New Approaches to Cocaine Abuse Medications (A) - 6
Cocaine-Related DisordersSubstance-Related DisordersThe purpose of this study is to measure the effect of desipramine in cocaine abusers selected for major depression or dysthymia.
Combining Behavioral Treatment With Agonist Maintenance - 1
Cocaine-Related DisordersOpioid-Related Disorders1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the community reinforcement approach (CRA) plus contingency management (CM) is more effective overall than CRA only in reducing illicit opioid and cocaine use during agonist maintenance treatment and at 3 and 6 month follow-up after completion of study protocol, and to compare the efficacy of maintenance on buprenorphine to methadone when maintenance is combined with CRA only or CRA plus CM.
Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide (B/F/TAF) in HIV-1 Infected Patients With Active...
HIV-1-infectionThis study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) in HIV-1 infected patients who actively use illicit substances. The study will also evaluate retention in care and adherence to B/F/TAF by self-report and pharmacokinetic analysis.
Minds and Mentors Program (MiMP)- R61
Opioid-use DisorderMedication Assisted Treatment1 moreThe proposed research effort will: The purpose of this study is as follows: Test the feasibility and acceptability of a twelve- week mindfulness based relapse prevention protocol in combination with peer mentoring in individuals with opioid use disorder who are on medication assisted treatment. Determine whether participation in a combination of mindfulness based relapse prevention and peer mentoring in comparison with an attentional control group: a) improves adherence to MAT b) decreases relapse and cravings c) improves psychosocial outcomes such as depression, anxiety, stress and social support
Using Combined EEG and Non-invasive Brain Stimulation to Examine and Improve Reward Functioning...
Opioid-use DisorderThe primary aims of this study are to identify impaired cognitive control in opioid use disorder (OUD) and subsequently to examine the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on reward processing, as measured by the reward positivity (an electrophysiological signal) in people with OUD. To this end, the investigators will adopt a randomized sham-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of Ri-TMS on cognitive control in OUD. The investigators hypothesize that Ri-TMS will be successful in modulating the reward positivity in opioid users in the active TMS condition.
Evaluation of a Motion-Activated Refusal-Skills Training Video Game for Prevention of Substance...
RelapseOpioid Use1 moreThe project proposes to continue the development of an intervention for relapse prevention in the form of a professional quality video game which rewards drug-rejecting physical motions and spoken refusal phrases. Phase I research findings showed that youth in recovery experienced increased low craving levels, strong levels of satisfaction, and interest in attending treatment sessions where the intervention is available - an important outcome since failure to attend treatment is highly correlated with relapse. In Phase II, the investigators propose to modify and expand the prototype based on customer feedback from treatment centers, counselors and patients. The investigators will test the effectiveness of the motion and voice-controlled game in a randomized controlled trial of youths in treatment for opioid use disorder who have access to the game for a month. The investigators will measure the effect of gameplay on successful completion of detoxification/inpatient treatment and rates of linkage to next level of outpatient treatment. The investigators will also measure the effect of gameplay compared to treatment as usual (TAU) during a subsequent episode of outpatient treatment (following inpatient), on rates of treatment attendance, treatment retention, urine drug test results, substance use self-report, treatment alliance, drug craving, and treatment satisfaction.
Adolescents With Substance Use Disorders Transitioníng From Residential Treatment to the Community...
Substance UseAdolescent BehaviorAdolescents with substance use disorders (ASUD) in residential treatment have the most serious substance use disorders and the highest rates of psychological, motivational, behavioral, legal, environmental, and vocational problems. ASUD in residential treatment are also at high risk of relapse, with follow-up studies suggesting that 60% of ASUD will relapse within 90 days of discharge. Parenting practices have been established as a key influence on adolescents' initiation and maintenance of substance use, as well as their substance use outcomes and likelihood of relapse. However, therapists who treat ASUD have reported a myriad of systemic barriers to engaging parents in treatment. Findings such as these deem ASUD in residential treatment a high priority population and argue for the value of easily accessible parenting interventions during this critical time. The proposed study evaluates a low cost, low intensity model for delivering parenting skills to parents preparing for their adolescent's discharge from residential substance use (SU) treatment. Specifically, this project involves adapting the delivery of a computerized parenting intervention (Parenting Wisely; PW) that has preliminary evidence of efficacy in improving parenting skills and reducing youth behavior problems. This study adapts the delivery of PW for a new population (parents of ASUD) and new setting (residential treatment), and obtains initial data on its feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness. As a first step, an open trial with 10 parents was conducted to develop and pilot an adapted version of PW that included moderate engagement strategies: in-person coaching sessions, daily text messages containing reminders of parenting skills and links to video vignettes, and an online parent forum containing two networking boards (Ask an Expert and Connect with Parents). In the current phase, a pilot randomized trial with 60 parents will compare an adapted PW plus treatment as usual (TAU) condition (PW+) versus TAU only in a residential treatment center. Both treatment conditions will be delivered by Bachelor's or Master's-level community clinicians. This small trial will provide some initial evidence regarding the utility of a low-cost, low-intensity intervention and whether a larger, fully powered trial is indicated in the future.
TDCS Combined With CT In Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid Use DisorderThe aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of prefrontal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) combined with cognitive training on cognitive functions in individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). The participants will be allocated into active/sham groups (1:1) and will receive a single session of prefrontal tDCS combined with cognitive training. Outcomes of the active and sham groups will be compared.
Trauma and Trauma-Focused Therapy in the University of Kentucky SMART Clinic
PTSDOpioid-use Disorder1 moreOpioid misuse is a national public health epidemic. More than 130 people in the United States die each day following an opioid overdose, and over 2 million people meet criteria for an opioid use disorder (OUD). Medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which involves use of medication (buprenorphine, methadone, naltrexone) in combination with behavioral therapy or counseling, is the most effective intervention for OUD. Yet, MAT remains less than optimally effective, particularly for patients with psychiatric comorbidity [6]. Novel approaches are needed to improve long-term outcomes for OUD patients. Psychological trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are highly prevalent among individuals with OUD. Over 90% of adults with OUD report a lifetime history of trauma. Among OUD patients engaged in MAT, nearly 20% report experiencing at least one new traumatic event each month, and nearly a third meet criteria for a co-occurring diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Several studies have linked new incidents of trauma as well as the presence of PTSD to poorer MAT engagement and poorer treatment outcomes, including treatment interruption and premature dropout. Preliminary evidence suggests that engaging in trauma-focused treatment for PTSD concurrent with MAT may result in better long-term adherence to medication for OUD. However, recent evidence finds that fewer than half of patients with PTSD in MAT receive any trauma-focused treatment, and even fewer receive evidence-based interventions. Trauma-focused treatments that concurrently address symptoms of PTSD and substance abuse using an integrated approach have been recommended over traditional substance abuse interventions for patients with this complex dual diagnosis presentation. Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE) is a 12-session evidence-based cognitive-behavioral therapy that integrates exposure therapy for PTSD with cognitive-behavioral skills for addressing problem substance use. COPE has demonstrated efficacy for reducing symptoms of PTSD and substance use disorder across multiple trials. Most samples have included patients with alcohol use disorder or mixed substance use disorder diagnoses. The proposed pilot study would collect preliminary feasibility data to support the first trial of COPE for patients with OUD (and other substance use disorders) who are currently engaged in MAT. As such, a primary aim of the current pilot is to obtain patient feedback regarding the acceptability and applicability of COPE for patients with PTSD receiving MAT treatment through the Supportive Medication Assisted Recovery Treatment (SMART) Program within the University of Kentucky (UK) Department of Psychiatry, an outpatient buprenorphine clinic. The investigators believe that it is critical to engage patients directly in the process of intervention development/refinement to determine how an existing evidence-based intervention like COPE might be modified to best fit the unique needs of patients receiving MAT.
Connect2BWell: An Evidence-Based Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)...
Substance Use DisordersThis study will evaluate the effectiveness of the digital + telehealth Connect2BWell program among 336 safety net patients. Adults patients with an upcoming medical medical visit, and/or who screen positive for substance use disorder (SUD) during routine SBIRT screening during their visit, will receive an email invitation from the research team to complete an online risk assessment to assess study eligibility. The assessment will include the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST). Patients scoring in the moderate- or high-risk range for one or more drugs--including alcohol, excluding tobacco--and who meet all other study inclusion criteria, will alternately be assigned to the Connect2BWell Condition or a Comparison Condition. ASSIST scores will be sent to the patient's EHR. Patients assigned to the Treatment Condition will receive three brief online intervention sessions followed by dashboard-guided telehealth sessions with a study nurse, text messages, and access to a patient portal. Patients assigned to the Comparison Condition will receive an SBIRT session delivered via telehealth by a member of their clinic care team. Outcomes, assessed at baseline, 3, 6 and 9 months, include days of use of most problematic drug during the past 30 days, the ASSIST risk score of the most problematic drug, depression, well-being, satisfaction with care, and treatment uptake, if indicated. All patient-facing materials are available in English and Spanish.