Arrhythmia in Hemodialysis Patients
ArrythmiaCardiac2 morePatients receiving dialysis for kidney failure suffer from very high rates of sudden cardiac death due to abnormal heart rhythms and perfusion defects associated with HD treatment. It has previously been recognized that patients suffer heart injury during the dialysis procedure which may be an important factor for investigation. The study uses a simple implantable device that can monitor heart rhythms over time to gather information on the type of abnormal rhythms that occur in dialysis patients. This information will be combined with ultrasound and x-ray scans of the heart that will also be collected. The goal is to understand the relationship between the abnormal rhythms and injury to the heart during dialysis and what causes these injuries. The information gathered in this study will be used to compare the accuracy of an in house personalized computational model to predict potential cardiac injuries when patients undergo HD treatment.

Electroanatomic Interactions Between Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Prostheses and Anatomic Isthmuses...
Tetralogy of FallotVentricular Tachycardia1 moreIndividuals with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF) remain at risk for sudden cardiac death from ventricular tachycardia (VT). Transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement (TPVR) indications continue to broaden, yet its capability to reduce the risk of VT and sudden cardiac death remains unknown. Thus, in a cohort of participants with rTOF who are presenting for TPVR the investigators intend to: (1) quantify and localize right ventricular (RV) isthmuses with abnormal voltage and/or conduction velocity; (2) identify which RV isthmuses are at risk of being "jailed" by TPV prostheses; and (3) explore the feasibility of omnipolar technology to characterize wavefront directionality and differentiate slow conduction from conduction block.

Improving the Criteria for Selecting Patients for Primary Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death by...
Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection FractionA number of large randomized studies have demonstrated the importance of left ventricle ejection fraction (LV EF) for ventrucular tachyarhrythmia's (VT) prediction. The use of this indicator as the sole predictor of high arrhythmic risk requiring ICD implantation is enshrined in the current clinical recommendations. At the same time, many experts consider LV EF as too generalized indicator, which can be an integral indicator of total cardiovascular mortality, but lacks specificity in determining the risk of VT. It is known that only about 20% of patients with ICD implanted for primary prevention of sudden cardiac death (SCD) receive appropriate life-saving therapy. Purpose of the study: to develop additional criteria for selection of patients with heart failure for implantation of cardioverter-defibrillator for the purpose of primary SCD prevention on the basis of stratification of the risk of occurrence of stable ventricular tachyarrhythmias.

A Communication Tool to Assist Older Adults Facing Dialysis Choices
Palliative CareKidney Failure13 moreThe purpose of this study is to test the effect of the "Best Case/Worse Case" (BC/WC) communication tool on receipt of palliative care and intensity of treatment at the end of life, quality of life, and quality of communication for older patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) receiving outpatient care at ten nephrology clinics. The intervention was developed and tested with acute care surgical patients at the University of Wisconsin (UW) and is now being testing to see if the intervention will work in a different setting. The intervention will be tested with 320 older adults who have end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and are receiving care from a nephrologist enrolled in the study. Randomly assigned nephrologists within each site will receive the intervention (training to use the BC/WC tool) or to be in the waitlist control, meaning that they will not be offered BC/WC training until the end of the study, when all participants have been enrolled. Participants will be on follow up with surveys and chart review for up to two years after study enrollment. Caregivers will also be invited to participate and complete surveys.

Integrated Community Engagement and Audit Systems
Maternal DeathNeonatal Death1 moreThe goal of this implementation research project is to determine the feasibility of establishing and implementing an acceptable and robust audit system with community representation at secondary health facilities to improve maternal and perinatal outcomes. The implementation phases follow the standard World Health Organization (WHO) audit system. The initial step includes identifying death cases for review and subsequently collecting the detailed information on the near miss and adverse event history. A mixed methods data analysis will include both quantitative components, such as identification of trends in rates and causes of death and geographic location, and qualitative components, such as analysis of modifiable factors. The use of both types of data will provide a robust analysis of the problems and aid the audit team iin identifying and supporting priorities for action. The three-delay's model categorize the modifiable factors as the first delay (recognition of danger sign and care-seeking decision), second delay (identification and reaching health facility) and third delays (receiving adequate care and treatment at facilities). The audit team will make recommendations in collaboration with community representatives. The findings of the audits will be shared with the health facility authorities, program managers and community representatives to support policy and practice changes. A monthly monitoring cycle will be set up within the implementing facilities to ensure effective implementation of the audit systems.

Creating VIP Corps to Reduce Maternal Deaths
Healthy ParticipantsThe goal of this observational study is to create and rigorously evaluate a violence intervention and prevention corps (VIP Corps) training using a randomized controlled trial among undergraduate and professional students; and to develop a novel maternal injury surveillance system (MISS) to complement an existing maternal violent death registry in Kentucky.

S-ICD French Cohort Study (HONEST)
Sudden Cardiac DeathImplantable Defibrillator UserImplantable cardioverter-defibrillators have been proven to be effective in the prevention of sudden cardiac death in high-risk patients. However, it is well acknowledged that such a strategy could be optimised, especially through new technologies/devices. Data on the entirely sub-cutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (S-ICD) published so far come from high-volume centers and/or selected populations. The HONEST Cohort -taking the opportunity of a unique scenario with a single manufacturer and remote monitoring system available- aims to collect retrospectively baseline information as well as follow-up of all patients implanted with an S-ICD in France since the first implant in October 13, 2012 until December 31, 2019. An extended prospective yearly follow-up will be carried out since January 1, 2020 until December 31, 2024.

Investigating the Structured Use of Ultrasound Scanning for Fetal Growth
StillbirthFetal Death5 moreFetal growth restriction during pregnancy represents one of the biggest risk factors for stillbirth (Gardosi et al, 2013), with 'about one in three term, normally formed antepartum stillbirths are related to abnormalities of fetal growth' (MBRRACE, 2015). Therefore, antenatal detection of growth restricted babies is vital in order to be able to monitor and decide the appropriate delivery timing. However, antenatal detection of SGA babies has been poor, varying greatly across trusts in England in those that calculate their rates (NHS England, 2016). Most trusts do not calculate their detection rates and rates are therefore unknown. It is estimated that routine NHS care detects only 1 in 4 growth restricted babies (Smith, 2015). Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, in partnership with the Oxford Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) has introduced a clinical care pathway (the Oxford Growth Restriction Pathway (OxGRIP)) designed to increase the rates of detection of these at risk babies. The pathway is intended to increase the identification of babies who are at risk of stillbirth, in order to try to prevent this outcome, whilst making best usage of resources, and restricting inequitable practice and unnecessary obstetric intervention. It has been developed with reference to a body of research, however, the individual parts of care provided have not been put together in a pathway in this manner before. Therefore it is important to examine whether the pathway meets its goals of improving outcomes for babies in a 'real world' setting. The principles of the pathway are A universal routine scan at 36 weeks gestation. Additional growth scans at 28 and 32 weeks gestation based on a simplified assessment of risk factors and universal uterine artery Doppler at 20 weeks gestation. Assessment of further parameters other than estimated fetal weight associated with adverse perinatal outcome (eg growth velocity, umbilical artery Doppler and CPR). The clinical data routinely collected as a result of the introduction of the pathway offers a valuable and unique resource in identifying and analysing in the effects of the pathway on its intended outcomes and also in investigating and analysing other maternal, fetal and neonatal complications and outcomes, establishing normal / reference ranges for ultrasound values.

Registry of Device Implantation
SyncopeBradycardia4 moreThe implantable device therapy for cardiac arrhythmias has been an established therapy, and one of the common standard procedures in cardiac clinical practice. Pacemakers, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, and cardiac resynchronization therapy have been developed since 1960s, and the technologies in this field are still progressively developing. Not only these "traditional" implantable devices, there are multiple new devices for cardiac diseases, such as implantable loop recorder, vagal nerve stimulator and barostimulator. The aim of this registry is to demonstrate the efficacy and the safety of standard device implantation procedures and to evaluate/ identify specific factors, including clinical characteristics, laboratory data and procedural data, which predict the prognosis/complication of the patients. These identification will result in further improvement of patients' care.

Abdominal Regional Perfusion in Donation After Cardiac Death for Multi-Organ Transplantation
Liver Transplant; ComplicationsIschemia Reperfusion Injury4 moreThe main purpose of this study is to increase the pool of organs available for donation by performing ARP to recondition donation after cardiac death (DCD) organs prior to transplantation. We will compare the outcomes of our ARP DCD liver transplants with historical data to determine the efficacy of this treatment compared to transplantation with standard DCD and donation after brain death (DBD) organs. We will also analyze biological samples from donors and recipients and compare them with outcome data in an effort to determine if any biological markers are able to predict the quality/success of the grafts.