessness, has expanded rapidly across the U.S. in recent years. Due to a confluence of individual and environmental risk factors, PSH tenants face heightened risk for overdose. While evidence-based practices to prevent overdose exist, they have not been broadly implemented in PSH settings. This study will address this research to practice gap by studying the implementation of evidence-based practices to prevent overdose in 20 PSH buildings in New York. In a community-partnered stepped wedge randomized controlled trial, the investigators will study a package of implementation strategies that includes an implementation toolkit, tenant and staff implementation champions, limited practice facilitation, and learning collaboratives. Outcomes will be examined using surveys and qualitative interviews with PSH tenants and staff; observation; and analysis of Medicaid claims data.