Delivery of Anxiety Disorder Treatment in Addictions Centers
Anxiety DisordersSubstance Use DisordersAnxiety disorders are highly prevalent among those with substance use disorders, but the majority of addictions treatment centers provide little to no evidence-based treatment for anxiety disorders. Furthermore, tension reduction models suggest that treating anxiety should also improve substance use outcomes. This study is aimed at improving symptoms for people who have substance use and anxiety problems. The study is comparing regular Intensive Outpatient treatment for addiction to Intensive Outpatient treatment for addiction plus treatment for anxiety disorders. Clinicians at a community addictions clinic will participate by receiving training in delivering cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders and will deliver the treatment to the patient participants. They will also complete some questionnaires. Patient participants will be asked to complete a baseline assessment. Those who are eligible will be randomly assigned to one of the two treatment groups. Those who are assigned to addiction treatment as usual will continue their regular care at the Matrix Institute. Participants who are assigned to also receive the anxiety treatment will be asked to participate in 6, 90-min treatment sessions and an orientation session. All participants will be asked to complete post-treatment and follow-up assessments. The assessments should take approximately 1 hour, and the follow-up assessment will be completed 6 months after treatment is over. It is hypothesized that those who get the additional anxiety disorder treatment will show greater improvement in anxiety and substance use outcomes than those who get Intensive Outpatient Program without the anxiety disorder treatment.

A Web App for Patients With Alcohol and Drug Use Problems in Primary Care
Alcohol AbuseDrug AbuseThe objective of this pilot study is to evaluate the feasibility and technical merit of a web application for patients in primary care called Check-up and Choices (CC).

Multicomponent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Substance...
Posttraumatic Stress DisorderSubstance AbusePurpose: To conduct a pilot study of a cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) for PTSD and substance abuse among persons with serious mental illness (SMI) treated in a community setting. Participants: Participants will be 50 volunteer adult individuals with PTSD and substance use disorders (SUD), and SMI who are receiving services at the Freedom House Recovery Center, served through the Orange Person Chatham (OPC) Area Program. Procedures (methods): Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two conditions: 1) the CBT intervention plus treatment as usual; or, 2) treatment as usual.

Individual and Family Motivational Interviews for Substance Using Truant Teens
Substance UseRisky Sexual BehaviorThis application will provide a test of one potential model for adding substance use assessment and brief intervention into a truancy court program. The primary goal of this study is to determine whether a motivational intervention will reduce substance use among adolescents referred to truancy court for school attendance problems. In this treatment development application, an open trial with 20 families referred by truancy court will first be conducted. This trial will be used to adapt an existing motivational intervention to include material relevant to school attendance and performance. Then 100 families participating in the Rhode Island Truancy Court Program with adolescents between the ages of 13-16 years who report using substances will be randomly assigned to receive the experimental intervention plus standard truancy court procedures or psychoeducation plus standard truancy court procedures. The 2-session intervention protocol consists of an individual motivational interview plus the Family Check-Up (Dishion & Kavanagh, 2003), a family based motivational interview. The experimental protocol provides a thorough assessment of both individual and family strengths and weaknesses with respect to substance use prevention and school attendance/performance. Follow-up interviews will be conducted at 3 and 6 months.

Comparison of Two Counseling Induction Strategies
MethadoneDrug Use DisordersNew admissions (n = 120) to the Addiction Treatment Services (ATS) will be stabilized on methadone and randomly assigned to one of two induction conditions: 1) routine stepped care, or 2) low threshold stepped care. All participants will continue with routine stepped care in month 4. Treatment retention is the primary outcome measure, while drug use (measured via weekly urinalysis testing) is the major secondary outcome.

Intervention Targeting Medication Adherence and Methamphetamine Use in HIV Positive Men (ACE)
HIV Medication AdherenceMethamphetamine Use3 moreThe primary aim is to test an innovative 8-session intervention, based on Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Skills-Training for the co-occurrence of methamphetamine use and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) non-adherence among methamphetamine using HIV+ MSM in NYC, compared to an 8-session educational (ED) condition. Participants in the intervention condition will report greater reductions in the number of days of methamphetamine use and viral load, and greater increases in CD4 counts and self-reported and objectively measured adherence than those in the education condition.

Intervention to Reduce Injection Drug Use
Substance AbuseThis is a five-year prospective randomized trial comparing two intervention conditions designed to facilitate substance abuse treatment entry and enhance retention in order to reduce the behaviors associated with HIV and HCV risk among injection drug users (IDUs) and to improve client overall functioning. The overall goal of this project is to compare strengths-based case-management (CM) to an enhanced version of CM that uses case managers to facilitate a therapeutic alliance (CM/FTA) among out-of-treatment IDUs in Denver.

Dental and Medical Office iMET to Reduce Teen Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Use
Use; TobaccoHarmful2 moreThe purpose of the project is to improve adolescent behavioral counseling services in healthcare settings with a new Internet/Intranet-based Motivational Enhancement Therapy (iMET) intervention that targets the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.

Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs) and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment for Victims of...
PTSDSubstance Use DisordersThe goal of this study is to evaluate a psychotherapy for PTSD and substance use disorders among women who have experienced domestic violence. The hypothesis is that women who receive present-focused, integrated treatment will have greater PTSD symptom reduction and have less substance use after treatment than women in the control condition who will receive supportive therapy based on a 12-step approach.

Pilot Clinical Trial of Computer-based Motivational Intervention - 1
Substance-Related DisordersPilot trial of computer-based motivational intervention. Hypothesis: The brief computer-delivered intervention would result in higher motivation to change at follow-up.