Adjunctive Anti-seizure Medication (ASM) Real World Evidence (RWE) Study
EpilepsyThe purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of the adjunctive ASM treatment on the clinical response, safety profile and quality of life of patients affected by focal onset seizures in a real-world setting.

A Multi-site Feasibility Clinical Trial of Retraining and Control Therapy (ReACT), a Mind and Body...
Functional SeizuresConvulsion1 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of conducting a future fully powered multi-site efficacy Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) comparing two treatments for pediatric functional seizures (FS). In this study, 11-18-year-olds diagnosed with FS will be randomized to 12 sessions of Retraining and Control Therapy (ReACT) or Competent Adulthood Transition with Cognitive Behavioral, Humanistic, and Interpersonal Training (CATCH-IT) at 3 sites: University of Alabama at Birmingham, Yale School of Medicine/Yale New Haven Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital. Feasibility of recruitment will be measured by the percentage of planned participant enrollment target obtained at each site and overall during the 18 months of planned enrollment. Acceptability will be assessed using the Acceptability Questionnaire. Participant retention will be measured by the percent of enrolled participants that complete the 2-month follow-up visit at each site and overall. For treatment fidelity assessment, 20% of each therapist's sessions will be randomly chosen and assessed for fidelity. Patient adherence will be measured in two ways: 1) the percent of ReACT or CATCH-IT sessions completed at each site and overall and 2) for ReACT, the percent of times participants report using the treatment plan during FS episodes (measured by FS diary) and for CATCH-IT, the number of times parents and children spend using CATCH-IT each week (measured by the CATCH-IT platform). These data will be used to support a future fully-powered multi-site RCT assessing the efficacy of ReACT for pediatric FS.

Cenobamate in Adults With Focal-Onset Seizures
EpilepsyFocal-Onset Seizure1 moreThe BLESS Study contributes to filling this information gap by collecting data from the Italian clinical practice and the Compassionate Use Program, to better characterize the clinical profile of cenobamate describing its effectiveness, safety and tolerability in adult patients diagnosed with uncontrolled focal epilepsy despite the use of at least two antiepileptic medicinal products.

Evaluating the Impact of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy on Epilepsy/Seizure-Specific Interictal...
EpilepsyAnxiety DisordersThe purpose of this randomized control trial is to evaluate the impact of Virtual Reality (VR) Exposure Therapy (ET) on people with epilepsy who experience epilepsy/seizure-specific (ES) interictal anxiety. The main questions it aims to answer are: Can virtual reality exposure therapy (VR-ET) help reduce ES-interictal anxiety in this population? Are the study procedures sufficiently simple for participants to follow? Study Design Summary: Fourteen (14) participants will be randomized into either an Experimental arm (receiving VR-ET) or Control arm Participants will be expected to have VR-ET twice a day (5 min/session) for up to 10 days Participants will complete self-reported questionnaires about anxiety, depression, quality life, and avoidance behaviours at baseline (T0), after completing their VR program (T2), and at a one-month follow-up (T3). Participants will have a short interview with a researcher after completing their VR program (T2) as well as at a one-month follow-up (T3). Researchers will attempt to answer the study questions based on outcome measures taken at various timepoints and qualitative feedback from interviews.

Sleep Spindles and Memory in Rolandic Epilepsy
Rolandic EpilepsyRolandic Epilepsy6 moreThe investigators are recruiting children with Rolandic epilepsy and children without epilepsy (aged 4 years old and above) for a non-invasive brain imaging study using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Magnetoencephalography/Electroencephalography (MEG/EEG), and experimental tasks. The investigators hope to determine the brain circuits and brain rhythms affected in these children and ultimately identify new treatment options for childhood epilepsy patients.

The Effect of AI-assisted cEEG Diagnosis on the Administration of Antiseizure Medication in Neonatal...
Neonatal SeizureThis is a prospective randomised clinical trial study to test an artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted continuous electroencephalogram(cEEG) diagnostic tool for optimizing the administration of antiseizure medication (ASM) in neonatal intensive care units(NICUs).

A Cohort Study on the Prognosis of Neonatal KCNQ2 Gene-associated Epileptic Encephalopathy
SeizuresSeizure Disorder9 moreThe researchers hope to explore the etiological distribution and influencing factors of KCNQ2-related neonatal convulsions or refractory epileptic encephalopathy, and to improve the level of assessment, identification, intervention and shunt of KCNQ2-related convulsions. To formulate countermeasures and measures for prevention, management and health education.

Soft Contact Lens Fitting With Different Sagittal Height
MyopiaTo evaluate whether there is a difference in subjective and objective fit of soft lenses with different sagittal height

Status Epilepticus Unicenter Population (STEP UP) Study
Epileptic SeizuresThe aim of this observational single-center cohort study is to gain a deeper understanding regarding the effects of treatment adaption based on information from outcome prediction models, risk stratification, as well as treatment monitoring, detection, prevention, and management of complications on course and outcome of adult patients with status epilepticus (SE).

Efficacy of Intersectional Short Pulse Stimulation for Terminating Seizures
SeizuresFocal EpilepsyThis is a study which seeks to develop a novel therapeutic approach, Intersectional Short Pulse (ISP) stimulation for seizure termination. The device embodiment of ISP is a scalp EEG recording system which also delivers spatially precise electrical stimulation in short pulses to the targeted brain region. The study team has already collected safety and tolerability data in human subjects, demonstrated ISP efficacy in terminating seizures in rodents, and have tested the efficacy of this device to modulate normal human brain activity. Now this study proposes to test the device's efficacy in stopping seizures in a within-subject randomized, sham-controlled study design.