Motivational Interviewing to Improve Treatment Engagement and Outcome in Subjects Seeking Treatment...
Substance-Related DisordersThe purpose of this study is to assess Motivational Interviewing (MI) to improve treatment engagement and outcome in subjects seeking treatment for substance abuse.

Reserpine for the Treatment of Cocaine Dependence - 1
Cocaine-Related DisordersSubstance-Related DisordersThe purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of reserpine for the treatment of cocaine dependence.

Atomoxetine to Treat Adolescents With Coexisting Alcohol and Other Substance Use Disorder and ADHD...
Substance Use DisordersAttention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderThe purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness and safety of atomoxetine in the treatment of adolescents with coexisting alcohol or substance use disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Interventions for HIV+ Mothers With Problem Drinking
Substance Use DisordersThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a 14-session behavioral intervention for HIV-infected and uninfected mothers with problem drinking. The intervention targets alcohol and drug problems, sexual risk behavior, and parenting. We hypothesize that mothers in the 14-session intervention condition will show improvements in alcohol and drug use, sexual risk behavior, and parenting in comparison to the control condition, which receives a one session brief video intervention.

Youth Drug Abuse Family and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Drug AbuseThis Stage II study is in response to NIDA's Behavioral Therapies Development Program (PA-99-107). A randomized clinical trial is proposed to evaluate the direct, mediated, and moderated effects of Integrated Family and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (IFCBT), a multisystems treatment for adolescent drug abuse with promising efficacy results. In the first study aim, we seek to evaluate the separate and possibly synergistic effects of family systems and cognitive-behavioral IFCBT components on posttreatment drug abuse problem severity, problem behavior, psychiatric distress, and academic achievement of adolescent drug abusers. Innovative analytic strategies are subsequently used to evaluate the degree to which successful outcomes are attributable to specific familial and cognitive-behavioral change processes targeted by IFCBT components. The possibility of effect-modification also is considered, with a focus on neurocognitive, psychiatric comorbidity, and demographic factors. Namely, we seek to understand how variations in specific client characteristics, such as executive dysfunctions or psychiatric comorbidity, might explain why treatments work for some drug abusing youths but not others. In addition to promising findings on IFCBT efficacy, this Stage II proposal benefits from the development and Stage I study application of (a) treatment manuals; (b) therapist training procedures; (c) therapist adherence and competence tools; (d) a neuropsychological battery to assess cognitive functions; (e) a psychodiagnostic battery to assess comorbid psychiatric disorders; and (f) a study assessment battery comprised of therapeutic process and outcome measures. This revised application has sought to address well-taken concerns cited by the reviewers while maintaining proposal strengths. The lack of adolescent drug treatment research continues to be a serious gap in the addictions literature despite alarmingly high rates of drug abuse among youth and the range of morbidities and mortality that result nationwide. If successful, this project should help to identify specific behavior change processes targeted by family systems and cognitive-behavioral treatments that foster subsequent reductions in drug use and problem behavior among recovering youth. Neurocognitive and psychiatric influences on adolescent drug treatment outcomes appear to be significant yet are poorly understood. Increasing our understanding of relationships between client characteristics, skill development during treatments, and subsequent outcomes should also help to improve adolescent drug treatments.

Rivastigmine For Methamphetamine Dependent Individuals
Substance-Related DisordersMethamphetamine abuse has been steadily increasing over the past decade. Rivastigmine is a medication that may be helpful in treating methamphetamine dependence. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of rivastigmine in treating methamphetamine dependent individuals.

The Efficacy of Methadyl Acetate (LAAM) and Contingency Management Procedures for Treating Dual...
Behavior TherapyCocaine6 moreAlthough LAAM, a derivative of methadone, has been successfully used as an alternative to methadone maintenance in opioid addicts, its effect on concurrent opioid and cocaine abuse has not been ascertained. Thus, this study proposes to examine the clinical efficacy of low- and high-dose LAAM maintenance on opioid and cocaine use in opioid-dependent cocaine abusers. In addition, since contingency management procedures have demonstrated some success in decreasing cocaine use in cocaine-abusing individuals, this study also proposes to examine the clinical efficacy of the presence or absence of contingency management procedures targeting illicit drug use.

Integrating Clinical Practice Guidelines for Smoking Cessation Into Mental Health Care for Veterans...
Mental HealthStress Disorders3 moreThe primary study objective is to conduct a prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial that compares the effectiveness of two approaches for delivering smoking cessation treatment for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). An approach where smoking cessation treatment is integrated into mental health care for PTSD and delivered by mental health providers (experimental condition) will be compared to specialized smoking cessation clinic referral (VA's usual standard of care). Secondary study objectives are to (a) compare the cost outcomes and cost-effectiveness of IC versus USC, (b) identify treatment process variables that explain (mediate) observed differences in smoking abstinence rates for the two study conditions, and (c) determine whether cessation from smoking is associated with worsening of symptoms of PTSD and/or depression.

Brain Changes in Stimulant Dependent Subjects - 8
Substance-Related DisordersThe purpose of this study is to identify the neurophysiologic indicators of cocaine or methamphetamine use and withdrawal, to examine the relationship between subjects' reports of depression, craving, and stimulant use, and neurophysiologic measures, and to identify neurophysiologic measures which can be used to identify new treatments for stimulant dependence.

Carbamazepine Treatment of Cocaine Dependence - 1
Cocaine-Related DisordersSubstance-Related DisordersThe purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of carbamazepine in treatment of cocaine-dependence in patients with affective disorders.