Recovery Housing For Drug Dependent Pregnant Women
Drug AddictionFor the past several years our research program has developed and tested an intensive outpatient intervention that is based in social learning theory and employs abstinence contingent access to recovery housing as a routine aspect of an intensive day treatment counseling program. The present project proposes to extend this treatment intervention to the special population of pregnant drug using women enrolled at the Center for Addiction and Pregnancy (CAP). We will compare an enhanced treatment that includes abstinence contingent recovery house living plus intensive individual therapy, to standard care at the CAP program. Specific aims of the project are derived from testing a two-group design are described below: To determine whether financially supported abstinence-contingent recovery house placement plus individual counseling in pregnant drug-dependent women improves prenatal outpatient treatment retention. To determine whether financially supported abstinence-contingent recovery house placement plus individual counseling in pregnant drug-dependent women reduces prenatal drug use. To determine whether financially supported abstinence-contingent recovery house placement plus individual counseling results in better maternal and infant clinical birth outcomes (e.g., birth weight, estimated gestational age (EGA) at delivery, medical complications).
Rapid Benzodiazepine Detoxification Using Flumazenil - 1
Substance-Related DisordersThe purpose of this study is to verify the hypothesis that the benzodiazepine antagonist, flumazenil, will reduce acute benzodiazepine withdrawal.
Homeless Youth Study - Stepping Stone 2.0
Mental Health Issue (E.G.Depression3 moreHousing instability is both a cause and consequence of mental health problems. As such youth experiencing housing instability (e.g., homeless or marginally housed) have higher rates of mental health problems.Because of their circumstances, these youth also face significant barriers to mental health care and are therefore less likely to receive the treatment that they need. Mobile technology may offer a novel platform for increasing access to mental health care in this population. The primary goals of this pilot study are to (1) establish the feasibility and acceptability of delivering automated mental health interventions via smartphone technology, (2) examine the extent to which automated mental health interventions delivered via mobile technology improve mental health in homeless, marginally-housed, and exiting foster youth.
Tailored Response to Psychiatric Comorbidity to Improve HIV Care Engagement in the United States...
HIV/AIDSDepression3 moreThis pilot randomized clinical trial will randomize 60 participants 1:1 to either enhanced usual care or to adapted CETA, a counseling intervention for HIV care engagement plus depression, anxiety, PTSD, and/or substance use.
Intensive Referral to Reduce Smoking in Probationers
Smoking CessationSubstance Use DisorderThe purpose of this study is to determine if Intensive Referral Intervention increases motivation to quit cigarette smoking and quitting-related behaviors in probationers and also to determine if Intensive Referral Intervention improves short-term substance use outcomes in probationers with substance use disorder.
Intervention for Veterans With Depression, Substance Disorder, and Trauma
Depressive SymptomsSubstance-related Disorders1 moreThis study will compare two different types of psychotherapy for Veterans with depression, addiction, and a past traumatic experience. Everyone in the study will receive 12 weeks of group cognitive behavioral therapy focused on depression and addiction, followed by 12 weeks of individual psychotherapy sessions. For the second 12 weeks, half of the people will receive a review of the initial therapy, and half will receive a cognitive behavioral therapy focused on trauma. Everyone will complete research interviews every 3 months for a total of 18 months.
Integrated vs Sequential Treatment for PTSD and Addiction
PTSDSubstance AddictionThe investigators are examining different treatment strategies of helping patients with PTSD and addiction.
Efficacy of the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Model
Substance Use DisordersHypothesis 1. Consumers with disabilities and co-occurring SUD receiving IPS will be more likely to be competitively employed (defined as 1 or more days of work over the past 30 days) at 3, 6 and 12 months following the initiation of vocational treatment goals when compared to a group receiving standard services. Hypothesis 2. Consumers with disabilities and co-occurring SUD receiving IPS when compared to the comparison group will 1.) be more successful in achieving their employment goals as indicated by the ratio of hours worked to desired hours worked; 2.) become competitively employed sooner; 3.) earn higher wages, 4.) have greater job satisfaction, 5.) have greater economic satisfaction; 6.) have greater life satisfaction, 7.) have greater self-esteem, and 8.) have fewer days of using substances during follow-up points.
Twelve Step Based Self-help Groups for Substance Related Disorders
Substance Use DisordersThe Twelve Step groups are the most available and widespread self-help groups for patients with alcohol or drug related disorders. In a public health perspective, self-help groups (SHGs) may be considered as a supplement to professional treatment and provide aftercare soon as professional treatment has ended. There is a need to investigate if U.S. findings and procedures concerning referrals from the health services to Twelve Step Groups (TSGs) can be replicated and accommodated to a cultural setting which is unfamiliar with these groups. There is also a particular need in the Norwegian treatment system to develop alternative treatment strategies for patients undergoing detoxification to improve their chances of long-term recovery, due to deficient formal follow-up alternatives. We plan to carry out a RCT-study. One hundred and sixty patients entering a detoxification treatment center (Addiction Unit, Sørlandet Hospital, Kristiansand, Norway) will be assigned to two different groups: One given standard information about TSGs (brief advice) and one given intensive referral (motivational sessions and contact with TSG volunteers). A follow up assessment is planned at 6 months to determine whether intensive referral results in more TSG attendance, and if this mediates less substance use and better functioning outcomes. This study introduces a new concept in the Norwegian health care system and relies on a systematic cooperation with user organizations (SHGs) and user volunteers. Thus the study focuses strongly on user resources.
Stimulant Abuser Groups to Engage in 12-Step
Drug AbuseThe purpose of this study is to determine whether a combined group and individual 12-Step facilitative (TSF) intervention, Stimulant Abuser Groups to Engage in 12 -Step (STAGE-12), improves substance -related outcomes.