SEE Change Evaluation - Impacts of Personal Agency Training on Ugandan Entrepreneurs
Well-BeingPsychological2 moreThis study is proposed as an individually randomized control trial (RCT) designed to assess the short-term impacts (follow up at six months) of a personal agency training on a range of economic and health outcomes for micro and small entrepreneurs in Western and Central Uganda. Participants will be randomly selected and assigned to either the intervention group (n=400) or wait-listed control group (n=400). The intervention will include the standard Empowered Entrepreneur training curriculum which includes personal agency alongside basic business training that has been developed by the SEE Change team. This training will take place over three consecutive days (approximately 25 hours of content).

Financial Support in an Underserved and Low-Income Population With Heart Failure
Heart FailureSystolic3 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to test whether financial support in the form of a one-time $500 stipend would improve medication adherence and quality of life in low-income, socially-needy patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in the post-discharge setting. The main questions it aims to answer are: Will financial support improve medication adherence? Will financial support improve heart failure quality of life? Participants will complete surveys on quality of life, social stress, and spending habits at their baseline visit. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive $500 at their baseline visit or $0 at their baseline visit. At their one month visit, medication adherence and quality of life will be assessed. These results will be compared between groups. The group that received $0 at their baseline visit will be provided $500 at their one-month visit and return for a two-month visit. At that visit, medication adherence and quality of life will be assessed. These results will be compared to their one-month results. Researchers will compare the 1-month medication adherence and quality of life scores between the immediate financial support vs delayed financial support. Researchers will also compare 1-month vs 2-month adherence and quality of life data for participants who were randomized to the delayed financial support group.

Intervention for Sexual and Biomedical HIV Prevention in Vulnerable U.S. Young Adults
Economic HardshipCondomless Sex2 moreThe study team will conduct a two-group study to examine the efficacy of implementing an enhanced microenterprise intervention to improve economic stability and HIV preventive behaviors. The team will enroll approximately 780 young adults. Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. The first group ("control") will receive text messages with information on job openings. The second group ("intervention") will receive text messages with information on job openings plus HIV prevention and employment educational sessions, mentorship, a micro-grant, and HIV behavioral economics text messages.

The IGNITE Study on Concentrated Investment in Black Neighborhoods
Financial StressEconomic Problems5 moreBlack Americans in the US fare worse across nearly every health indicator compared to White individuals. In Philadelphia, the location of this study, these health disparities culminate in a stark longevity gap, with average life expectancies in poor, predominantly Black neighborhoods being 20 years lower than in nearby affluent, predominantly White neighborhoods. The investigators will conduct a cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) of a suite of place-based and financial-wellbeing interventions at the community, organization, and individual/household levels that address the social determinants of racial health disparities. At the community level, the investigators address underinvestment in Black neighborhoods by implementing vacant lot greening, abandoned house remediation, tree planting, and trash cleanup. At the organization level, the investigators partner with community-based financial empowerment providers to develop cross-organizational infrastructure to increase reach and maximize efficiency. At the individual/household levels, the investigators increase access to public benefits, financial counseling and tax preparation services, and emergency cash assistance. The investigators will test this "big push" intervention in 60 Black neighborhood microclusters, with a total of 720 adults. The investigators hypothesize that this "big push" intervention will have significant impact on overall health and wellbeing.

Efficacy of CareAide® App in Improving Adherence in Adults With Chronic Diseases
AdherenceMedication7 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to study the impact of a medication adherence app, CareAide, in adult population diagnosed with chronic diseases in Malaysian population. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: Can CareAide make people take their medications better and improve their health? Can CareAide improve the health of people with chronic diseases? Does using CareAide make people's lives better? Can CareAide save money when managing chronic diseases? How do people feel about using CareAide? Researchers will ask the participants to use the CareAide app for 6 months and compare the group that used the app with the other group which just received the usual treatment. Researchers will check if they do better with their medications, feel healthier, have a better life, and spend less money. They will check this twice, once after 3 months and again after 6 months. adherence, clinical outcomes, quality of life and economic associated with the app with two follow ups at 3 month intervals.

DISCO: A Patient Intervention to Reduce the Financial Burden of Cancer
Financial ToxicityCancer3 moreThe DISCO App is designed to improve, during the interaction, patient active participation and patient-initiated oncologist treatment cost discussions, and, in the short term, patient's treatment cost knowledge, self-efficacy for managing both cost and physician interactions, referrals, perceived financial toxicity (i.e., distress and material hardship); in turn, these will affect longer-term outcomes of financial toxicity and adherence.

Addressing Cancer-Related Financial Toxicity in Rural Oncology Care Settings
NeoplasmsCarcinomaThe financial burden, or financial toxicity (FT), of cancer is a consequential and growing problem, particularly for rural patients. It is important to improve our understanding of how financial navigation (FN) can reduce the material, psychological, and behavioral burden of costs associated with cancer care in both rural and non-rural community settings. The purpose of this study is to conduct a financial navigation program in 5 rural and 4 non-rural oncology practices in North Carolina and evaluate the effects of financial navigation on patient outcomes, including financial toxicity and health-related quality of life.

Interventions to Decrease Financial Toxicity
CancerBreast6 moreFinancial distress affects 30-70% of cancer patients and describes the burden that patients experience due to the costs of care (CoC). One reason may be because patients lack the appropriate information on CoC that would help them better plan for and manage their CoC. Therefore, the investigators plan to test a Proactive CoC intervention which includes a discussion with a trained educator on CoC information and a Cost Tracking tool to help patients deal with their CoC.

The IGNITE for Kids Study on Concentrated Investment in Black Neighborhoods and Child Health and...
Financial StressEconomic Problems5 moreBlack children and adults in the United States fare worse across nearly every health indicator compared to White individuals. In Philadelphia, the location of this study, these health disparities result in a stark longevity gap, with average life expectancies in poor, predominantly Black neighborhoods being 20 years lower than in nearby affluent, predominantly White neighborhoods. The investigators will conduct a cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) of a suite of place- based and financial-wellbeing interventions at the community, organization, and individual/household levels that address the social determinants of racial health disparities. At the community level, the investigators address underinvestment in Black neighborhoods by implementing vacant lot greening, abandoned house remediation, tree planting, and trash cleanup. At the organization level, the investigators partner with community-based financial empowerment providers to develop cross-organizational infrastructure to increase reach and maximize efficiency. At the individual/household levels, the investigators increase access to public benefits, financial counseling and tax preparation services, and emergency cash assistance. The investigators will test this "big push" intervention in 60 Black neighborhood micro-clusters, with a total of 480 children. The investigators hypothesize that this "big push" intervention will have significant impact on children's health and wellbeing.

CONFIDENCE Financial Education for Caregivers
Caregiver BurdenFinancial Stress2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine how feasible it is to deliver an online course to reduce out-of-pocket costs of caregiving and reduce financial stress among Latino family caregivers to a family member living with dementia. The investigators hope that that the results of this study will help to reduce high these out-of-pocket costs and improve financial wellbeing for Latino family caregivers. Caregivers will be asked to to participate in 3 online surveys, in addition to participating in 5, 1.5 hour group-based Zoom learning sessions.