Implementation of Genomics in Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Tobacco Use DisorderSmoking Cessation1 moreCigarette smoking remains one of the leading causes of preventable death. Effective smoking cessation medications exist but use of these treatments is low, making it difficult for most to quit smoking. Behavioral interventions are needed to engage current smokers in the process of quitting smoking and promote the use of evidence-based cessation medications. At the same time, genetics influences one's smoking behaviors (e.g., how much they smoke, difficulty quitting) and risk of smoking-related diseases, yet these personalized factors have not been included in existing behavioral interventions. Incorporating these individualized factors into smoking cessation interventions may make them more personally engaging and thus motivating for treatment. This study will pilot test a risk communication tool that is personalized to one's genetics and will demonstrate the feasibility of a larger trial to test the effect of this personalized genetically-informed intervention on smoking cessation.
Project Uplift: Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment for Young Sexual and Gender Minorities...
Substance UseMental HealthThis study provides substance use and mental health treatment for young sexual and gender minority adults in Durham and Charlotte, NC and seeks to provide intensive wraparound services that address factors that influence substance use and mental health among this population such as minority stressors and lack of social support, housing instability, lack of access to affirmative health care, and limited job opportunities.
Testing Effectiveness of the Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training (CRAFT) With American...
Substance Use DisordersFamily MembersIt is important to address the substantial substance-related health disparities of American Indians (AI). This project aims to examine the effectiveness of a culturally tailored Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) approach and Twelve-step facilitation with Concerned Significant Others (TSF-CSOs) among AIs to increase engagement of treatment refusing individuals into treatment/healing and to reduce distress of their loved ones. Study hypotheses are that (1) CRAFT will result in higher numbers of people entering treatment for substance use disorders than will TSF-CSO, (2) both groups will yield similar improvements in the family member's functioning, and (3) we will explore potential factors of the treatments to see which aspects of the treatment are most important and to test which characteristics of the clients impact the outcomes for better or worse. This knowledge may impact dissemination and diffusion efforts for CRAFT-AI and other evidence-based treatments among AIs and other culturally diverse groups.
Technology Enhanced Behavioral Activation Treatment for Substance Use
Substance-Related DisordersDepressive Disorder3 moreThe purpose of this study is to: test the effect of a smartphone enhanced LETS ACT (LETS ACT-SE) on frequency of substance use use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to test the relationship between neuromarkers of reward sensitivity on frequency of substance use.
Concurrent Treatment of Substance Abuse and Child Maltreatment
Substance UseChild MaltreatmentThe co-occurrence of child maltreatment and parental substance-use problems is a major public health problem with serious consequences for children, parents, families, and the community at large. The need for effective dual treatment of caregiver substance abuse and child maltreatment is unquestionable, but there is a dearth of controlled treatment outcome studies with substance-using parents who have engaged in child maltreatment. This project examines two evidence-based treatments-Contingency Management for substance-use problems and Pathways Triple P parenting intervention to improve parenting for prevention of child-maltreatment recurrence. These two systematic interventions are being tested in the context of traditional outpatient treatment for substance-use problems.
Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Tolerability of Depot Buprenorphine at Three Different Molecular Weights...
Opioid Use DisorderThis is a single-center, randomized, open-label, single-dose, parallel-group study which will enroll and randomize approximately 48 subjects (to achieve 36 completers) with opioid use disorder (OUD) who are seeking treatment for OUD. The study includes both a Residential (Inpatient) and Non-Residential (Outpatient) Period.
Improving Treatment Outcomes for Prescription Opioid Dependence
Drug DependenceOverall, this proposal seeks to improve treatment strategies for the significant public health problem of prescription opioid dependence by determining whether gabapentin, a non-narcotic pharmaceutical agent with minimal abuse potential and preliminary efficacy, will be effective in ameliorating withdrawal symptoms, craving and illicit drug use in prescription opioid dependent participants undergoing a 10-day detoxification from buprenorphine. In addition, the acceptability and feasibility of transitioning to depot naltrexone therapy will also be determined. If successful, this study would provide data to support further development of gabapentin as a pharmacological tool for improved outcomes during opioid detoxification as well as an integrated outpatient approach for treating prescription opioid dependence.
Peer Supported Web-based CBT for OEF/OIF Veterans With PTSD and Substance Misuse
Stress DisordersPost-traumatic1 moreVeterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have high rates of co-morbid PTSD symptoms and hazardous substance use (HSU). Evidence-based treatments for these problems are available in VA specialty clinics, but multiple barriers lead to low utilization of these treatments. Novel treatment approaches are needed. Previous research supports that 1) primary care-mental health integration (PC-MHI) services are associated with increased treatment engagement, 2) technology-based interventions are well accepted by Veterans and are more effective when delivered with professional support, and 3) Veteran peer services are associated with improved treatment engagement, patient motivation, and overall functioning. This study will add a Peer-Support component to an existing Web-based Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) for PTSD and HSU called Moving Forward. Preliminary data analyses from our NIAAA-funded trial indicate that participants who used Moving Forward more had larger reductions in PTSD symptoms. Qualitative feedback supports that Veterans want interpersonal interactions while receiving treatment and need help engaging in the treatment more fully. Therefore, this pilot study will investigate if adding peer support to Moving Forward improves patients outcomes. A randomized controlled trial (N=30) comparing Moving Forward to Peer-Supported Moving Forward will be conducted. The peer support component will consist of semi-structured brief sessions conducted weekly for the 12 weeks of study treatment by a VA-certified peer support specialist. Peers will receive study-specific training and weekly supervision from clinicians that are part of the study staff. Primary outcomes will include process outcomes (treatment engagement, patient satisfaction) and clinical outcomes (PTSD symptoms, alcohol and substance use, quality of life).
Integrated Treatment for Adolescents With ADHD
ADHDSubstance Use DisordersAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) exists in 20-50% of the 3 million adolescents annually enrolled in outpatient mental health and substance use treatment. Adolescents with ADHD present deficits in attention, self-regulation, and social competence that significantly impede achievement of developmental and educational milestones. Currently there are only two evidence-based treatment options for this age group: academic training and stimulant medications. Both options remain vastly underutilized. Academic training is not available in most school settings and rarely implemented in clinical care. Similarly, ADHD medications are rarely utilized with adolescents in primary or specialty care for a host of reasons related to stigma, misinformation about effects and side effects, and adolescent autonomy issues. Moreover, the widespread fragmentation of pharmacological versus behavioral services prevents families from making informed treatment selections. The primary objective of this randomized parametric trial is to compare the effectiveness of behavioral only versus integrated (behavioral plus medication decision-making) interventions for adolescents with ADHD in outpatient behavioral services. The behavioral intervention, Changing Academic Support in the Home for Adolescents with ADHD (CASH-AA), contains three components: ADHD psychoeducation, family-based motivational interventions, and academic training. The medication decision-making intervention, Medication Integration Protocol (MIP), contain three components: psychoeducation about ADHD medication, family decision-making, and medication management. The study will compare the effects of two legitimate treatment options for adolescents with ADHD on service utilization, behavioral symptoms, and quality of life. It will generate new evidence on patient-centered treatment selection that aligns with family-specific principles and treatment goals. This parametric comparative trial will randomly assign 140 inner-city adolescents with ADHD to (1) CASH-AA Only or (2) CASH-AA + MIP. Treatment will occur in community behavioral health clinics. All participants will receive behavioral interventions (CASH-AA): family psychoeducation in ADHD symptoms, executive functioning, and developmental impacts; family-based motivation and ADHD accommodation interventions; and academic training focused on home environment support and organizational skills. Half of the participants will also receive medication decision-making interventions (MIP): ADHD medication psychoeducation, family decision-making interventions, and (for those who elect to start medication) coordinated medication management. Half of the sample will have comorbid substance use problems. Treatment will occur in three community clinics; therapists will be randomly assigned to study condition. Caregivers and adolescents will complete assessments at baseline, 3, 6, and 12-month follow-up. Multilevel modeling will compare the effectiveness of each condition on key patient and service use outcomes. Patient-centered analyses will explore differential treatment effects based on (a) Medication decision (yes/no); (b) Substance use comorbidity (yes/no); (c) Race/Ethnicity (Hispanic, African American). Quantitative outcome analyses will test for service use effects, symptom reduction, and quality of life improvements that are primary reasons for seeking clinical services. Qualitative interviews will document family-specific rationale for decisions about medication, compliance with behavioral and medication interventions, and suggestions for improving services and service integration. Note that families assigned to CASH-AA Only will retain the option of pursuing ADHD medication through treatment-as-usual procedures at their respective clinic. Similarly, families assigned to CASH-AA + MIP will not be required to start ADHD medication. Instead, they will receive informed-choice interventions and can choose when and if to start medication; the study will assess the impact of these decisions on clinical outcomes. If proven efficacious, the CASH-AA and MIP protocols could be rapidly disseminated individually or as an integrated protocol into routine behavioral healthcare settings. The protocols can also be readily combined with other behavioral treatments to form a multicomponent treatment package for adolescents with co-occurring behavior problems. In addition, the family-based, patient-centered CASH-AA and MIP protocols could be delivered in conjunction with other family-based treatments or with individual approaches that flexibly include caregivers in multiple treatment sessions. This makes CASH-AA and MIP highly efficient clinical resources for addressing ADHD-related problems in any outpatient setting that serves adolescents and their families.
Trial of a Novel Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress and Substance Dependence...
Posttraumatic Stress DisorderSubstance DependenceThe purpose of the study is to determine whether a novel integrated cognitive-behavioral treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance dependence (i.e., Treatment for Integrated Posttraumatic Stress and Substance use; TIPSS) is more effective than cognitive-behavioral treatment for substance dependence alone with regard to PTSD symptoms and substance use quantity and frequency.