Cannabidiol on Reward- and Stress-related Neurocognitive Processes in Individuals With Opioid Use...
Opioid-use DisorderThe purpose of this study is to determine the impact of cannabidiol on reward- and stress-related neurocognitive processes among individuals with opioid use disorder on buprenorphine or methadone treatment.
Behavioral Activation for Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid Use DisorderThe overall purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of values-based behavioral activation (BA) as an adjunct intervention for patients receiving medications for opioid use disorder (OUD) in primary care. Researcher will evaluate the following aims: 1) examine the feasibility of BA for OUD in primary care, 2) examine whether the BA intervention and study requirements are acceptable to participants, and 3) determine the psychometric properties of the outcome measures in people with OUD. Participants will complete 4-6 brief counseling sessions over the course of 12 weeks. During the first session, participants will discuss values and recovery outcomes important to them. Next, they will set 2-3 personal goals to work on before the next BA session. At the follow-up sessions, participants will update the counselor on progress made or challenges experienced. Personal values will be reviewed and participant goals updated. Study measures (surveys and urine drug tests) will be completed at the start, partway through, and at the end of the intervention.
Study of Icariin for Bipolar Disorder and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders
Bipolar DisorderSubstance Use DisorderThis study is being done to see if icariin will help with depression in patients with bipolar disorder and alcohol or cocaine use disorders. The pills used in this study contain 20% icariin.
Reducing Offenders' HIV Risk: MI Enhanced Case Management With Drug-Free Housing
Alcohol and Drug AbuseThe goal of the study is to see if a Motivational Interviewing Case Management (MICM) intervention will improve outcomes for respondents who are on probation or parole, at risk for HIV and have recently entered a Sober Living House. The MICM will help respondents access needed services, adapt to their new living environment, find and maintain work, address HIV risk and treatment, and manage setbacks. The risk for HIV infection among criminal justice offenders is significant, as is the need for stable, drug free housing in this population. Our aim is to see if the MICM intervention in the context of drug free housing will improve health outcomes and reduce recidivism.
Substance Abuse and Trauma in Incarcerated Women
Substance AbuseTrauma3 moreThe proposed study will evaluate Covington's Helping Women Recover (HWR) plus Beyond Trauma (BT) curriculum with female offenders at Eddie Warrior Correctional Facility in Taft, Oklahoma. The purpose of the proposed study is to expand previous findings by including a comparison group of women that are not receiving treatment but are otherwise eligible, and by using outside evaluators to conduct the assessments. Furthermore, this study will extend the outcomes measured in previous evaluations by including measures of sleep disturbance, posttraumatic cognitions, and a more extensive assessment of trauma-related symptoms. The hypotheses for this study are listed below: Incarcerated women with substance use disorders and history of trauma enrolled in the integrated treatment program (HWR plus BT) will report significantly fewer symptoms on measures of posttraumatic stress and associated cognitions, substance use, depression, and related symptoms following treatment than those in the comparison group. Those in the treatment group will improve significantly more than those in the comparison group on the symptoms listed above.
VBMI to Increase Treatment Completion With MK-MK-5172/MK-8742 Among Veterans With Active Substance...
Patient AdherenceChronic Hepatitis C1 moreThis study implement a values-based motivational interviewing (VBMI) intervention to promote treatment completion with fixed dose combination (FDC) MK-5172/MK-8742 x 12 weeks among 30 Veterans with substance use disorder (SUD) and treatment naïve genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.
Project IMPACT: In-the-Moment Protection From Automatic Capture by Trigger
Substance Use DisorderDespite conscious intentions to remain abstinent, persons with substance use disorders often find that negative emotions and environmental cues automatically "trigger" drinking and other substance use. This study aims to test whether activating the baroreflex mechanism can be used "in the moment" to help resist drinking triggers. It consists of 3 phases (Recruitment, Intervention, Follow-up). Stage 1: Trained research staff conduct a comprehensive clinical interview and questionnaires to assess participant's mood, substance use, and triggers. Participants are paired with a Primary Research Clinician (PRC) who will work with them during the intervention. Stage 2: Approximately 4 weeks after intake into the Center for Great Expectations Intensive Outpatient program, an 8-week intervention begins. Pre-and post-intervention laboratory sessions occur at Cardiac Neuroscience Laboratory, Center of Alcohol Studies, Piscataway, NJ. Some participants take part in pre- and post-intervention neuroimaging sessions (Rutgers University Brain Imaging Center, Newark, NJ). Participants are randomized into an active intervention or control group after the pre-intervention lab session. They are given an iPhone and trained to use a paced breathing app that is pre-loaded onto the phone. Participants in both groups use their app any time they anticipate or experience a trigger to drink or use drugs. Participants are compensated for their use of the app and the time for participation. To ensure that participants are correctly performing the paced breathing task, their PRC visit with them weekly to provide coaching sessions using a computer-based biofeedback program. During the 4th week, ECG and respiration data are collected. Participants also complete questionnaires about mood and triggers, and provide feedback on the usefulness of the app. During the lab sessions, participants complete a series of questionnaires and ECG, blood pressure and respiration are collected during four 5-minute tasks (resting baseline, non-resonance breathing, resonance breathing, and visual processing/attention). During the neuroimaging sessions, participants are placed in the scanner for structural scans and four 5-minute tasks (as tasks as previously noted); ECG and blood pressure are recorded. Stage 3: Participants are re-contacted 1 and 3 months after the intervention to complete questionnaires about their quality of life across multiple domains and the usefulness of the app.
Trauma Intervention for Affect Regulation, AIDS, and Substances
Human Immunodeficiency VirusSubstance Related Disorder1 moreThe Purpose of this study is to see if it is possible to deliver an intervention that targets trauma, substance use, and engagement in HIV care with HIV-positive women.
Brief Intervention for Justice-Involved Substance Users
Substance UseViolenceThis is a randomized clinical trial to study ways of helping justice-involved people change to more healthy behavior.
Intervening to Reduce Suicide Risk in Veterans With Substance Use Disorders
SuicideSuicidal Ideation1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) intervention compared to a Supportive Psycho-educational Control (SPC) condition in reducing the frequency and intensity of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in Veterans with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) over a two-year follow-up period.