Trauma Intervention for Affect Regulation, AIDS, and Substances
Human Immunodeficiency VirusSubstance Related Disorder1 moreThe Purpose of this study is to see if it is possible to deliver an intervention that targets trauma, substance use, and engagement in HIV care with HIV-positive women.
Study of Icariin for Bipolar Disorder and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders
Bipolar DisorderSubstance Use DisorderThis study is being done to see if icariin will help with depression in patients with bipolar disorder and alcohol or cocaine use disorders. The pills used in this study contain 20% icariin.
Reducing Offenders' HIV Risk: MI Enhanced Case Management With Drug-Free Housing
Alcohol and Drug AbuseThe goal of the study is to see if a Motivational Interviewing Case Management (MICM) intervention will improve outcomes for respondents who are on probation or parole, at risk for HIV and have recently entered a Sober Living House. The MICM will help respondents access needed services, adapt to their new living environment, find and maintain work, address HIV risk and treatment, and manage setbacks. The risk for HIV infection among criminal justice offenders is significant, as is the need for stable, drug free housing in this population. Our aim is to see if the MICM intervention in the context of drug free housing will improve health outcomes and reduce recidivism.
Substance Abuse and Trauma in Incarcerated Women
Substance AbuseTrauma3 moreThe proposed study will evaluate Covington's Helping Women Recover (HWR) plus Beyond Trauma (BT) curriculum with female offenders at Eddie Warrior Correctional Facility in Taft, Oklahoma. The purpose of the proposed study is to expand previous findings by including a comparison group of women that are not receiving treatment but are otherwise eligible, and by using outside evaluators to conduct the assessments. Furthermore, this study will extend the outcomes measured in previous evaluations by including measures of sleep disturbance, posttraumatic cognitions, and a more extensive assessment of trauma-related symptoms. The hypotheses for this study are listed below: Incarcerated women with substance use disorders and history of trauma enrolled in the integrated treatment program (HWR plus BT) will report significantly fewer symptoms on measures of posttraumatic stress and associated cognitions, substance use, depression, and related symptoms following treatment than those in the comparison group. Those in the treatment group will improve significantly more than those in the comparison group on the symptoms listed above.
Stonewall Treatment Evaluation Project
Substance AbuseHIV InfectionsThis treatment outcome evaluation of the Stonewall Project will recruit 150 participants to complete a face-to-face assessment visit at baseline, 3-month follow-up, and 6-month follow-up to examine treatment outcome with respect to HIV risk and substance use.
A SMART Design for Attendance-based Prize CM
Substance AbuseThe purpose of this study is to compare different forms of treatment for substance abuse. This study will involve a type of treatment called contingency management, in which patients receive incentives (prizes) for attending outpatient treatment. This study will compare contingency management to standard treatment that does not involve incentives. This study will also compare contingency management treatment that lasts 6 weeks to contingency management that lasts 12 weeks. Finally, this study will compare contingency management treatment delivered at the beginning of outpatient treatment to contingency management treatment delivered later during outpatient treatment. The investigators hypothesize that (1) a 12-week attendance-based contingency management intervention will improve retention and enhance drug abstinence versus standard treatment, (2) initial short-term exposure to attendance-based contingency management (in weeks 1-6 only) will improve substance abuse treatment outcomes compared to standard treatment alone, and (3) contingency management in weeks 7-12 will be particularly useful for those with sporadic attendance or continued drug use during initial stages of treatment.
The Therapeutic Workplace Initiation Study
Cocaine-Related DisordersOpioid-Related Disorders3 moreThe primary purpose of the study is to determine if the central feature of the Therapeutic Workplace, the abstinence reinforcement contingency, is critical to initiate cocaine abstinence in injection drug using methadone patients who use cocaine consistently during methadone treatment. All subjects initially will be invited to attend the Therapeutic Workplace for an initial period, but abstinence will not be required to work during that time. During this initial period, vouchers will be contingent only on workplace attendance and performance on the training programs. Subjects (n=70) who attend the workplace consistently during the first 4 weeks of treatment, but who continue to use cocaine will be randomly assigned to a Work Only or an Abstinence Plus Work group. Subjects in the Work Only group will continue to be able to work independent of their urinalysis results. However, subjects in the Abstinence Plus Work group will be required to provide urine samples that show evidence of recent cocaine abstinence. Subjects in both groups will be invited to stay in the workplace for 6 months. We expect the subjects in the Abstinence and Work group will achieve higher rates of abstinence than the subjects in the Work Only group. This result would show that the abstinence reinforcement contingency (i.e., the requirement to provide cocaine-free urine samples to work and earn vouchers) is important in the initiation of abstinence in the study population.
The Effect of a Contingency Management Intervention on Substance Use
Substance Use DisordersContingency management interventions involve providing a tangible reward for progress toward treatment goals. The purpose of this study is to determine whether a contingency management intervention added to usual care leads to improved attendance and decreased substance use in patients attending outpatient substance use disorders treatment.
Vouchers vs. Prizes for Methadone Patients - 1
Substance AbuseThe purpose of this study is to compare voucher-based contingency management (CM) procedures to a lower-cost CM system that provides opportunities to win prizes. Cocaine-dependent outpatients are randomly assigned to (a) standard treatment, (b) standard treatment plus voucher CM for abstinence, defined by negative breath and urinalysis test results, or (c) standard treatment plus prize CM for abstinence, defined by negative breath and urinalysis test results. Urine and breath samples are collected 3x/week during Weeks 1-3, 2x/week during Weeks 4-6 and 1x/week during Weeks 7-12. Follow-up interviews are conducted 1,3,6 and 9 months following intake during which substance use and psychosocial functioning are assessed.
Treating the Partners of Drug Using Pregnant Women: Stage II
Drug AddictionThis is a two group randomized design that will compare a novel therapy package (i.e., Research supported treatment intervention, Contingency-based voucher incentives for the male partner's drug abstinence, Specialized MI couples counseling) to standard care for helping drug using partners of drug dependent pregnant women obtain and maintain drug abstinence. Participants will be followed for 22 weeks and have scheduled twice weekly urine sample collection and all participants will have follow-up interviews post-study entry.