Distal Targeter vs Free-hand
Femur FractureTibial Fractures4 moreThis study is a randomized controlled trial comparing the use of two different surgical techniques--free-hand versus distal targeting jig-based for distal interlock screw--placement and their effects on total operative time and intraoperative radiation exposure.

Intramedullary Bone Grafting for Open Tibial Shaft Fractures
Tibial FracturesNonunion of Fracture1 moreThis study will examine if there is a difference between the time to full union between the control group and the study group. Each group will be composed of patients who have an open fracture in the mid tibia. Both groups will undergo primary fixation via reamed intramedulary nailing (IMN), a common treatment for tibia shaft fractures in adults. The study group will have a bone graft applied to the open cortex of the fracture. The bone graft will be composed of the intramedullary reamings, which are a byproduct produced when the intramedullary canal is reamed in preparation for insertion of the IMN.

A Comparative Study of 2 Doses of BM Autologous H-MSC+Biomaterial vs Iliac Crest AutoGraft for Bone...
Non Union FractureORTHOUNION is a multi-centre, open, comparative, randomized, clinical trial with three parallel arms that aims to compare the efficacy of three treatments to enhance bone healing in patients with long bone non-union.

Scaphoid Non-union and Low-intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Trial
Nonunion of Fracture of Scaphoid BoneFractures1 moreThis is a prospective, double-blind, multicentered, randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound in decreasing the time to union of scaphoid non-unions after operative fixation as measured by serial CT scanning. Multiple centers across Canada will be involved in the study. Blinding will include patients, surgeons, research assistants, as well as all data handlers and analysts until trial completion or mid-term analysis.

Safety, Efficacy, & Use of ViviGen Cellular Bone Matrix Allograft in Orthopaedic Fracture Care
FracturesBone9 moreProspective registry and retrospective data collection study to assess the efficacy and safety of Vivigen Cellular Bone Matrix (Vivigen) in orthopaedic trauma patients who require bone grafting in the acute, delayed, non-union fracture as well as use in fusion procedure settings.

Exactech Proximal Humerus Fracture Plate System Post Market Clinical Follow-up
Proximal Humeral FractureFracture Dislocation1 moreThe objective of this study is to collect and evaluate long-term clinical outcomes data in order to better understand the safety and performance of the Equinoxe Proximal Humerus Fracture Plates over time. This study will follow subjects for a period of up to 10 years post-surgery.

PO vs IV Antibiotics for the Treatment of Infected Nonunion of Fractures After Fixation
InfectionsInfected Wound8 moreThis is a Phase III clinical randomized control trial to investigate differences between patient with an infected nonunion treated by PO vs. IV antibiotics. The study population will be 250 patients, 18 years or older, being treated for infected nonunion after internal fixation of a fracture with a segmental defect less than one centimeter. Patients will be randomly assigned to either the treatment (group 1) PO antibiotics for 6 weeks or the control group (group 2) IV antibiotics for 6 weeks. The primary hypothesis is that the effectiveness of oral antibiotic therapy is equivalent to traditional intravenous antibiotic therapy for the treatment of infected nonunion after fracture internal fixation, when such therapy is combined with appropriate surgical management. Clinical effectiveness will be measured as the primary outcome as the number of secondary re-admissions related to injury and secondary outcomes of treatment failure (re-infection, nonunion, antibiotic complications) within the first one year of follow-up, as defined by specified criteria and determined by a blinded data assessment panel. In addition, treatment compliance, the cost of treatment, the number of surgeries required, the type and incidence of complications, and the duration of hospitalization will be measured.

G7 Freedom Constrained Vivacit-E Liners
OsteoarthritisHip7 moreThe main objectives of this study are to confirm the long-term safety, performance, and clinical benefits of the G7 Freedom Constrained Vivacit-E Acetabular Liners in primary and revision total hip arthroplasty.

Relationships Between Vitamin D and Orthopedic Trauma
FractureFracture Nonunion3 moreVitamin D is an essential hormone involved in bone metabolism, bone mineral density maintenance, and bone health. Vitamin D deficiency is putatively linked to poor pediatric orthopedic outcomes [1]. Further, the risk of low vitamin D associated fractures may be greater in minority pediatric populations [2]. In adults, utility of vitamin D alleles as a biomarker for bone density and fracture risk has been debated for over 10 years [3-5]. Peak bone density is achieved at 25 years old; however, most orthopedic trauma patients less than 25 years of age present with substantial vitamin D deficiencies.

G7 BiSpherical Acetabular Shell PMCF Study
Rheumatoid ArthritisOsteoarthritis6 moreThe primary objective of this study is to obtain implant survivorship and clinical outcomes data for the commercially available G7 BiSpherical Acetabular Shell.