Impact of Tear Substitute Use on Dry Eye in Gamers.
Evaporative Dry EyeClinical, prospective, comparative, controlled, single-blind study, on the signs and symptoms of dry eye before and after 3 days of playing video games with the use of artificial tears (Hyabak) versus no intervention.

Evaluation of Ocular Comfort With ISTA Tears vs Systane
Dry Eye DiseaseTo assess the comfort preference of ISTA Tears vs Systane in patients with dry eye disease (DED)

An Evaluation of the Daytime Use of an Investigational Lubricant Eye Drop
Dry EyeThe purpose of this study is to describe the subjective assessments of an investigational lubricant eye drop.

A Four Week Study of Azithromycin Ophthalmic Solution, 1% Versus Rewetting Drops in Subjects With...
Contact Lens Dry EyeThe primary objective of this study is to compare the duration of subject reported comfortable contact lens daily wear time in subjects with a history and current complaint of CLDE during a 29-day treatment period of azithromycin ophthalmic solution, 1%, compared to rewetting drops

Partial Lacrimal Punctual Occlusion
Dry EyeThe purpose of this study is to describe a case series of patients with chronic dry eye submitted to partial punctual occlusion.

Bromfenac 0.09% vs Ketorolac 0.4% for Cyclosporine Induction Phase
Dry Eye DiseaseOcular ComfortTo compare bromfenac 0.09% and ketorolac 0.4% when used concomitantly with cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion 0.05% in improving patient comfort during the induction phase of treatment for chronic dry eye disease

Loteprednol Etabonate Opthalmic Suspension for the Treatment of Dry Eye
Dry EyeThis was a single-center, randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, 4-visit, CAE (Controlled Adverse Environment) study lasting approximately 4 weeks. Subjects were randomized to receive loteprednol etabonate ophthalmic suspension, 0.5% or placebo (vehicle of loteprednol etabonate ophthalmic suspension, 0.5%) and instructed to dose bilaterally either TID or QID according to randomization.

Acute Comfort and Blur of Systane and Optive
Dry EyeTo evaluate drop comfort, acceptability, preference and blur profile between two marketed artificial tears in both dry eye and non-dry eye patient population.

Acute Comfort of Lubricant Eye Drop FID 111421
Dry EyeTo evaluate the acute comfort and blurring profile between two artificial tears products in dry eye patients

Residence Time Evaluation of Systane Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops vs. Hialid and Saline
Dry Eye SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the ocular retention time of Systane Ultra compared to Hialid and saline.