Seizure Recurrence After Unprovoked First Seizure
Single SeizureEpilepsyOne in 10 people have a seizure during their life. Usually no cause is identified. Seizures without an identified cause are called unprovoked first seizure (UFS). Most people with UFS do not have further seizures. Being able to predict the risk of more seizures as soon as possible would help doctors decide whether to suggest treatment after UFS. Studies show that seizures are associated with changes in brain structure and function that are difficult to detect with standard assessments but can be detected with advanced techniques. Changes in connections between brain regions are also linked to subtle problems in thinking and mood. The investigators will examine brain connections using detailed brain scans, thinking, and mood in people with UFS and develop an accurate method for calculating the risk of further seizures. 200 adult patients and 75 matched healthy controls from the Halifax and Kingston First Seizure Clinics will undergo cognitive screening assessment of major cognitive domains, MRI imaging including structural scans, resting-state functional MRI (rsfMRI) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), and EEG. Seizure recurrence will be assessed prospectively and a multimodal machine learning model will be trained to predict seizure recurrence at 12 months.

Epidemiology Study on Neonatal Seizure
SeizuresA Multicentre, observational and cohort study to get the incidence of new-onset or newly-diagnosed seizure in neonatal population. EEG will used to record the change of brain electric activity and diagnose. Other data also will be collected since first seizure until confirmed diagnosis.

Neonatal Seizure Registry, GEnetics of Post-Neonatal Epilepsy
Neonatal SeizureHypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy4 moreThe NSR-GENE study is a longitudinal cohort study of approximately 300 parent-child trios from the Neonatal Seizure Registry and participating site outpatient clinics that aims to evaluate whether and how genes alter the risk of post-neonatal epilepsy among children with acute provoked neonatal seizures. The researchers aim to develop prediction rules to stratify neonates into low, medium, and high risk for post-neonatal epilepsy based on clinical, electroencephalogram (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and genetic risk factors.

Value of Copeptin Assay in Children With Febrile Seizures at Sohag University Hospital
Febrile SeizureFebrile seizures are one of the most common clinical diseases in pediatric neurology. It occurs between 6 months and 6 years of age and occurs in ~2-5% of children. According to the age, frequency, duration, and type of seizures FS is divided into simple febrile seizures and complex febrile seizures Differentiation between febrile seizures and non-ictal events associated with fever such as shivering or dizziness is challenging. Therefore, precise diagnosis of FS after paroxysmal episodes associated with fever is often hindered by the lack of an objective biomarker With the widespread application of technologies, such as molecular biology, in medicine, some biomarkers for predicting or diagnosing FS have attracted attention. Imuekemhe et al in 1989 and 1996 found that lactic acid in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of children with FS was significantly increased . Arginin-vasopressin hormone AVP released by the pituitary gland, has been shown to be involved in the thermoregulatory response to fever and convulsions Although AVP is unstable in the peripheral blood and, therefore, unsuited for diagnostic use the C-terminal portion of the AVP precursor copeptin has been recognized as a robust marker of AVP secretion . Wellman et al. found that the serum copeptin and Von Willebrand factor of children with FS were significantly higher than those of the control group .

Comparison of Narcotrend and Cerebral Function Analysing Monitor in Intensive Care to Monitor Seizures...
Traumatic Brain InjurySubarachnoid Hemorrhage7 moreA study in the use of the Narcotrend depth of anaesthesia monitor to record a) seizures, and b) monitor a level of sedation referred to as 'burst suppression', in sedated patients in the adult and paediatric intensive care. Studies have shown that patients in coma on the intensive care unit may have subclinical in addition to clinical seizures. Subclinical seizures are seizures that do not show any outward signs and may go undetected. The current gold standard of recording seizures in the intensive care unit is by non-invasive, continuous monitoring of the electrical activity of the brain by electroencephalography (cEEG) using cerebral function analysing monitor (CFAM). This is recorded with simultaneous video recording and is performed by Clinical Neurophysiology departments. There has been a steady increase in demand for this service over recent years. Additionally, CFAM / cEEG is labour intensive and expensive. If trends continue, the proportion of hospitals offering CFAM / cEEG will continue to rise, creating increased demand for specialist staff, of which there are a finite number. Depth of anaesthesia monitors are used by anaesthetists to assess the level of anaesthesia in sedated patients using specialised, automated EEG analysis and are now recommended by NICE (DG6) to tailor anaesthetic dose to individual patients. This study aims to investigate the utility of the Narcotrend depth of anaesthesia monitor to monitor for seizures and burst suppression on the adult and paediatric intensive care unit. These monitors are cheaper and more widely available with the scope to be used at every bed space requiring neuro observation on the intensive care unit. The study aims to recruit all patients who are referred for CFAM / cEEG monitoring at Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) Trust over a 12 month period. These patients will undergo simultaneous recording using CFAM / cEEG and depth of anaesthesia monitoring.

AI-assisted cEEG Diagnosis of Neonatal Seizures in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Neonatal SeizureA diagnostic accuracy study on Artificial intelligence assisted continue EEG diagnostic tool is to carried out comparing with manually EEG interpretation as the golden standard for neonatal seizure.

Predisposing Factors for Post-stroke Epilepsy
Post Stroke EpilepsyStroke2 moreThe goal of this observational study is to learn about epilepsy after a stroke (post-stroke epilepsy). The main questions it aims to answer are: What make some patients develop epilepsy after a stroke? Does sleep have an impact on the development of post-stroke epilepsy? Participants will undergo: Electroencephalography (EEG) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Polysomnography (only patients) Blood tests will also be taken. The patient group will be compared to the healthy controls. Researchers will also look into medical records of stroke patients hospitalized at St. Olavs hospital and collect relevant information.

Quantitative Susceptibility Biomarker and Brain Structural Property for Cerebral Cavernous Malformation...
Cavernous MalformationCerebral7 moreCerebral cavernous malformation (CCM)-related epilepsy (CRE) impairs the quality of life in patients with CCM. Patients could not always achieve seizure freedom after surgical resection of the lesion, suggesting an inadequate treatment and evaluation of the epileptogenic zone or network. Iron deposition in cerebral cavernous malformations has been postulated to play an important role in triggering CRE. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), as an optimal in vivo imaging technique to quantify iron deposition, is employed to analyze the iron quantity in CCM patients with epilepsy and further combined with brain structural and connectome analysis, to describe the difference between CCMs with and without epilepsy. In vivo biomarkers predicting CRE risk in CCM natural history and CRE control outcome after CCM surgical resection will be further identified to improve management strategy.

Severity: Quantifying the Severity of Generalized Tonic-clonic Seizures (GTCS) With Connected Devices...
EpilepsyGeneralizedBy bringing together the fields of seizure detection and that of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), the current project aims at delineating which set of biosensors and related biomarkers would optimally characterize the severity of GTCS and the associated risk of SUDEP.

Mainz Epilepsy Registry
EpilepsyDissociative Seizures1 moreProspective longitudinal observational registry study of all patients with epilepsy treated in the Mainz Comprehensive Epilepsy and Sleep Medicine Center with the focus on the course of the disease and quality of life.