Femtosecond Small Incision Lenticular Extraction in Comparison to Femtosecond Laser Insitu Keratomileusis...
Dry Eye DiseaseComparison of femtosecond small incision lenticule extraction (FS-SMILE) versus Femtosecond laser Insitu Keratomileusis (FS-LASIK) regarding dry eye disease (DED) and corneal sensitivity (CS) after those refractive surgeries.

Effect of Cequa™ in Subjects With Dry Eye Disease
Dry Eye DiseaseThis is a Phase 4, multicenter, single arm, 12 week study in subjects with dry eye disease, which is inadequately controlled by cyclosporine 0.05% ophthalmic emulsion.

Influence of Perfluorohexyloctane (NovaTears) on Tear Film Thickness in Patients With Mild to Moderate...
Dry Eye DiseasePatients with mild to moderate dry eye disease will be randomized to receive either NovaTears® or Hydrabak® eye drops as control.

Tear Lipid Layer Thickness Changes With Use of Emollient and Non-Emollient Eye Drops
Dry Eye SyndromesKeratoconjunctivitis Sicca6 moreCross-over comparison of lipid layer thickness and dry eye symptoms with two artificial tear formulations.

Total30 Sphere Contact Lenses
Contact Lens ComplicationDry EyeThe purpose of this study is to map comfort over the full wear day in established, asymptomatic, soft CL wearers who are refit in Total30 Sphere CLs.

Evaluation of Tear Osmolarity Over Time With Sustained Use of Thera Tears Lubricating Drops
Dry Eye SyndromeThe objective of the study is to demonstrate a change in osmolarity over time when moderate to severe dry eye subjects are treated with TheraTears lubricating drops.

Civamide Nasal Solution for the Treatment of Dry Eye
Dry EyeKeratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) or Dry Eye Syndrome is a disease of the surface of the eye, tear film, and related ocular tissues. Millions of people suffer from one form of the disease or another and its prevalence increases with age. Dry Eye Syndrome sufferers experience a broad range of symptoms including discomfort, irritation, burning, itching, redness, pain, gritty feeling, foreign body sensation, blurred vision and ocular fatigue. Civamide is a TRPV-1 receptor modulator that causes the initial stimulation of neuropeptide release and subsequent desensitization to further stimulation of the trigeminovascular system. This provides a pharmacological rational for intranasal route of administration for disorders mediated by the trigeminal nerve or involving the cranial nerve. In nine clinical studies of Civamide Nasal Solution, over 50% of the nearly 300 patients who received Civamide via intranasal administration experienced lacrimation (tearing). This led to the hypothesis that Civamide Nasal Solution might be an appropriate treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome.

Study to Evaluate the Ocular Tolerance of SYL1001 in Healthy Volunteers
Ocular PainDry EyeThe purpose of this study is to determine whether SYL1001 is safe for the prevention and treatment of ocular pain and dry eye syndrome.

Acute Comfort and Blur Profile of a Lubricant Eye Drop Versus a Marketed Lubricant Eye Gel
Dry EyeThe purpose of this study is to compare the comfort and blurriness of an investigational lubricant eye drop with a marketed lubricant eye gel.

Acute Comfort and Blur of Systane Ultra and Systane
Dry EyeTo evaluate drop comfort, acceptability, preference and blue profile between two marketed artificial tears in both dry eyes and non-dry eye patient population.