Flecainide Versus Amiodarone in the Cardioversion of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation at the Emergency...
Atrial Fibrillation ParoxysmalCoronary Artery Disease Without Residual IschemiaCurrent guidelines for the cardioversion of paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation at the Emergency Department do not prioritize between antiarrhythmic agents and do not consider the time taken for successful cardioversion. Furthermore, the use of flecainide -a class 1C antiarrhythmic agent- is contraindicated for the cardioversion of patients with revascularized coronary artery disease, as well as patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and preserved ejection fraction. These recommendations stem from insufficient data, mainly from the CAST study. The present study is a prospective, multicentre, randomized clinical trial. The primary goals of this clinical trial are to prove the superiority of flecainide over amiodarone in the successful cardioversion of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation at the Emergency Department, and to prove that the safety of flecainide is non-inferior to amiodarone, in patients with coronary artery disease without residual ischemia and ejection fraction over 35%. The secondary goals of the study are to prove the superiority of flecainide over amiodarone in the reduction of hospitalizations from the Emergency Department due to atrial fibrillation, in the time taken to achieve cardioversion, and to the reduction of the need to conduct electrical cardioversion. The study population will be all consecutive new-comers to the Emergency Department with primary diagnosis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and history of coronary artery disease without angina, without residual ischemia and with ejection fraction > 35%. The sample size will be 200 patients, who will be monitored for 30 days. At the Emergency Department, all patients will be under continuous ECG monitoring, and a 24-hour ECG device will also be placed (Holter). The patients will be randomized to the treatment group (flecainide) and the control group (amiodarone). Patients in both arms will stay at the ED for a total of 6 hours after therapy initiation. If no adverse events occur in this time, the patient will be discharged from the ED. Otherwise, the patient will be admitted to the hospital. At 24 hours, the patients will visit the study centre for physical examination, ECG, cardiac ultrasound, 24-hour ECG removal and adverse events evaluation. At 30 days, follow-up via phone calls will be conducted for the evaluation of the study outcomes and adverse events.

Walking Aid and Locomotion Knowledge in Emergency Rooms (WALKER 1) for Elderly People
Mobility LimitationOlder adults have higher rates of emergency department admissions when compared to their younger counterparts. Mobility is the ability to move around but also encompasses the environment and the ability to adapt to it. Walking aids can be used to improve mobility and prevent falls. According to international guidelines, they must be available in Geriatric Emergency Department. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a program of training and provision of walking aids (WA), associated or not with telemonitoring, on mobility, quality of life, fear of falling, and risk of falls up to 3 months in older adults cared for in an emergency department.

Comparison of Supination/Flexion Maneuver to Hyperpronation Maneuver
EmergenciesOrthopedics1 moreThis study is designed as a randomized controlled study. The investigators aim to compare the success of supination-flexion and hyperpronation maneuvers in the treatment of preschool children presenting to the emergency department with radial head subluxation. All children aged 0-6 years, who are diagnosed with radial head subluxation secondary to traction of the forearm, had no evidence of direct trauma to the arm or fracture in the arm (no deformity, swelling, ecchymosis), had no history of musculoskeletal disease, and are approved to participate in the study by their legal guardians, will be included in the study. Patients who are considered to have radial head subluxation initially but had an X-ray performed by the physician and had a fracture in the arm will be excluded from the study. In the study, patients will be randomized and assigned to two treatment groups: the supination-flexion group and the hyperpronation group. In the supination-flexion group, the forearm will be supinated first, followed by full flexion of the elbow joint. In the hyperpronation group, the forearm will be pronated with the child's palm facing down. In both groups, maneuvers will be performed by 3 emergency medicine specialists with at least 2 years of experience. First-attempt failure is determined as the primary outcome of the study. Failure in the second attempt, ultimate failure, recurrence, patient satisfaction during the procedure, pain intensity (assessed by the Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability - FLACC pain scale), and treatment-related adverse events are determined as secondary outcomes of the study. The investigators calculated the sample size and decided to include 117 patients in each group.

Strategies and Treatments for Respiratory Infections &Amp; Viral Emergencies (STRIVE): Immune Modulation...
COVID-19COVID-19 can trigger a dysregulated immune response, and previous studies have shown that immune modulation can improve outcomes in hospitalized patients. This trial is designed to determine whether intensification of immune modulation early in the course of the disease (while patients are on low flow oxygen) with abatacept (active arm) combined with standard of care (SOC) improves recovery as compared with placebo + SOC (placebo arm). For both groups, intensification of immunomodulation will be provided as part of SOC in case of signs of disease progression (patient requires high flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) or more support) and/or if the patient has rapidly increasing oxygen requirement.

Sativex® and Gentamicin for Optimized Pharmagological Treatment in Older Patients (CanPan)
MalnutritionAnorexia6 moreMalnutrition and inappropriate prescribing of renally excreted drugs are common among older persons and are associated with severe consequences such as complicated courses of treatment, mortality, and reduced quality of life. The overall purpose of CanPan is to optimize treatment of older persons with malnutrition with a focus on appetite stimulation and optimized prescribing of renal risk drugs. The CanPan trial consists of two sub-studies. Substudy 1 will provide knowledge on appetite and appetite stimulation and together, sub study 1 and 2 will offer unique knowledge on how body composition, renal function and biomarkers of organ function influence pharmacokinetics for a highly lipophilic (Sativex®) and hydrophilic (Hexamycin®) drug in older medical patients with malnutrition.

PENG Block vs Fascia Iliaca Block for Emergency Department Analgesia in Hip Fractures
Hip FracturesPain management is a crucial aspect of the care of hip fracture patients. Patients with poorly controlled pain have an increased risk of delirium, long-term functional impairment, and remain hospitalized longer. Today, to relieve hip fracture pain, fascia iliaca block is routinely performed in the emergency department in addition to other pain medications administered by vein or by mouth. Several studies have questioned the analgesic efficacy of this block, suggesting the superiority of the newer PENG block. The purpose of this multicenter, randomized study is to compare the analgesic efficacy of PENG block versus fascia iliaca block, hypothesizing the superiority of the new approach over the gold standard. Participants will be blindly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to the study or control group, recruited from the Emergency Departments of IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo and Colchester Hospital (UK). The main outcome is represented by the reduction of pain after the two blocks, measured as %SPID (percentage of "pain intensity difference"), a value derived from VAS scale measurements in the first hour post-procedure. Secondly, we will evaluate the proportion of patients with satisfactory pain control, the amount of opioids used and the safety profile of the two approaches.

Houston Emergency Opioid Engagement System
Opioid DependenceThe Houston Emergency Response Opioid Engagement System (HEROES) is a community-based research program integrating assertive outreach, medication-assisted treatment, behavioral counseling, peer recovery support, and paramedic follow-up in Houston Texas. The objective is to compare differences in engagement and retention in treatment for individuals with opioid use disorder.

High Dose IV Lidocaine vs Hydromorphone for Abdominal Pain in the Emergency Department
Abdominal PainRenal ColicIntravenous lidocaine will be given at a dose of 2 mg/kg intravenously to patients in the emergency department with a diagnosis of acute abdominal pain. Its efficacy will be compared to 1 mg of intravenous hydromorphone, with a primary endpoint of mean improvement of pain at 90 minutes.

The INITIATE Study: Initiating Nicotine Dependence Treatment for Smokers Admitted to Emergency Departments...
Nicotine DependenceCigarettes1 moreThe INITIATE Study is a randomized controlled trial that is testing an intervention designed to increase long-term abstinence among tobacco smokers seen in emergency departments (ED). The intervention includes a behavioural incentive and tailored follow-up support on long-term smoking abstinence, health, healthcare utilization, and cost. Tobacco-related illnesses cost the healthcare system millions each year. Quitting smoking improves smoking-related outcomes, like the onset or management of heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, and several cancers. There are approximately 16 million visits to Canadian EDs each year; an estimated 3-4 million of these involve smokers. Effective quit smoking interventions exist, but are underutilized. Few hospital EDs in Canada offer tobacco-use interventions. In order for ED staff to offer quit smoking support, interventions need to be simple given the realities of the ED environment. Considering that stopping smoking improves health outcomes, that tobacco-use is an important cause of preventable ED use, and the volume of smokers, Canadian EDs are a missed opportunity in the initiation of quit smoking support. Our intervention has been designed to optimize uptake and smoking abstinence by including the most effective evidence-based behavioural and drug-related approaches, removing specific barriers and challenges that smokers face when trying to quit (e.g., affordability, low confidence and motivation), while packaging the intervention in a quick-to-initiate manner, making it ideal for fast-paced, complex ED environments.

Single Dose Aminoglycosides for Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis in the Emergency Department Setting...
Urinary Tract InfectionsThe purpose of this research study is to determine if gentamicin is as effective treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis (urinary tract infection) using aminoglycosides versus the current standards of care. The current standards of care in our region are often to prescribe a multi-day antibiotic prescription that is taken multiple times per day whereas gentamicin will be a one-time dose in the emergency department. Gentamicin is the medicine being studied.