De-identified UNMH EEG Corpus Database Creation With Fully De-identified Clinical Information
EpilepsyStatus Epilepticus1 moreThis proposal outlines the steps required for the creation of a pilot database of EEG recordings and de-identified medical records from patients internally referred within the UNMH Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. The UNMH EEG Corpus would be the first database of its kind. Other public databases contain either patient EEG signals or medical records, but without both kinds of information, it is impossible to relate pre-treatment neurobiomarkers with post-treatment prognosis. The database will also contain information that can improve seizure localization based off of scalp and intracranial EEG, and the requisite data for the creation of algorithms that forecast seizure activity; a development that could ultimately lead to novel responsive neural stimulation procedures that suppress seizures before they begin.

NEED: Neuromed Epilepsy EEG Database. A Large EEG Database of Epilepsy Patients for Research Community....
Automatic Seizure DetectionFor one-third of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy alternative approaches must be investigated in order to improve the quality of their life. A possible approach is to find automatic methods to detect/predict seizures, in order to adopt interventional actions to stop or abort the seizure or to limit its side effect. The main problem in this case is to evaluate the reproducibility of such methods and to standardize them, because there is a lack of availability of long-term electroencephalography (EEG) data. In this study we want to create a large long-term EEG database, called NEED (Neuromed Epilepsy EEG Database), whos aim is to give researchers a way to test their method in a large collection of data. The database will contain long-term EEG recordings of 200 patients as well as extensive metadata and standardized annotation of the data sets and will be made freely available for the download to the research community.

Study of Sound and Speech Perception in New Cochlear Implanted Subjects Using or Not an Anatomy-based...
Sensorineural Hearing LossBilateralMain objective: Compare the recognition of environmental sounds with an anatomy-based fitting and with a default fitting adult patients newly implanted with a MED-EL cochlear implant. Secondary objectives: Compare speech recognition in quiet with an anatomy-based fitting and with a default fitting in adult patients newly implanted with a MED-EL cochlear implant. Compare speech recognition in noise with an anatomy-based fitting and with a default fitting in adult patients newly implanted with a MED-EL cochlear implant.

Implementing Artificial-intelligence Wristbands to Help in Recording Seizures
EpilepsyThe investigators hypothesize that the participants will be satisfied with artificial-intelligence wristband Embrace

Anatomy-based Fitting in Unexperienced Cochlear Implant Users
Influence of Anatomy Based Frequency Mapping on Speech Outcomes and Hearing Related MeasuresThe present study investigates CI users' potential differences in speech tests, other performance measures (i.e. pitch-matching, perception of timbre and melodic intervals, consonance perception), and patient-reported outcome (i.e. questionnaires) between the clinical fitting map and anatomy-based fitting in two groups of CI users (one with standard fitting and one with anatomy-based fitting).

Standardization of Anti-Seizure Medications Withdrawals After Seizure Remission in Young Patients...
EpilepsyEpilepsy in ChildrenThe proper period of anti-seizure medication (ASM) treamtment is important for decreasing side effect of ASM and recurrence of seizure. We evaluate reliable risk factor analysis for safe withdrawal of ASM in children with epilepsy. Futhermore, we develop the scoring system for prediction of seizure recurrence to set the standard for safe withdrawal of ASM.

Development of a Seizure Detection Algorithm Based on Heart Rate and Movement Analysis
EpilepsyEpilepsy is the 3rd neurological pathology after migraines and dementia syndromes with a high estimate of nearly 600,000 people affected in France. The disease is characterized by the repetition of epileptic seizures on the one hand, but also by the cognitive, behavioral, psychological and social consequences of this condition, especially when the epileptic disease is not stabilized. Epileptic patients feel a great deal of stress due to the unpredictability of the occurrence of seizures. Seizure detection is of great interest to bioinformatics researchers and to people with epilepsy and their caregivers. Recent advances in physiological sensor technologies and artificial intelligence have opened the possibility of developing systems capable of closely monitoring the frequency of epileptic seizures with a direct impact on therapeutic adaptations. This may eventually allow for seizure prediction and/or "seizure weather" (i.e., seizure forecasting) if there is a particular chronotype of seizure occurrence for a given individual. Currently, few devices have a sufficient level of evidence regarding their effectiveness to be recommended. Those that seem to be the most advanced are those that allow the identification of hypermotor seizures, including tonic-clonic generalized seizures and tonic-clonic secondary generalized focal seizures, mostly occurring at night. The latter represent only a small part of epileptic seizures. The objective of the present study is to build a real life database in order to develop a seizure detection algorithm. The recorded data will be heart rate via ECG and movement data via 9 variables measured on 3 axes x, y, z, with 3 sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer. These data will be collected using a connected patch available on the market (CE marking). At the same time, the patients will benefit from a long term video-EEG examination which will be annotated by the doctors and will be used as a gold standard for the identification of seizures in order to train the algorithm. This more complete base will be used to develop an algorithm previously developed from retrospective data.

Transnasal Induction of Normothermia for Neurogenic Fever
StrokeIschemic3 moreThe objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the COOLSTAT® Transnasal Thermal Regulating Device in reducing temperature in a population of febrile subjects who meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria.

Embrace: Seizure Characterization
EpilepsyThe study is intended to characterize sleep, stress, and seizures in daily life with the Empatica Embrace watch and smartphone-based diary-alert system. The primary study objective is to collect and validate biometric signals from epilepsy patients using the Empatica Embrace watch and compare them to ictal events captured from human (patient and caregiver) reports.

Study of the Impact of a Pediatric Nurse's Consultation on Parental Anxiety During a Febrile Convulsion...
Febrile SeizureFebrile seizures are considered a very common syndrome presented in the pediatric emergency room. Witnessing these seizures may can cause anxiety in parents and generate them psychological sequelae such as major depressive disorder in the short term, or sleep disorders in the long term. An appropriate care for parents must be put in place in the emergency department, with the objective of improving their knowledge of this pathology and its care, and thus to reduce their anxiety and prevent potential inappropriate or even deleterious behavior and maneuvers towards the child.